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План урока английского языка "Выбор профессии"

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«План урока английского языка "Выбор профессии"»

План урока по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме «Профессии».

Aims: keep students busy with useful personal and social activities;

help them to choose the right profession for themselves;

develop their abilities in reading,writing and speaking; learn to get on with each other.

Equipment: Active board, textbooks, work books, application forms.

Procedure of the lesson

Today we are going to speak about job, how to get ready for the interview, how to choose the right profession for yourself, some of you will try to get a job.

План урока

1.Warm up: a game «Pass the ball and name ABC profession» (P1- an actor, P2- a builder, P3- a cook, P4- a dentist..)

2.Brainstorming activity (on the Active board):

What factors are the most important for you in choosing a job? Put the following factors in order of importance :


b)Interesting and varied work, not boring or monotonous

c)Work which is useful to society

d)Good working conditions

e)Flexible hours

f)Opportunities to meet people

g)Friendly and considerate management and colleagues

h)Opportunities to travel

i)Long holidays

 3.Стратегия «Угадайка». Групповая работа

Выберите правильное слово в предложениях

They’re quite an unusual couple. She years a fortune as a lawyer. So when they had a baby he gave up his job. 1) Now she’s the main breadwinner/ breadbasket/bread maker, while he stays at home to look after the children.

2) Last year I inherited some money from my grandmother, but I haven’t spent it yet. I’m saving it for a wet day/raining day/a storm.

3) Have you got any wealthy friends? No, all my friends are break/broken/ broke like me.

4) Did you hear about Alan winning $ 2000 last week? No! Lucky thing! What’s he going to do with it? Oh, you know Alan. He’s already thrown it/ flown it on a weekend in New York.

5) You have been wearing the same suit for years. Don’t you think it’s time you bashed/out splashed out/rushed out on some new clothes?

6) Number 28’s for sale. How much for? I don’t know, but it’s the biggest house in the street, but they have got a swimming pool, sauna and jacuzzi? It must be worth a fortune/a goldmine/a mountain.

4. Синквейн Тема Job

5. Прием «Жокей и Лошадь»

Групповая работа.


a) It’s impossible to have too much money-do you agree?

b) Would you prefer fame or fortune?

c) Were you given or did you earn pocket money as a child?

d) What was the first thing you saved up for and bought yourself?

e) If you could buy yourself a skill, talent or change in your appearance, what would it be?

f) What can’t you money buy?


1) Happiness. I tend to think that once. I have enough money to buy some new clothes or get a better car, then I’ll be happy. But it never works out like that.

2) A set of toy soldiers. Not the plastic ones you get nowadays, but little metal ones, beautifully hand-painted. It took me nearly a year to save up for them. If I’d known that they would be valuable antiques today, I would have kept them. They’d probably be worth a fortune.

3) Yes. If you have dreams, money makes them possible. Personally, I can’t imagine having too much money. I’m always broke. Anyway, if I ever felt I had too much money, I’d give it away to charity.

4) Well, there are lots of things I’d like to be better at, but, if I had to chose one, it would have to be football – I’d like to be a brilliant football player.

5) Being practical, I’d say fortune, but if I were single with no kids and no responsibilies, I’d go for fame.

6) I was given ten dollars a week by my father, but on condition that I behaved myself. If I didn’t behave well, I didn’t received it. Parents were much stricter in those days.

3.Discuss in group problems with finding the right job:

a)What do you have to do before trying to find a job( education, qualification)?

b)What are the ways of finding a job? (advertisment in Mass Media, Job Centre, friend's recomendation)

c)What should you do after reading an advertisment in the newspaper?( write a letter of application, go to the interview,

d)What is very important for the first meeting with Personnel Manager?

4. Nancy has written a letter of application but she was very nervous and make some mistakes.Put the sentences into the correct order:

Dr. Mr. Benton

I'm fluent in French, German and Spanish. I am very very interested in the job and I think that I have many of the necessary qualifications. Please let me know if you need more information. I have travelled widely in Europe and South America and I have worked as a business journalist for the BBC for the last five years.

I saw your advertisment for a Business Journalist in today's Guardian newspaper. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I studied politics and modern languages at October University. I enclosed a copy of my C.V( curriculum vitae).

Yours sincerely,Nancy Mann

Each group writes the right variant on the sheet of paper. Groups change their papers and correct mistakes looking at the Active board

Dear Mr.Benton

I saw your advertisement for a Business Journalist in today's Guardian newspaper. I am very, very interested in the job and I think that I have many of the necessary qualifications.

I study politics and modern languages at October University. I am fluent in French, German and Spanish. I have travelled widely in Europe and South America, and I have worked as a business journalist for the BBC for the last five years.

I enclosed a copy of my C.V.( curriculum vitae). I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more information.

Yours sincerely, Nancy Mann

5.Sabina N. Was interviewed by Human Resourse Department. Here is one advice how to do well in job interview. Ex 6p211 Read and translate. Would you add anything else?

a) Be early

b)Wear reasonable clothes

c)Be polite


e)Talk clearly


g)Look the interview in the eyes.

h) Be honest

i)Sell yourself

j)Ask questions yourself.

6.We are going to add some advice. Complete the sentences with the words from the box Ex 2p85(w.b)

Do arrive in plenty of time. If you think you may have trouble finding the place set out early. You can always explode the neighbourhood if you have half an hour to spare.

It's polite to knock before you enter an office if the door is closed.

Don't smoke! Don't put your handbag or briefcase on the interviewr's desk- it creates a barrier between you. Don't cross your arms and legs –it looks as though you're withholding information. Don't exaggerate your abilities or achievements. You're likely to be found out in the end. Be ready with the basic facts and information about yourself- your education, interests, and hobbies.

(Now look and listen to the cartoon song about different professions-«Все профессии нужны-все профессии важны»)

7..Your home task was to write advertisments about some vacancies. Students' presentation of advertising( stick to the board)

a)LORRY DRIVER for a large company,aged 30-40, driving category A,B,C,D,E;40 hours per week, it involves day and night shifts, trips on business for long distances, good salary.

b)NEWSPAPER REPORTER for a national paper, foreign languages are obligatory, (English preferable), ability to contact and be friendly with people, one-or two weeks' trips, good salary.

c)SECRETARY TO THE C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer), aged 25-35, good computer skills, foreign languages, a good organizer, responsibility for working with papers and documents, patient, polite, higher education, references required, very good salary.

d)RECEPTIONIST in a five-star hotel, aged 25-40, good character and manners, ability to communicate with different people, knowledge of English, Greman, French, Spanish, 30 hours per week, day and night shifts, some weekend work included, very high salary.

e)SHOP ASSISTANT for a fashionable women's shop, 40 hours per week, only day shifts, nice appearance, good manners, a foreign language is desirable, reasonable salary.

8.Role play «Job Interview» (2 groups: 5- Personnel Managers, 5-Applicants). Today we are going to act short dialogues in pairs. After the interview discuss whether the applicant suits the Personnel Manager.

According to the advertisements we are going to listen to 5 dialogues-job interviews.

Dialogue 1 Personnel Manager and Lorry driver

P.M. Please, introduce yourself.

L.D.-I'm N. I'm 25. I'm from Esil.

P.M.-Have you got a driving lisence? What driving categories have you got?

L.D.-I've got driving categories A,B,C,D,E.My driving experience is about seven years.

P.M.- Do you mind going on business trips for long distances?

L.D.-Yes, I do. I'm not married and I understand that my job will involve day and night shifts.

P.M.-What salary would you like to have?

L.D.- It's very important for me to have a good salary. I'm going to buy an expensive car.

P.M. –Thank you. We'll inform you about our decision.

Dialogue 2 : Personnel Manager and Newspaper Reporter

P.M.-Pleas, tell me something about yourself.

N.R.- My name is....... I'm 22. I graduated from the University and have a Diploma of a journalist.

P.M.- What languages can you speak?

N.R.-My native language is Kazakh. But I can speak fluently Russian and English.

P.M.-Are you a sociable person?

N.R.-Yes, I like working with people. I find it's interesting to meet people at work.

P.M.- Do you mind going on business trip?

N.R.- Yes, a good journalist should be go-getter and get ahead in his profession.

P.M.-Thank you. Wait a little and we'll come to the point about you.

Dialogue 3 Personnel Manager and Secretary to the C.E.O.

P.M.-Good morning! How are you? Will you introduce yourself?

S.-Hello, I'm OK. My name is............I'm 27. I studied at the Kazakh State Academy and got a degree in Economics. I know Kazakh, Russian, English. I have a recommendation from my last place of work.

P.M.-Are you good with computers? Do you mind working with papers and documents?

S.-Yes, I can use different computer programmes, and I know my duties inside out.

P.M.-Why do you want to work in our office?

S.-I think that it;s a good chance to give my best shot. And besides, I suppose my salary will be high enough.

P.M.-Thank you for your coming. We'll call you later.

Dialogue 4 Personnel Manager and Receptionisti‑i

P.M.- Hello, how are you getting on? Please, will you tell me anything about yourself?

R.-I'M...........I'm 28 years old. I have a secretarial diploma. Since leaving college I have had several years' experience doing secretarial and general office work in different foreign companies. I can speak Kazakh, English, Russian, French and Spanish. Can you give me a few more details about the job?

P.M.-Your duties involve communicating with different people.We need you about 30 hous per week. You will work in shifts., sometimes on weekends.

R.-My choice will depend to some extend on what the salary is.

P.M.-Don't worry! You will get a very high salary and some benefits monthly.

R.-Thank. I'm very interested in working as a receptionist in your hotel as I enjoy hotel work and now I would like to broaden my experience. When should I start working?

P.M.-Oh, I think our secretary will call you.

Dialogue 5 Personnel Manager and Shop Assistant

P.M.- Hello! What can you tell me about yourself?

S.A.-My name is......... I;m 23 years old. I'm not an experienced shop-assistant. I graduated from college 3 years ago and worked as a secretary. I can speak Russian, Kazakh and English.

P.M. –Why do you want to change your job? Are you interested in temporary or permanent job?

S.A.- I;m looking for a full time job with a reasonable salary. It's very important for me to have good working conditions and friendly considerate management and colleages.

P.M.-Are you patient with people?

S.A.-Yes, I like to meet people at work and give them advice about their clothes.

P.M.-What plans do you have for the future?

S.A.- I don't know exactly. But I'd like to be a clothes designer and have my own fashionable women's shop.

P.M.-Oh, it's a good idea! Will you leave us your application form?

S.A.-Yes.please.Here it is.

9.What do you think who gets the job? I suppose all the applicants did their best and they have to get the job.

Our lesson comes to the end. Will you answer one more question? What are you going to be?

Home work: fill out a preliminary application form for working in an English company


Name(as shown in the passport)


Native country


Permanent address


Date of birth


Place of birth








School number


Native language


Knowledge of English



























рок по теме «Выбор профессии» (9 класс ,Unit 5).

Цель: систематизация знаний ,умений и навыков.

Задачи: -обобщить и систематизировать учебный материал;

              -развивать коммуникативные, социальные компетенции, логическое мышление;

              -формировать профессиональные навыки  (умение общаться, вести деловой диалог).

 Оборудование: таблицы с лексикой, карточки с заданиями, карточки самооценки, объявление о приёме на работу.





Today we are going to speak about choosing profession. Do you find this theme interesting for discussion?


Учащиеся отвечают на вопроc , используя речевые клише: I think, I’m sure, To my mind, In my opinion и т. д.(На предыдущих уроках  учащиеся уже ознакомились с темой выбора профессии, факторами ,которые влияют на выбор профессии, особенностями той или иной профессии).



Учащимся предлагаются карточки самооценки с вопросами:

  1. Did you participate in the work of the group?

  2. Did your knowledge help the group?

  3. Was your English fluent?

  4. Did you get any practical use?

  5. Would you like to participate in a new project?

(К концу урока учащиеся должны заполнить карточки, выставив балл по каждому вопросу (1-3)).




(повторение слов и выражений, необходимых для дальнейшей работы)


Can you tell me what we should speak about discussing the theme?

Дают ответы, используя речевые клише:

- jobs,






Класс делится на 3 группы, каждая выбирает себе задание ,записанное на листе :

Write the names of some professions.

Write skills, qualities and abilities required for a job.

Write what you can expect from any job.  Выполняет его в течение 2-3 минут, затем листы  вновь прикрепляются на доску, представители групп комментируют их, например:

We’ve chosen the following jobs:….because……

We’ve written such qualities as….

We think you can get…from this job.

(Используется лексика упражнений, выполняемых на предыдущих уроках.)



3.Preparation.(подготовка к устной речи).


Choose any task you like and do it.

Task 1.

Choose any job and tell what qualities, skills and abilities are required for it. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of it. Would you choose this job for  yourself? Why?


(Учащиеся готовятся к ответу по заданию.)


Task 2.

These people want to change their jobs. Help them to find the new job they would like. Give your opinion and explain your choice.


Вторая группа получает 4 карточки , на которых указаны имена, возраст людей, место их работы, профессия, заработная плата и указаны причины желания сменить работу. Учащиеся должны задать необходимые вопросы, чтобы посоветовать, какую работу им выбрать и обосновывают своё предложение.


Task 3.

You are going to hold a job interview. Prepare for it.


2-3 учащихся готовятся к проведению собеседования, остальные-претенденты на вакантную должность.


(На предыдущих уроках был прочитан текст по теме «Собеседование» ,обсуждались вопросы, которые обычно задают во время собеседования, научились писать резюме. Участникам этой группы предложена вакансия-работник туристической базы для проведения экскурсий по интересным местам Горного Алтая.(Объявление было приготовлено заранее).


4)Language work.

Учащиеся представляют результаты своей работы.


Представитель первой группы рассказывает о выбранной профессии, используя всю необходимую лексику на доске.


T:Can you imagine (name) being a (profession)?


Участники других групп высказывают своё мнение, употребляя лексику на доске.


Представители второй группы объясняют , какую работу они подобрали для четырёх людей и почему.



Have you had any job experience yet?

What profession would you like to choose? Why?

Do you think that this job will suit him/her? Why?

(Эссе на эту тему дети писали дома.)



Участники третьей группы проводят собеседование, затем комиссия  из всех претендентов выбирает одного, обосновывает свой выбор.



What did you like or dislike at the lesson? What was difficult for you? Why do we speak about jobs? Is it important for you?

Учащиеся сдают заполненные листки самооценки, высказывают своё мнение, отвечая на вопросы.


6).Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

План урока английского языка "Выбор профессии"

Автор: Картпаева Нина Ивановна

Дата: 20.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 439725

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