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Тема этого урока о глаголе будущего времени. Был проведен 6 классе. 

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«The Future Simple Tense»

Grade: 6

The theme of the lesson: I ' ll be a doctor.

The aim of the lesson: a) to introduce pupils with the names of professions and grammar material : The Future Simple tense

b) to develop skills and habits in oral speech, to improve pupils ' memory, pronunciation doing different phonetic drill exercises

c) to bring up to choose a good professions

The type : mixed lesson

The methods: explanation, pair and individual work

Visual aids: an interactive board, a book, pictures of professions

The plan of the lesson:

I. Org.moment.

a) greeting

b) Duty ' s report

c) Warm-up. Phonetic drill exercise

Always be honest These are rules

Be kind and fair We all should know

Always be good We follow these rules

And willing to share Wherever we go

II. Checking up homework

III. New material


1) What are you going to be when you are 23?

2) What do you want to be ?

3 What professions do you know?

4) What do you parents do?

Dividing pupils to groups

Introduction of new words

an artist a pilot

a programmer a cosmonaut

a doctor a manager

a receptionist a banker

a lawyer a designer

Grammar : The Future Simple Tense (Жай келер шақ)

Жасалуы: will+ Verb

Affirmative form Interrogative form

I will buy a big house Will you buy a big house? Yes I will . No , I will not(Won ' t )

Negative form

I will not buy a new house.

Adverbial modifiers of the Future simple

tomorrow , next week, next month, next year, the day after tomorrow

Doing exercises

Finish the sentences

I group II group

What will you be when you are 25? What will you do when you are 22?

I ' ll ...... I ' ll ............

What countries will you travel? Where will you be when you are 23?

We ' ll ....... I ' ll ................

Will you go to London? Will you cook a meal ?

No , ........... Yes , ...............

Write the words in the correct column

a programmer, a lawyer, a pilot, a lawyer, an artist, a manager, a designer, a banker, a teacher, a cosmonaut , a receptionist, a farmer , an engineer

I group

[ a: ] [ә ] [ ai ]

II group

[ Ɔ] [ әе] [ i ]

Guess the names of the professions

I group II group

1) A person who looks after people ' s A person who teaches

health. A person who knows laws

2) A person who makes beautiful paintings A person who designs clothes

3) A person who works with computers


Match the pictures with the names of professions

Giving homework

Ex: 6 on p. 220

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

План конспект урока

Автор: Райымбекова Ж

Дата: 10.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 456228

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