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Plan of the lesson:" Food and drink"

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Б?л саба? т?жірибе алмасу ба?ытында ??рыл?ан. Саба?та ?р т?рлі ?діс-т?сілдер ?олданылды. О?ушыларды жан-жа?ты дамыта отырып, ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттырдым. Т?рлі ойын ?дістері ж?не с?ра?-жауап ?дістері ?олданылды.

?олда?ан ?дістерім: ?й- тапсырмасын с?рау ?шін "hot chair" ?дісін ?олдансам, жа?а та?ырып ашу ?шін ж?мба? жасыру  ?дісін пайдаландым. ?лестірмелі материал ?олдану ар?ылы о?ушыларды? та?ырыпты ?аншалы?ты ме?гергенін тексердім.

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«Plan of the lesson:" Food and drink"»

Class 5 «ә» Date: 18.11.15
The theme of the lesson: Module3 Unit 6. I’m usually late. Step 2 Food and drink
The aim of the lesson:
Educational: to present the verb HAVE, and the names of food, drink and meals
Developing: to practice talking about food and drink, things people eat in the UK
Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to
create English atmosphere in the classroom
Connection :
The type of the lesson: new lesson
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, speaking,
The form of work: individual, pair,
The equipment of the lesson: Visual aids: pictures, posters.
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you!

Come here pupils. Make a circle. I’ll give you some picture-apple-banana.

If I say banana, bananas must change:

If I say apples, apples must change

If I say salad, altogether must change

Let’s devided into 3 groups

II. Checking the home task: To learn by heart a song “ I like eat a lot” and new words


Breakfast in the morning

Dinner in the day

Tae comes after dinner

Then comes time to play
Well, today we are going to take new theme. We shall take new theme the names of foods and drinks. We shall speak about foods in the UK. What do they have for their breakfast , lunch and dinner?
III. New theme: “Food and drink” Today we are going to take new theme new words but I think you know some of these words. We shall learn using ‘have’ and we shall practice speaking about foods and drink. Let’s start our lesson.
Menu[‘menju:] - ас мәзірі

Soup [su:p] - сорпа

Vegetables[vedȝitәblz] - көкөністер

Chicken soup [‘tʃikin su:p] - тауық сорпасы

Chicken[ ‘tʃikin] - тауық еті

Beef [bi:f] - сиыр еті
a. Look at the pictures. How many words do you know? Do you know what is it?
b. Listen and say the words
c. Make up sentences about things you eat and drink. What do you like to eat? What things don’t you like to eat. What things do you never eat?
e.g. I like salad but I don’t eat vegetables. I never eat ham. [Pupils sentences]
Let’s repeat some word combinations.

Would like-

I would like-

What would you like?-

Here you are!-


Our students prepare a dialogue “ At the café”

Waiter: -Hello! Would you like to order?

1.-Yes, please!

2.- Do you have a menu?

W: -Yes, of course.

1.-As for me I would like a chicken soup, salad and coke.

2.-And I would like a fish soup, sandwich and orange juice.

W:- Here you are!

1.-Oh, it’s delicious.

2.-It’s great. Thank you very much!

W:- I’m glad you like it. Would you like some ice-cream?

1.-Oh! No, thanks!

W:-And you?

2.-No, I’m full.

W:-Are you sure?

1.-Yes.How much is that?

W:-Two pounds eighty pence

  1. Please, take it.

  2. 2.-We will come again. Goodbye!

Grammar: Have – has = бар.

We use have to talk about activities and things we eat.

I she
We + have He + has
You It
E.g. I have a toast and tea for my breakfast –менде таңғы асқа тост пен шай бар
She has a toast and tea for her breakfast-ода таңғы асқа тост пен шай бар

Practice: Ex. 3 p 34 WB

  1. I sometimes_____breakfast in bed

  2. I never _____milk in my tea

  3. Ben always______toast for breakfast

  4. He never_____tea or coffee

  5. We usually_____cheese sandwiches

Relaxing minute. Are you tired pupils. Stand up all together let’s sing a song:

Ex. 4 p. 35 The snake, the fox and the shark

Read the text.

The anaconda is a big snake. It eats fish, animals and birds. It sometimes has a small crocodile for lunch! After a big meal it often sleeps for three or four weeks. Then it doesn’t usually eat for at least a year.

In England a lot of foxes live in towns now. They often find their food in the street at night. It’s in big black bags. They sometimes have sausages and chips, pizza and spaghetti for dinner.

The great white shark has got a lot of teeth and it isn't always friendly! It usually eats fish. It doesn’t often attack people. But surfers in Australia don’t like it because it’s sometimes very dangerous.
Are the sentences true or false?

  1. The anaconda often eats animals. True

  2. After a big meal it usually sleeps for a year____

  3. English foxes don’t all live in towns____

  4. The fox often has dinner in the street____

  5. The great white shark never attacks other fish____

  6. It isn’t always very dangerous____

IV. Conclusion
-What do you learn from this lesson?

-Can you use new words?

-Can you ask and answer the questions about your having foods? OK. Let’s check.

-What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have bread and butter and I drink milk or tea.

-What do you have for dinner? I sometimes have chicken soup and salad

- How use the verb “ have, has”

V. Evolution Your mark is ____
VI. Home task.
WB. Ex.1. p.34WB and learn words

Ok, students.Our lesson is over. You have an apple and an onion. And look at the blackboard you can see a basket. If you like our lesson put an apple in the basket. If not put an onion.

The lesson is over GOOD BYE!
Thank you for your attention and activities!

School № 47

Панорамалық сабақ

Theme: «Food and drink»

form: 5 «ә»

Teacher: Kuanova A.M


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Plan of the lesson:" Food and drink"

Автор: Куанова Айнагуль Муратовна

Дата: 26.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310221

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