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Lesson about EXPO-2017

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The out line of the lesson plan.

Date:   .    . 2016

Subject: English

Form: 8 “    ”

Theme:  EXPO-2017.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson.

The type of the lesson: explain lesson.

The objective of the lesson: by the end of the lesson pupil's should know a few words about today's theme.

  1. Educational

          a. vocabulary topics: new words,topic.

          b. grammar: to be going  to do smth.

  1. Upbringing: to bringing pupils to remember verb and letter to friend
  2. Developing: 8th class pupil's should be free to speak their opinions about food and drinks.

          Inter subject connection: Russian, English practical grammar.

          Methods of teaching: questions and answers, discussion, explain.

          The equipment of the lesson:

          - visual aids: new words, pictures, diagrams, cards.

          - technical means: board

          - literature: English text-book for the 8th form by T. Ayapova Almaty “Atamura” 2010.

Stages of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupil's activity


1. Introduction

2. Presentation

3. Vocabulary presentation:

5. Phonetic training

4. Grammar practice:

7. Home task

6. Conclusion

10. Evaluation

1. Greeting:

- Good morning boys and girls! Set down, please.

2. Talking to the duty:

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- Who is absent?

3. Checking home task:

- OK. Very nice! What was your home task?

-Today  we will have a new theme.The title of our theme EXPO 2017.Бүгін біз EXPO-2017 туралы сөйлесеміp.Сендер ехро дегенді қалай түсінесіздер?Расшифровкасын білесіңдер ме?

Ok. Good. Look at the board. This is decoding word EXPO.Бұл EXPO сөзінің толық расшифровкасы. Now, boys and girls, open your vocabulary and write down the new words. I'll give you 5 minutes. Ok, good! Listen and repeat after me.

New words:


Announced- хабарлады

Achieved- орындады

Decade- он жылдық

Sustainable- өмір сүруге қабілетті

Solutions- шешімдер

Recognized- мойындаған

Participate- қатысу

Occur- болу

Promote- жоғарылату

Have you finished?

Болсаңыздар қаламдарыңызды қойып,барлықтарымыз бірге қайталайық.

Жаңа сөздермен таныстық,енді EXPO-2017 туралы біраз ақпарат білейік.Ол үшін алдыларыңыздағы парақтағы мәтінді кезектесіп оқып шығайық және аударайық:

EXPO – 2017

History of World’s Fairs starts with “the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations” held in London in 1851 and continues up to this day. One of the largest international expos of the decade is coming to the capital of Kazakhstan. On November 22, 2012, the 156 member nations of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) met in Paris and decided by an overwhelming majority vote of 103 countries that EXPO 2017 will be held in Astana. “I want to inform you that we have just achieved another big victory for our country,” a beaming President Nursultan Nazarbayev told a special press conference in Paris when he announced the news. “This is the greatest achievement at the international level of Kazakhstan’s independence.”

       EXPO 2017 is a recognized expo, also referred to as an international specialized expo, and is part of the World’s Fair system. Recognized expos are smaller versions of the Universal expos commonly referred to as World’s Fairs. Recognized expos center around a particular theme and are held between World’s Fairs, which occur every five years. Kazakhstan has chosen  the theme “Future Energy” to promote and discover sustainable, global energy solutions.

       More than 100 countries and 10 international organizations are expected to participate. Around 2-3 million people are expected to visit the international pavilions from June to September 2017.

       Do you want to have a rest? Stand up, please. Repeat after me, all together.
   Make your right hand clap, clap, clap. (оң қолымызбен сол қолымызды соғамыз)

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap. (сол қолымызбен оң қолымызды соғамыз)

Turn around 1,2,3. (айналамыз)

It is easy, you can see !

Make your right foot tap, tap, tap. (оң аяғымызбен жерді соғамыз)

Make your left foot tap, tap, tap. (сол аяғымызбен жерді соғамыз)

Turn around 1,2,3. (айналамыз)

It is easy, you can see !

Well done! Sit down, please. Let’s continue our work. Біздің бүгінгі грамматикалық тақырыбымыз - To be going  to do  smth.

Going to (to be going to) future – келер шақ.

Қимылдың келешекте болатындығы ағылшын тілінде to be going + infinitive (негізгі тұйық етістік) сөз орамы арқылы жасалады: I believe it is going to snow.

-Меніңше, қар жауады.

Тo be going + infinitive ауызекі тілде және әдебиеттерде диалог-сөйлесу, әңгімелесу түрінде қолданылады.

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use going to-future.

1) He ______ his friend. (to phone)

2) We______a new computer game. (to play)

3) My sister______TV. (to watch)

4) You______a picnic next Tuesday. (to have)

5) Jane______to the office. (to go)

6) They______to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk)

7) His brother______a letter to his uncle today. (to write)

8) She______her aunt. (to visit)

9) I_____my homework after school. (to do)

10) Sophie and Nick_____their friends. (to meet)

Very good. Now open you diaries and write down your homework do this exercise. Do you understand?

- Ал енді жұмыс дәптерлеріңіздің ортасына EXPO-2017 деп жазып, бірнеше бағыт жіберіп қойыңыздар. Қазір соларды толтырамыз.Кім тақтаға шығып жазғысы келеді?

- So, boys and girls I`ll give you marks.

I want to evaluate your activities.

P1 – you are the best, who works hard today. Your English is good and I put you excellent.

P2 – you want to work industries, but you have some mistakes. I put you good mark.


 Stand up,please! Good bye,boys and girls.

The lesson is over.

- Good afternoon teacher!

- I am on duty today.

- Today it is the twenty ninth of October.

- Today it is Wednesday.

- All are present.

Pupil's listen to teacher.


Pupil's repeat new words after the teacher. Pupil's read individually P1, P2, P3.


Pupil's read and translate the text.

Pupil's listen to teacher.

-Good bye teacher!









School teacher: ______ __________________

Students name: _______ _________________

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«Lesson about EXPO-2017»

The out line of the lesson plan.

Date: . . 2016

Subject: English

Form: 8 “ ”

Theme: EXPO-2017.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson.

The type of the lesson: explain lesson.

The objective of the lesson: by the end of the lesson pupil's should know a few words about today's theme.

    1. Educational

a. vocabulary topics: new words,topic.

b. grammar: to be going to do smth.

    1. Upbringing: to bringing pupils to remember verb and letter to friend

    2. Developing: 8th class pupil's should be free to speak their opinions about food and drinks.

Inter subject connection: Russian, English practical grammar.

Methods of teaching: questions and answers, discussion, explain.

The equipment of the lesson:

- visual aids: new words, pictures, diagrams, cards.

- technical means: board

- literature: English text-book for the 8th form by T. Ayapova Almaty “Atamura” 2010.

Stages of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupil's activity


1. Introduction

2. Presentation

3. Vocabulary presentation:

5. Phonetic training

4. Grammar practice:

7. Home task

6. Conclusion

10. Evaluation

1. Greeting:

- Good morning boys and girls! Set down, please.

2. Talking to the duty:

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- Who is absent?

3. Checking home task:

- OK. Very nice! What was your home task?

-Today we will have a new theme.The title of our theme EXPO 2017.Бүгін біз EXPO-2017 туралы сөйлесеміp.Сендер ехро дегенді қалай түсінесіздер?Расшифровкасын білесіңдер ме?

Ok. Good. Look at the board. This is decoding word EXPO.Бұл EXPO сөзінің толық расшифровкасы. Now, boys and girls, open your vocabulary and write down the new words. I'll give you 5 minutes. Ok, good! Listen and repeat after me.

New words:


Announced- хабарлады

Achieved- орындады

Decade- он жылдық

Sustainable- өмір сүруге қабілетті

Solutions- шешімдер

Recognized- мойындаған

Participate- қатысу

Occur- болу

Promote- жоғарылату

Have you finished?

Болсаңыздар қаламдарыңызды қойып,барлықтарымыз бірге қайталайық.

Жаңа сөздермен таныстық,енді EXPO-2017 туралы біраз ақпарат білейік.Ол үшін алдыларыңыздағы парақтағы мәтінді кезектесіп оқып шығайық және аударайық:

EXPO – 2017

History of World’s Fairs starts with “the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations” held in London in 1851 and continues up to this day. One of the largest international expos of the decade is coming to the capital of Kazakhstan. On November 22, 2012, the 156 member nations of the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) met in Paris and decided by an overwhelming majority vote of 103 countries that EXPO 2017 will be held in Astana. “I want to inform you that we have just achieved another big victory for our country,” a beaming President Nursultan Nazarbayev told a special press conference in Paris when he announced the news. “This is the greatest achievement at the international level of Kazakhstan’s independence.”

EXPO 2017 is a recognized expo, also referred to as an international specialized expo, and is part of the World’s Fair system. Recognized expos are smaller versions of the Universal expos commonly referred to as World’s Fairs. Recognized expos center around a particular theme and are held between World’s Fairs, which occur every five years. Kazakhstan has chosen  the theme “Future Energy” to promote and discover sustainable, global energy solutions.

More than 100 countries and 10 international organizations are expected to participate. Around 2-3 million people are expected to visit the international pavilions from June to September 2017.

Do you want to have a rest? Stand up, please. Repeat after me, all together.
Make your right hand clap, clap, clap. (оң қолымызбен сол қолымызды соғамыз)

Make your left hand clap, clap, clap. (сол қолымызбен оң қолымызды соғамыз)

Turn around 1,2,3. (айналамыз)

It is easy, you can see !

Make your right foot tap, tap, tap. (оң аяғымызбен жерді соғамыз)

Make your left foot tap, tap, tap. (сол аяғымызбен жерді соғамыз)

Turn around 1,2,3. (айналамыз)

It is easy, you can see !

Well done! Sit down, please. Let’s continue our work. Біздің бүгінгі грамматикалық тақырыбымыз - To be going to do smth.

Going to (to be going to) future – келер шақ.

Қимылдың келешекте болатындығы ағылшын тілінде to be going + infinitive (негізгі тұйық етістік) сөз орамы арқылы жасалады: I believe it is going to snow.

-Меніңше, қар жауады.

Тo be going + infinitive ауызекі тілде және әдебиеттерде диалог-сөйлесу, әңгімелесу түрінде қолданылады.

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use going to-future.

1) He ______ his friend. (to phone)

2) We______a new computer game. (to play)

3) My sister______TV. (to watch)

4) You______a picnic next Tuesday. (to have)

5) Jane______to the office. (to go)

6) They______to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk)

7) His brother______a letter to his uncle today. (to write)

8) She______her aunt. (to visit)

9) I_____my homework after school. (to do)

10) Sophie and Nick_____their friends. (to meet)

Very good. Now open you diaries and write down your homework do this exercise. Do you understand?

- Ал енді жұмыс дәптерлеріңіздің ортасына EXPO-2017 деп жазып, бірнеше бағыт жіберіп қойыңыздар. Қазір соларды толтырамыз.Кім тақтаға шығып жазғысы келеді?

- So, boys and girls I`ll give you marks.

I want to evaluate your activities.

P1 – you are the best, who works hard today. Your English is good and I put you excellent.

P2 – you want to work industries, but you have some mistakes. I put you good mark.


Stand up,please! Good bye,boys and girls.

The lesson is over.

- Good afternoon teacher!

- I am on duty today.

- Today it is the twenty ninth of October.

- Today it is Wednesday.

- All are present.

Pupil's listen to teacher.


Pupil's repeat new words after the teacher. Pupil's read individually P1, P2, P3...


Pupil's read and translate the text.

Pupil's listen to teacher.

-Good bye teacher!









School teacher: ______ __________________

Students name: _______ _________________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Lesson about EXPO-2017

Автор: Ансабаева Карлыгаш Абдолдановна

Дата: 10.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 377599

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