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Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 2 сыныпқа арналған "Module 5 My Food " тақырыбындағы қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары

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Long term plan module: Module 5 My Food                                   Lesson № What do you want to drink?

School: Abai SL

Date: 19.01.2018

Teacher’s name: Zhanara Sakybekova

Class: 1 “a”

Number of present:


Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing  to:

2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

 2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

2.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly,

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these that, those to indicate things

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

point to the picture and say what you like and don’t like.

Most learners will be able to:

say what he/she doesn’t like

Some learners will be able to:

demonstrate food and drink items appropriately to the class

Language objectives:

Learners can:

 By the end of the lesson learners will be able to

 - says what he/ she likes;

- says what he/she doesn’t like.

Key words and phrases: Food and drink items: milk, cheese, bananas, juice, eggs, chicken, like, don’t like, yum, yuk I’ve got some milk for you. I like milk. Yum! I don’t like milk. Yuk!

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:  oral

Discussion points:

Can you say why we eat food?


Writing prompts:

Assessment for Teaching

Criteria based assessment

Assessment criteria: Demonstrating food and drink items appropriately to the class

Descriptor: A learner

 says what he/ she likes;

 says what he/she doesn’t like

Self-assessment: Traffic lights

How to overcome barriers in learning English

Use cartoon

-Use feedback  

-Scaffold learners if necessary

-Ask more questions

Previous learning

Lesson №35 Checkpoint 4


Planned timing

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


Start (Beginning of the lesson)

Greeting: Teacher greets learners; learners respond to greeting and take their places.                                                                                                Dividing into subgroups: Teacher divides learners into subgroups using colorful circles, squares, triangles and rectangular figures.                                                          Warming up: “Telephone game” Teacher whispers a sentence to the first learner in a line. Learners must then repeat the sentence to the next learner in line and on down the line. The last learner in line will say out loud the sentence as he/she heard it. The first learner in line will either agree or disagree with the sentence.                                                                     

How do you think what theme we have for today? Teacher asks the learners to identify today’s theme using interactive slides. Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the learners.                                                              



Middle (of the lesson)

D) Teacher pre-teaches the words milk, cheese, bananas, juice, eggs, chicken, using flashcards, simple mimes and gestures.

W) Teacher elicits from learners first sound of  the following words by showing visuals with first sound letter missing [m]ilk   [c]hicken    [b]anana.


Point to the picture and say what you like and don’t like.

Example: I like juice but I don’t like tea.

Talk with your friend about your likes and dislikes.

Sing “I like milk ” song

Listen and read : I have got some milk for you.

Positive I like milk. Yum!

Negative I don’t like milk. Yuk!

Talk with your friend about your likes and dislikes.

W) Is it a drawing game? The teacher begins to draw on the board.  He/She may draw a line, circle, (an orange, an egg) etc., but only part of the drawing. Then the learners guess, “Is it a ….?” After a few guesses the teacher or the learner draws another small part of the drawing and learners guess again.  The process continues until the learners guess correctly


Look at the pictures. Say what you like and don’t like.

Example: It is an apple. It’s red. I like milk. I don’t like eggs.

Song: Come on everybody!, CD, DVD players, picture dictionaries, a worksheet with an empty room outline, room object flashcards, notebook, CD, Student’s book1, Activity Book 1

End (of the lesson)

                  Reflection  Self-assessment: Traffic lights                                                                                  

Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement.

Traffic lights cards

Additional information:

Differentiation -  how do you plan to give more support? How do you  plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment  - how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross – curricular links health and  safety check ICT links

Values links


Were the lesson objectives / learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use  the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions  from the books on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation                                                                                                                                                             What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lessons (consider both teachings  and learning)?


What have learned from his lesson about this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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«Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 2 сыныпқа арналған "Module 5 My Food " тақырыбындағы қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспары»

Long term plan module: Module 5 My Food Lesson № What do you want to drink?

School: Abai SL

Date: 19.01.2018

Teacher’s name: Zhanara Sakybekova

Class: 1 “a”

Number of present:


Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

2.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly,

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these that, those to indicate things

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

point to the picture and say what you like and don’t like.

Most learners will be able to:

say what he/she doesn’t like

Some learners will be able to:

demonstrate food and drink items appropriately to the class

Language objectives:

Learners can:

By the end of the lesson learners will be able to

- says what he/ she likes;

- says what he/she doesn’t like.

Key words and phrases: Food and drink items: milk, cheese, bananas, juice, eggs, chicken, like, don’t like, yum, yuk I’ve got some milk for you. I like milk. Yum! I don’t like milk. Yuk!

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing: oral

Discussion points:

Can you say why we eat food?

Writing prompts:

Assessment for Teaching

Criteria based assessment

Assessment criteria: Demonstrating food and drink items appropriately to the class

Descriptor: A learner

 says what he/ she likes;

 says what he/she doesn’t like

Self-assessment: Traffic lights

How to overcome barriers in learning English

Use cartoon

-Use feedback

-Scaffold learners if necessary

-Ask more questions

Previous learning

Lesson №35 Checkpoint 4


Planned timing

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)


Start (Beginning of the lesson)

Greeting: Teacher greets learners; learners respond to greeting and take their places. Dividing into subgroups: Teacher divides learners into subgroups using colorful circles, squares, triangles and rectangular figures. Warming up: “Telephone game” Teacher whispers a sentence to the first learner in a line. Learners must then repeat the sentence to the next learner in line and on down the line. The last learner in line will say out loud the sentence as he/she heard it. The first learner in line will either agree or disagree with the sentence.

How do you think what theme we have for today? Teacher asks the learners to identify today’s theme using interactive slides. Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the learners.



Middle (of the lesson)

D) Teacher pre-teaches the words milk, cheese, bananas, juice, eggs, chicken, using flashcards, simple mimes and gestures.

W) Teacher elicits from learners first sound of the following words by showing visuals with first sound letter missing [m]ilk [c]hicken [b]anana.


Point to the picture and say what you like and don’t like.

Example: I like juice but I don’t like tea.

Talk with your friend about your likes and dislikes.

Sing “I like milk ” song

Listen and read : I have got some milk for you.

Positive I like milk. Yum!

Negative I don’t like milk. Yuk!

Talk with your friend about your likes and dislikes.

W) Is it a drawing game? The teacher begins to draw on the board. He/She may draw a line, circle, (an orange, an egg) etc., but only part of the drawing. Then the learners guess, “Is it a ….?” After a few guesses the teacher or the learner draws another small part of the drawing and learners guess again. The process continues until the learners guess correctly


Look at the pictures. Say what you like and don’t like.

Example: It is an apple. It’s red. I like milk. I don’t like eggs.

Song: Come on everybody!, CD, DVD players, picture dictionaries, a worksheet with an empty room outline , room object flashcards, notebook, CD, Student’s book1, Activity Book 1

End (of the lesson)

Reflection Self-assessment: Traffic lights

Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement.

Traffic lights cards

Additional information:

Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross – curricular links health and safety check ICT links

Values links


Were the lesson objectives / learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the books on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?


What two things would have improved the lessons (consider both teachings and learning)?


What have learned from his lesson about this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Автор: Сакыбекова Жанар Шахмардановна

Дата: 15.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 457611

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