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Places in a town

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Unit of a long term plan 

School: 175


Teacher name: Doskozhayeva Nurgul

CLASS: 5   

Number present:       15            absent: 2

Lesson title

Places in a town 

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

S- – keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics.

W – write with support factual description at text level which describe people, places and objects.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

-           To match the new words

-           To give information about Places in a town with little support in a written form

Most learners will be able:

-           To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

-           To use key words of the theme to talk about their town, to make a dialogue, create questions

Lesson objectives

  • To learn vocabulary for places in a town
  • Answer questions about my favorite place in town


  1. To be able to match the new words with their meaning – 1 p
  2. To translate them into Kazakh, Russian – 1 p
  3. To answer the questions – 3 p.
  1. To make the right sentence – 1 p
  2. Without grammar mistake – 1 p
  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p
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«Places in a town»

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

Unit 8. Sports for all

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

S- - provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

W – – write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Спорт және спорттық іс әрекеттерге арналған жаңа сөздерді үйрену

  • Мен айналысатын спорт түрі туралы айту

Lesson objectives

-learn vocabulary for sports and activities

-talk about the sports I do

All learners will be able to:

- To underline the key words

- To talk about sports and activities

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To be able to recognize the new words with the picture – 1 p

  2. To translate them into Kazakh, Russian – 1 p

  3. To be able to match the words of sports by the necessary verbs – 1 p

  4. To answer the questions – 3 p.

  1. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  2. Without grammar mistake – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Жаңа сөздер мен берілген суреттерді байланыстыра алады – 1б

  2. Сөздерді Қазақ және Орыс тілдеріне аудара алады – 1 б

  3. Берілген спортқа байланысты сөздерді қолданылатын етістігіне қарай байланыстыру – 1 балл

  4. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 3 б

А. Сөйлемді дұрыс құрай алады – 1 балл

Б. Грамматикалық қатесі жоқ – 1 балл

C. Фонетикалық дыбысталуын дұрыс айта алады – 1 балл

Target language

Word bank: play baseball, go cycling, go skateboarding, go skiing, do judo, go windsurfing, go snowboarding, go surfing, go bowling, play volleyball

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Жаңа сөздермен жұмыс

Байланыстыру ойыны арқылы



Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

  3. Warm up

Sport is part of every man and

woman's heritage and
its absence can never be compensated for.
- Pierre de Coubertin

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар спорт түрлерінің суреттерін атау арқылы тақырыпты өздері табады.


Look at the pictures, they are our kinds of Sports.

According to the pictures we are talking about:

Sports for all

New lesson:

Kind of sports are divided into three types of the verbs. They are: GO, DO, PLAY

PLAY – sports which are played by ball

DO – sport activities

GO – sport activities with -ing


1.To be able to match the new words with the given verbs – 1 p

2.To translate them into Kazakh, Russian – 1 p


Жаңа сөздер мен спортұа байланысты қолданылатын етістіктермен байланыстыра алады – 1б

Сөздерді Қазақ және Орыс тілдеріне аудара алады – 1 б

New words:

Matching game

GO – cycling, skateboarding, skiing, windsurfing, snowboarding

DO – joga, exercises

PLAY – basketball, football, volleyball

Answer the questions:


To answer the questions – 3 p.

  1. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  2. Without grammar mistake – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p


Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 3 б

А. Сөйлемді дұрыс құрай алады – 1 балл

Б. Грамматикалық қатесі жоқ – 1 балл

C. Фонетикалық дыбысталуын дұрыс айта алады – 1 балл

Answer the questions: Сұрақтарға жауап беру:

Individual work: Жеке жұмыс:

  1. What’s your favourite sport?

  2. How often do you do it?

  3. What is your favourite team?

  4. What do like watching the sport on TV or playing it?

Home – task: wb p.59 ex.1,2,3,4,5

To learn the new words

Assessment: To define the ability to ask question by the criteria

  1. To be able to match the new words with the picture – 1 p

  2. To translate them into Kazakh, Russian – 1 p

  3. To answer the questions – 3 p.

  1. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  2. Without grammar mistake – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

- Final Peer assessment: Бірін – бірі бағалау:

Tick Yes or No



Matches the new words with the the given verbs

Translates the new words

Answers the questions

Слайд 1

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

A Paralympic champion

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

R – understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

W – – plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

S – – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Спорт және спорттық іс әрекеттерге арналған жаңа сөздерді үйрену

  • Мен айналысатын спорт түрі туралы айту

Lesson objectives

-read Faq’s about Paralympic champion

-learn adverbs

-talk about my sport habits

All learners will be able to:

- To underline the adverbs

- To talk about sports and activities

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To be able to recognize the words - 1 p

  2. To be able to read the text – 1 p

  3. To translate them into Kazakh– 1 p

  4. To be able to answer the question about the text from the FAQ’s – 1 p

  5. To be able to complete the matching exercise - 1 p

  6. To answer the questions – 1 p.

  7. To be able to underline the adverbs – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Өткен тақырып бойынша берілген сөздерді айта алады – 1 б

  2. Берілген мәтінді оқи алады – 1б

  3. Оқыған сөйлемді аудара алады – 1 б

  4. Мәтін бойынша сұрақ қоя алады - 1 б

  5. Берілген сөйлемдерді байланыстрыа алады – 1 б

  6. Мәтін бойынша берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 1 балл

  7. Мәтіннен үстеуді таба алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: play baseball, go cycling, go skateboarding, go skiing, do judo, go windsurfing, go snowboarding, go surfing, go bowling, play volleyball

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Мәтінге арналған жаттығулармен жұмыс



Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

  3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

  1. Home – task:

Descriptor: To be able to recognize the words - 1 p

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар «Атлеттер спортпен айналысу үшін не істеу керек?» сұрағына жауап береді де тақтада арнайы арбада отырған адамның суреті арқылы сабақ тақырыбын табады


  1. What does an athlete need to be to run a marathon?

  2. Look at the picture of a person who is using a special wheelchair.

According to the pictures we are talking about:

Paralympic champion


  1. To be able to read the text – 1 p

  2. To translate them into Kazakh– 1 p

  3. To be able to answer the question about the text from FAQ’s – 1 p

    1. Why does she race in a wheelchair?

    2. Was life difficult for her when she was young?

    3. When did she start wheelchair racing?

    4. Did she do other sports?

    5. Where was here first big International Competition?

    6. How successful is she now?

    7. How does she prepare for her races?

Grammar: Adverbs

Adverbs are used to describe the verb.

We add -ly for adjectives and adverbs answers the question HOW?

He speaks English fluently

There are some irregular adverbs – fast, hard, early, late


  1. To be able to complete the matching exercise - 1 p

  2. To answer the questions – 1 p.

  3. To be able to underline the adverbs – 1 p

ex: 2 Complete the matching exercise

to help the weaker students teacher can do the first one as an example

Answers: 1. E 2. G 3. A 4. D 5. F 6. B 7. C

Ex. 3 individual work

  1. false (She’s got strong arms, but she can’t move her legs)

  2. false (She didn’t have wheelchair, when she was very young)

  3. True

  4. True

  5. False (she competes in marathons)

  6. False (She trains for 41\2 hours a day)


Ex. 4

Look at the text again and find out Adverbs:


Immediately, usually, normally, unfortunately, luckily.

Home-task: w\b p.60 ex. 5

Project: The Paralympic Champions from Kazakhstan

  1. What is her\his name?

  2. Where is he\she from?

  3. Where Paralympic games did she\he take part in?

  4. How many times did she win?

Слайд 1

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

Language focus 1. Yes\No questions

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L - – understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information-BilimLand

S - – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

W - – link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Өткен шақта қысқаша формасындағы Иә\Жоқ жауаптарын қолдануды үйрету

  • Өткен шақта сұрақ қойып, жауап беруге дағдыландыру

Lesson objectives

-learn Yes\No questions in the Past Simple

-practice asking and answering Yes\No questions in the Past Simpe

All learners will be able to:

- To underline the verbs in the Past Simple

- To use Yes\No answers in the Past Simple

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their Past actions, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To answer the given questions about “Paralympic Champions from Kazakhstan” - 1 p

  2. To be able to complete the dialogue in the Past – 1 p

  3. To be able to answer the questions by BilimLand – 3 p

  4. To be able to make the question in the Past Simple – 1 p

  5. To be able to answer the given questions – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Қазақстанның параолимпиада спортшылары туралы айта біледі \үй тапсырмасы\ – 1 б

  2. Берілген диалогтағы сөйлемдерді толтыра алады – 1б

  3. Bilimland тен тыңдаған диологқа берілген тапсырмалармен жұмыс жасай алады – 3 б

  4. Өткен шақта сұрақтар құрай алады - 1 б

  5. Қойылған сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: Yes, I did

No, I didn’t

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Мәтінге арналған жаттығулармен жұмыс


Өзін – өзі бағалау


Organization moment:

    1. Greeting - Амандасу

    2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

    3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

    1. Home – task:


1.To answer the given questions about “Paralympic Champions from Kazakhstan” - 1 p

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар өткен шаққа байланысты қойылған сұрақтарға байланысты сабақ тақырыбын өздері табады.


Close your books and answer the questions:

  1. What is the Past Simple form of the verb “go”?

  2. How do we form questions in the Past Simple?

  3. Correct the mistake: Did we went to the cinema yesterday?

According to the tasks we are talking about:

Past simple Question forms


  1. To be able to complete the dialogue in the Past – 1 p

  2. To be able to answer the questions by BilimLand – 3 p

Did she do other sports? – Yes, she did

No, she didn’t

ex: 2 Complete the sentences

a: Did you go to the football match last night?

B: Yes, I did

A: Did you sit with your friends?

B: No, I did not. I sat with my friends

A: Did you have a good time?

B: Yes, we did

A: Did your team win?

B: No, they didn’t

A: Did you eat after the game?

B: Yes, did. We went to the Chinese restaurant

Ex. 3 individual work

2. Did you study last night?

3. Did you speak English five years ago?

4. Did your friends play football last week?

5. Did your sister have a shower three hours ago?

Крокодил ойыны


  1. To be able to make the question in the Past Simple – 1 p

  • Did John Lennon sing with The Beetles?

  • Did Christopher Columbus discover Japan?

  • Did dinosaurs live on Earth a hundred years ago?

  • Did Germany win the World Cup?

Home – task:

Wb ex: 1,2,3,4 p.60

To write an essay: My sport habits

  1. sports you do

  2. when do you usually do sport?

  3. When do you usually eat before doing sport?

Self – assessment:



I know the past forms of the verbs

I can use the sentences in the Past

I can tell about my past action

Слайд 1

BilimLand 003

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

Listening to a conversation

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L - – understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

S - – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

W - – link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Спорттық ойын туралы диолог тыңдау

  • Спорттық киімдерге байланысты сқздер жаттау

  • «Спортпен айналысқанда киетін киімім» туралы айтып беру

Lesson objectives

-Listen to a conversation about sports events

-Learn words for clothes

-Talk about what I am wearing and the clothes I wear to do my favourite sport

All learners will be able to:

- To talk about what I am wearing and the clothes I wear to do my favourite sport

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To answer the given questions about “My sport habits” - 1 p

  2. To be able to find out if the sentences True or False – 1 p

  3. To be able to talk about a skateboarding competition – 1 p

  4. To be able to match the pictures with the words – 1 p

  5. To be able to do “Mind Map” about Sport clothes – 2 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. «Менің спроттық әдетім» бойынша берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 1 б

  2. Дұрыс және дұрыс емес сөйлемдерді таба алады – 1 б

  3. Скейтбординг жарысы туралы айта алады - 1 б

  4. Спорттық киімдерге байланысты сөздерді суреттермен байланыстыра алады – 1 б

  5. Спорт киімдері туралы кластер толтыра алады – 2 б

Target language

Word bank: a skirt, a tracksuit, trousers, a noodle, a sweatshirt, jeans, a cap, socks, a T-shirt, boots, a jacket, shorts

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Тыңдағанға шейінгі тапсырма

Тыңдап отырған кездегі тапсырма

Тыңдалымнан кейінгі тапсырма




Organization moment:

    1. Greeting - Амандасу

    2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

    3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

    1. Home – task:


1.To answer the given questions about “My sport habits” - 1 p

5. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар спорттық іс – әрекеттерге сұрақтарға байланысты сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы сабақ тақырыбын өздері табады.

  • Қандай да бір спортпен айналысасың ба?

  • Спорттың қай түрімен айналысасың?

Before the listening Task


Close your books and answer the questions:

  • Do you go to sport events?

  • Which one do you go to?

According to the tasks we are talking about:

Sport event competition”

While the listening task:


  1. To be able to find out if the sentences True or False – 1 p

Which of these things did Vicky do?

    1. Watched her friend skateboard

    2. Spent more money

    3. Bought some clothes

    4. Went to lunch with Dennis

    5. Ate tacos

After the listening task:

  1. To be able to talk about a skateboarding competition – 1 p

Answer the question

Did Vicky compete?

  • No, he didn’t

Look at the ex. 4 p. 86

  1. To be able to match the pictures with the words – 1 p

  2. G

  3. J

  4. B

  5. E

  6. I

  7. A

  8. L

  9. F

  10. H

  11. C

  12. K

Pair work:

  1. To be able to do “Mind Map” about Sport clothes – 2 p


Home – task:

Wb ex: 1, 2, 3 p.62

To answer the question:

  1. What clothes do you wear for your favourite sport?

Слайд 1

BilimLand 003

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

Language focus 2. Past simple: Wh - questions

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L - – understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information-BilimLand 010

S - – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

W - – link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Өткен шақтың аранайы сұрақтарын қолдануды үйрету

  • BilimLand бойынша көрсетілген видеоның тапсырмаларын орынлдау

  • «Менің барған спорттық ойыным» туралы сұрақ – жауап

Жұптық жұмыс

Lesson objectives

-learn Wh – questions in the Past Simple

-ask and answer questions about sport event I went to (diologue)Pair work

All learners will be able to:

- To underline the verbs in the Past Simple

- To use Special questions and answers in the Past Simple

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their Past actions, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To answer the given questions about “My clothes when I do my favourite sport” - 1 p

  2. To be able to complete the dialogue in the Past – 1 p

  3. To be able to answer the questions by BilimLand – 3 p

  4. To be able to make the question in the Past Simple – 1 p

  5. To be able to answer the given questions – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Өзінің жазсы көретін спортымен айналысқанда киетін киімі туралы айта алады\үй тапсырмасы\ – 1 б

  2. Берілген диалогтағы сөйлемдерді толтыра алады – 1б

  3. Bilimland тен тыңдаған диологқа берілген тапсырмалармен жұмыс жасай алады – 3 б

  4. Өткен шақта сұрақтар құрай алады - 1 б

  5. Қойылған сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: Wh - questions

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Мәтінге арналған жаттығулармен жұмыс


Өзін – өзі бағалау


Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

    1. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

    1. Home – task:


  1. To answer the given questions about “My clothes when I do my favourite sport” - 1 p

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар өткен шаққа байланысты қойылған сұрақтарға байланысты сабақ тақырыбын өздері табады.


Close your books and answer the questions:

  1. What is the Past Simple form of the verb “go”?

  2. How do we form Special questions in the Past Simple?

  3. Correct the mistake: When did we went to the cinema yesterday?

According to the tasks we are talking about:

Past simple Question forms

Use DID with questions in the Past simple.

What DID you do last night?

Not What you did last night?


  1. To be able to complete the dialogue in the Past – 1 p

Ex. 2 p 81 sb

  1. What did you wear to the game yesterday?

  2. When did Rick buy that hoodie?

  3. Who did Sarah play basketball with?

  4. When did the game end last night?

  5. How many goals did we score?

  6. Who did they go with last Saturday?

  1. To be able to answer the questions by BilimLand – 3 p 013 (6th )

Who did you go with?

  1. Listen and match

  2. Listen and choose

  3. Complete

  4. To be able to make the question in the Past Simple – 1 p

ex: 2 Complete the sentences

a: Where did you buy?

B: Who did you go with?

A: Where did you go?

B: how many goals did they score?

A: Who did you play with?

To be able to answer the given questions – 1 p

Ex. 5 individual work

  1. Where did you go?

  2. When did you go?

  3. Who did you go with?

  4. How did you go there?

  5. What did you wear?

Home – task:

Wb ex: 1, 2, 3 p.62

To write an essay: My last summer holiday

  1. Where did you go?

  2. When did you go?

  3. Who did you go with?

  4. How did you go there?

  5. What did you wear?

Self – assessment:



I know the past forms of the verbs

I can use the sentences in the Past

I can tell about my past action

Слайд 1

BilimLand 010

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

The bowler

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L – - understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

W – – write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal imformation

S – – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Индиялық крикетші туралы видео көріп, видео бойынша берілген тапсырмалармен жұмыс жүргізу

  • Крикет туралы және өзіңнің жақсы көретін спорт түрі туралы айту

Lesson objectives

-watch a video about an Indian cricketer

-talk about cricket and my sporting hero

All learners will be able to:

- To compete the sentences from the video

- To talk about sports and activities

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To be able to answer the questions about: My last summer holiday – 1 p /home task/

  2. To be able to answer the given question about the sport in the picture – 1 p

  3. To be able to complete the sentences from the video - 1 p

  4. To be able to put the things in the order – 1 p

  5. To answer the questions according to the video – 1 p

  6. To answer the questions – 3 p.

      1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

      2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

      3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Өткен тақырып бойынша сұраққа «Менің өткен жазғы каникулым» жауап бере алады – 1 б

  2. Көрсетілген сурет бойынша сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 1 б

  3. Видео бойынша сөйлемдерді толықтыра алады – 1 б

  4. Көрсетілген суретттерді орын орнына қоя алады – 1 б

  5. Видеоға байланысты сұрақтарға ауап беру – 1б

  6. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 3 б

А. Грамматикалық қатесіз – 1б

Б. Дұрыс сөйлем құрай алады – 1 б

С. Фонетикалық қатесіз айта алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: baseball, cricket, hockey

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Тыңдалымға дейінгі тапсырма


Тыңдалым кезіндегі жұмыстар

Мәтінге арналған жаттығулармен жұмыс

Тыңдалымнан кейінгі тапсырма



Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

  3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

  1. Home – task:


  1. To be able to answer the questions about: My last summer holiday – 1 p /home task/

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар спортшылардың ойнап жатқан ойындарын суреттен көріп, дұрыс жауабы сабақ тақырыбын табады

Before the watching task:

  1. To be able to answer the given question about the sport in the picture – 1 p

Brainstorming: Look at the picture:

  1. What sport are they playing?

  1. Baseball b. cricket c. hockey

They are playing CRICKET.

  1. How do you think what nationality they are? – they are Indian

According to the pictures we are talking about:

Cricket in India

  1. What do you know about the sport they are playing?

While the watching tasks:


  1. To be able to complete the sentences from the video - 1 p

  2. To be able to put the things in the order – 1 p

Ex. 4 p. 88 complete the paragraph with the correct numbers

  1. One 2. 500 3. 22 4. 6 5. 160

Ex. 3 p. 88

Put these things in the order that you see them

  1. Players wearing normal clothes

  2. Children playing

  3. A cow and lots of traffic nearby

  4. Nets

  5. A trainer

After the watching task:


  1. To answer the questions according to the video – 1 p

Ex. 5 p. 88

  1. He’s deaf / He can’t hear

  2. He uses sign language to communicate

  3. He plays the best game of his life

  4. He finds new players for professional cricket teams

Ex. 6 p. 88


  1. To answer the questions – 3 p.

  1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

  2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Questions: 1. What do you think of Cricket?

  1. Would you like to play or watch? Why not?

Home – task: to write an essay: “My favourite sporting hero”

  1. What sport does he/she play?

  2. What makes him/her a good sport?

  1. To be able to put the things in the order – 1 p

Final Peer assessment: Бірін – бірі бағалау:

Tick Yes or No




Tells about his last holiday

Answers the questions

Tells about Cricket

Слайд 1

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

The highland games

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

R – understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

W – – plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

S – – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Шотландияның ұлттық ойыны «the Highland Games» туралы мәтін оқу

  • Бұрыс зат есімнің көпше түрін үйрену

  • Аталған ұлттық ойындардың қай түрін таңдауға болады, өз ойын айта білу

Lesson objectives

-read a text about the Highland Games in Scotland

-learn about irregular plurals

-talk about which events in the Highland Games I would like and not like to do

All learners will be able to:

- To find out the Plural forms of the Irregular Noun

- To talk about sports and activities

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To be able to answer the questions about “My sporting hero” – 1 p

  2. To be able to name and describe the national games of Kazakhstan – 1 p

  3. To be able to read the text – 1 p

  4. To be able to translate the text – 1 p

  5. To be able to make a question – 1 p

  6. To be able to correct the false sentences – 1 p

  7. To be able to find out regular and irregular nouns from the text – 1 p

  8. To be able to answer the questions – 3 p

  1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

  2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. Өткен тақырып бойынша берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады– 1 б

  2. Қазақстанның ұлттық ойындары туралы айта алады – 1 б

  3. Берілген мәтінді оқи алады – 1б

  4. Оқыған сөйлемді аудара алады – 1 б

  5. Мәтін бойынша сұрақ қоя біледі – 1б

  6. Берілген мәліметтердің дұрыс немесе дұрыс еместігін ажытара алады – 1 б

  7. Дұрыс және бұрыс зат есімдерді таба алады – 1 б

  1. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бере алады – 3 б

А. Грамматикалық қатесіз – 1б

Б. Дұрыс сөйлем құрай алады – 1 б

С. Фонетикалық қатесіз айта алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: caber toss – бөрене лақтыру

Stone put – тас лақтыру

Hammer throw –балға лақтыру

Tug o’war – арқан тарту

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Оқылым алдындағы тапсырмалар:


Оқылым кезіндегі тапсырмалар:

Мәтінге арналған жаттығулармен жұмыс


Оқылымнан кейінгі тапсырма


Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

  3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

  1. Home – task:

  1. To be able to answer the questions about “My sporting hero” – 1 p

  1. What sport does he/she play?

  2. What makes him/her a good sport?

  3. To be able to put the things in the order – 1 p

  4. Миға шабуыл

  1. Қазақстанның ұлттық ойындары туралы айта алады – 1 б

Оқушылар картадан Шотландия мемлекетін тауып, ол мемелекеттің ойын түрлері туралы айту арқылы тақырыпты табады.


  1. To be able to name and describe the national games of Kazakhstan – 1 p

Before the reading task:

Look at the map of the UK and tell me which country’s symbol “the thistle” is? – Scotland

What is the capital of Scotland? – Edinburgh

What kind if national games of Scotland do you know? –

Look at the picture and let’s try to match the national games of Scotland. They are: caber toss – бөрене лақтыру

Stone put – тас лақтыру

Hammer throw –балға лақтыру

Tug o’war – арқан тарту

According to the pictures we are talking about:

Scotland National Games: The Highland Games

The highland Games is the name of a large region in the North of Scotland. It is known for its beautiful lakes and mountains, including Ben Nevis, which is the highest peak in the UK. The games are always on the Saturday in September.

A kilt is a short Tartan skirt by men in the Scottish Highlands.

While the reading tasks:


  1. To be able to read the text – 1 p

  2. To be able to translate the text – 1 p

  3. To be able to make a question – 1 p

Ex.3 p.87 Are the sentences true or false. Correct the false ones

  1. To be able to correct the false sentences – 1 p

  2. To be able to find out regular and irregular nouns from the text – 1 p

  1. False – the highland Games started in the 19th century

  2. True

  3. False – he was an 11th century king

  4. True

  5. False – in the past , people wore tartan to show which family they were from

  6. False – Nowadays, people from all round the world compete in the events

Ex. 4 p. 87 Find the plural forms of these words in the text – village, man, child, team, person, woman

Home- task: EX: 4 P. 62 ex. 1,2,3,4 p.63

To write an essay:

  1. Are there any traditional sporting events in our country?

  2. What are they?

After the reading task: individual work

8.To be able to answer the questions – 3 p

  1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

  2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Ex: 5 p. 87 answer the questions:

  1. Which sport in the text would you like to do?

  2. Which sport would you NOT like to do? Why?

Self – assessment:



I know the national games of Scotland

I can tell about them

I want to know widely about the National games of our country

Слайд 1

Шотландия картасы

Short term plan

Unit of a long term plan

School: 175


Teacher name:


Number present: absent:

Lesson title

Expressing interest

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

L - – understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

S - – ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

W - – link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

Сабақтың мақсаты

  • Жасөспірімдердің ұнататын спорты туралы видео көріп, талқылау

  • Спорттың түрлері және олардың қиындықтары туралы айту

  • Демалыс күндері өздерінің айналысатын спорт түрлері туралы айту

Lesson objectives

-watch teenagers talking about their favourite sport

-to talk about kinds of sports and their problems

-practice talking about the sport I did at the weekend

All learners will be able to:

- To talk about favourite sport that I do at the weekend do my favourite sport

Most learners will be able:

- To read the sentences, discuss questions in pairs, in group, in class without support

Some learners will be able:

- To use key words of the theme to talk about their favourite sport, to make a dialogue, create questions

Assessment criteria


  1. To be able answer the given questions about “Traditional sport of Kazakhstan” - 1 p

  2. To be able to describe the picture – 1 p

  3. To be able to write the sports from the video – 1p

  4. To be able to talk abour teenagers’ sports – 1 p

  5. To be able to complete the dialogue – 1 p

  6. To be able to talk about different kind of sports and their pros and cons– 3 p T- chart

  1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

  2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

  3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

Бағалау критерийлері


  1. «Қазақстанның ұлттық ойындары» туралы айта алады – 1

  2. Берілген суретті суреттеп айта алады – 1 б

  3. Видеодан тыңдаған спорт түрлерін белгілей алады – 1б

  4. Жасөспірімдердің ұнататын спорт түрлері туралы айта алады – 1 б

  5. Диологты керекті сөздермен толықтыра алады – 1 б

  6. Спорттың түрлері және олардың жақсы және жаман жақтары туралы айта алады – 3 б

А. Грамматикалық қатесіз – 1б

Б. Дұрыс сөйлем құрай алады – 1 б

С. Фонетикалық қатесіз айта алады – 1 б

Target language

Word bank: Kind of sport

Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Writing prompts: Abilities

Values links

Specifying the values from the integrated curriculum and national and universal values, which the lesson is aimed at instilling.

Интеграцияланған оқу бағдарламасынан және ұлттық және әмбебап құндылықтарды белгілеу, оларды сабақты оқуға бағыттау

Instilling values by / through ... (description of the activities and / or content of the topic).

Cross-curricular links

Discuss possible cross-curricular links with a colleague and/or refer to the primary sources

Өзара байланыстағы мүмкін болатын сілтемелерді талқылау және бастапқы көздерге сілтеме жасау

Specify how cross-curricular integration takes place in a lesson (through activities and/or content)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Тыңдағанға шейінгі тапсырма


Тыңдап отырған кездегі тапсырма


Тыңдалымнан кейінгі тапсырма


Organization moment:

  1. Greeting - Амандасу

  2. Marking the absentees – Оқушыларды түгендеу

  3. Warm up

Hands up, Clap, clap, clap

Hands down, Shake, shake, shake

Hands on tips, turn, turn, turn

Sit down, stand up

Stop stand still!

  1. Home – task:


  1. 1. To be able answer the given questions about “Traditional sport of Kazakhstan” - 1

А. Are there any traditional sporting events in our country?

В. What are they?

  1. Миға шабуыл

Оқушылар суреттке қарап сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы сабақ тақырыбын өздері табады.

  • Суретте балалар қандай ойын түрімен айналысып жатыр?

  • Балалардың жасы нешеде деп ойлайсыңдар?

  • Before the listening Task


  1. To be able to describe the picture – 1 p

Look at the picture at page 90 and tell me what are children playing? – They are playing tennis

How old are they? – they are 13 or 14. They are teenagers

The base of the word “Teenager”

According to the tasks we are talking about:

The favourite sport of the teenagers”

While the watching task:


  1. To be able to write the sports from the video – 1p

  2. To be able to talk abour teenagers’ sports – 1 p

  3. To be able to complete the dialogue – 1 p

Ex. 1 p. 90 write the teenagers in the Video.

Baseball, basketball, football, soccer, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball

Ex. 3 p. 90 answer the question

What did Rachel do?

  • She went windsurfing

Ex. 4 Complete the conversation using Useful Languages

Useful language:

Cool! How was it? Really? What happened?

  1. How was it?

  2. What happened?

  3. Really?

  4. Cool!


  1. To be able to talk about different kind of sports and their pros and cons– 3 p

    1. Without grammar mistake – 1p

    2. To make the right sentence – 1 p

    3. Pronunciation of the words – 1 p

T - chart

Pros Cons





Home – task: to write an essay

My favourite sport I do at the weekend

To answer the question:

  1. What’s your favourite sport?

  2. Why do you like this sport?

Final Peer assessment: Бірін – бірі бағалау:

Tick Yes or No




Tells about teenagers sport

Shows Pros of the sports

Finds out Cons of the Sport

Слайд 1

BilimLand 003


it is a place where we see collecting historical things

Shopping Centre

it is a modern version of the traditional marketplace

Sports stadium

it is a large structure for open – air sports


it is a theatre where films are shown

Skate park

it is a place where move along on skates

Bowling alley

it is a building that contains several alleys for bowling


it is a place where we go to buy goods and services


it is a place where we see collecting historical things

Shopping Centre

it is a modern version of the traditional marketplace

Sports stadium

it is a large structure for open – air sports


it is a theatre where films are shown

Skate park

it is a place where move along on skates

Bowling alley

it is a building that contains several alleys for bowling


it is a place where we go to buy goods and services

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Places in a town

Автор: Доскожаева Нургуль Елшибековна

Дата: 17.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 466559

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