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Конспект урока "Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk"

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Kонспект урока по теме

"Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk"


Тип урока: Организация проектной деятельности обучающихся.

Цель урока: организовать деятельность учащихся по развитию навыков устной речи на английском языке на основе краеведческого материала.

Задачи урока:

учебные: активизировать употребление лексики по теме; развивать умение читать с целью извлечения нужной информации; совершенствовать навыки устной речи; обучать умению высказываться логично и связно;

-развивающая: совершенствовать способность использовать имеющиеся сведения о родном крае на английском языке;

-социокультурные: расширение страноведческого кругозора; увеличение объёма знаний о родном крае;

-воспитательные: формирование потребности изучать информацию о родном крае; воспитывать чувство гордости за родной край

Необходимое оборудование и материалы:

  • стенд с фотографиями "Places of interests in our native town",
  • компьютер, проектор, экран, мультимедийная презентация «Welcome to Tyukalinsk."
  • карточки-задания.

1 Мотивация учащихся:

Т: Good afternoon, dear children! I am glad to see you at the lesson.

Look at the blackboard and let's discuss the topic of our lesson.

T:. Look at these photos and try to name the topic of our lesson.

 What will we speak about?

P1 Today we are going to speak about our native town Tyukalinsk.

 T.  Our topic is "Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk "

The aim of our lesson is to know some interesting things about the town we live in. Речевая зарядка

Т. To begin our  lesson I want you to listen to this poem.

I love you deeply, dear land:

Your hills and rivers,

Sand on strand.

Your birds in trees,

Your beasts and fish

Your sunrise,

In a splendid sight

Which give me always such delight!

T. What is this poem about?

T: 1) Do you like your native town? PI: Yes, of course.

T: 2) Would you like to see Tyukalinsk more beautiful, modern and hospitable?

P2: Yes, we do.

T: 3) What can we do to make our home town better?

P3:I  think we should plant more trees, flowers.

P4: We must try to keep streets and squares clean.

T: Thank you very much.

2 Работа с пословицами

Т: There are a lot of proverbs in any language. You see the proverbs at the blackboard. Find the other half of these English proverbs and find their Russian equivalents.


East or West,....

There is no place...

My home is....

...so many customs. ...

 .home is best.

its traditions.

.... my castle.

….like home.

So many countries,

Every country has..

Т: Check up your work and read these proverbs.

East or West, home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

There is no place like home. Нет места лучше чем дом родной.

My home is my castle. Мой дом- моя крепость.

So many countries so many customs. Сколько стран, столько обычаев. Every country has its traditions. У каждой страны свои традиции.


3 Активизация изученной ранее лексики.

T. Today at the lesson we'll try to present our town as the best place in our country . Let's invite our friends to visit Tyukalinsk and show them, that our town is worth visiting.

Let's try to answer the question:

Why would our friends like to visit Tyukalinsk

P1 to see beautiful nature

P2 to see new places

P3 to meet people

P3 to visit our gymnasium

P4 to learn about the history of our town

4 Развитие навыков устной речи

  T.Work in groups.

Your foreign friend came to our town.

What places of interest should you advise to visit in Tyukalinsk.  Give your presentation to your classmates.

Каждая группа получает карточку с заданием, работает с дополнительным материалом, затем представляет свой отчет.Card

We work on the project.

Choose the title of the project. Collect information and illustrations. Present your information to your classmates. Good luck for you!

5 Презентация проектов

Welcome to our town Tyukalinsk!

Tyukalinsk is a regional town in Omsk region in the northern hemisphere in the south of Western Siberia. It is located on the bank river of the Tyukalka. Tyukalinsk District was formed in 1924. The distance to Omsk is 134 km. The stretches of its territory is: 6.9 thousand sq.km. The district borders on Bolsheuky District in the North, Kolosovka in the East, Krutinka in the West and Lyubino in the South, The population of our town is 34.2 thousand people including urban population. The climate is fairly server: it is cold in winter, and hot and humid during the short summer period due to strong influence of the Arctic ocean.In spring, that usually comes in March, the snow thaws. Many birds fly back from the South to start nesting. In autumn the days are still warm and it is calm. There are many lakes near our town. Among them: Rasliv, Koshara, Atrachy, Chetarlu. The lakes are full of fish such as perch, pike, carp, sturgeon. Wild animals live in the local forests. There one can find foxes, hares.

The Tyukalinsk Local Studies Museum.

The history of Tyukalinsk goes side by side with its present and future. It is preserved and saved in our museum .The Tyukalinsk Local Studies Museums was founded in 1985. The museum is located in the center of our town. Now there are three sections: History department, Nature department and Culture department. The present day Museum's depositories contain more than 16000 unique items showing the history of our land, its nature, people and culture. It's a place where very old things and very valuable and beautiful things are kept. You can see here collections of documents, armory, coins, clothes, furniture. There is a model of a peasant house in one of the halls. In biological halls you can see fine collections of insects, stuffed animals and birds.

Our gymnasium.

A great part of the museum is devoted to the Second World War and its participants, the heroes of the Soviet Union. Different personal things of these people are situated here. For example: medals, photos and letters. The Museum brings to life history of our town.

Our gymnasium is not very big. The school № 2 was opened in August 1981. In 2007 the school has got the status of Gymnasium. The building of the gymnasium is modern. In the schoolyard there are a lot of beautiful flowers and the trees are planted around the building. More than 500 pupils study at our school. There is a cloak-room, a canteen, a library, a gym on the ground floor. The work­shop for boys is also on the ground floor. On the first floor there are classrooms for younger pupils. You can also find here the director's office, classroom for Literature, Geography, and Physics. Many pupils are fond of physics and they have all the devices and equipment for physical experiments in the classroom. As for the second floor, here you can find classrooms for English, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, a work-shop for girls. Girls learn to cook, to sew, to knit. All classrooms are well- equipped and have everything for studying. There is a big stadium in the yard. We have our physical -training lessons there in spring and autumn.

  1. Систематизация материала.

Т. Complete the sentences to revise the facts about the history of our town.

T: So, children, it's not a secret that Tyukalinsk is dear for us.

Complete the sentences

1 .Tyukalinsk is my native town..,

  1. It is a modern town…
  2. The popular places are ... .
  3. advise to take pictures near ... , because ....

 5 The famous people of Tyukalinsk are ..., ... .

  1. We are proud of.... because she(he) is a.....

7.1 think my town is worth seeing and admiring.

8. I'm proud of history, people, historical places and monuments of my town.

  1. Подведение итогов урока

T: Well, you see Tyukalinsk has a lot of interesting places which are worth seeing. But how can we attract visitors to our town? What should we do to develop tourist business in our region? What's your opinion? P 1,2,3...

  • new modern hotels should be built;
  • tourist routes should be worked out;
  • advertisement should be shown on TV;
  • people, who are interested in this business should be found.

T: You are right, students. It seems to me, the most important thing is to find people who could do such business. Soon you'll leave your school and choose profession. Keep in mind, your town is waiting for you. There is a lot of work to do. Get the education and come back to your native land.

8 Рефлексия.

Мы использовали имеющиеся сведения о нашем крае на английском языке, расширили свой страноведческий кругозор и увеличили объем знаний о родном крае. Все это позволило вам логично и связно передавать информацию на языке о нашем городе Тюкалинске.

Ответьте на вопросы:

I’ve learnt many interesting facts about …

I was surprised to know


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«Конспект урока "Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk" »

Kонспект урока по теме

"Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk"


Тип урока: Организация проектной деятельности обучающихся.

Цель урока: организовать деятельность учащихся по развитию навыков устной речи на английском языке на основе краеведческого материала.

Задачи урока:

учебные: активизировать употребление лексики по теме; развивать умение читать с целью извлечения нужной информации; совершенствовать навыки устной речи; обучать умению высказываться логично и связно;

-развивающая: совершенствовать способность использовать имеющиеся сведения о родном крае на английском языке;

-социокультурные: расширение страноведческого кругозора; увеличение объёма знаний о родном крае;

-воспитательные: формирование потребности изучать информацию о родном крае; воспитывать чувство гордости за родной край

Необходимое оборудование и материалы:

  • стенд с фотографиями "Places of interests in our native town",

  • компьютер, проектор, экран, мультимедийная презентация «Welcome to Tyukalinsk."

  • карточки-задания.

1 Мотивация учащихся:

Т: Good afternoon, dear children! I am glad to see you at the lesson.

Look at the blackboard and let's discuss the topic of our lesson.

T:. Look at these photos and try to name the topic of our lesson.

What will we speak about?

P1 Today we are going to speak about our native town Tyukalinsk.

T. Our topic is "Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk "

The aim of our lesson is to know some interesting things about the town we live in. Речевая зарядка

Т. To begin our lesson I want you to listen to this poem.

I love you deeply, dear land:

Your hills and rivers,

Sand on strand.

Your birds in trees,

Your beasts and fish

Your sunrise,

In a splendid sight

Which give me always such delight!

T. What is this poem about?

T: 1) Do you like your native town? PI: Yes, of course.

T: 2) Would you like to see Tyukalinsk more beautiful, modern and hospitable?

P2: Yes, we do.

T: 3) What can we do to make our home town better?

P3:I think we should plant more trees, flowers.

P4: We must try to keep streets and squares clean.

T: Thank you very much.

2 Работа с пословицами

Т: There are a lot of proverbs in any language. You see the proverbs at the blackboard. Find the other half of these English proverbs and find their Russian equivalents.

East or West,.... There is no place...

My home is

...so many customs. ...

.home is best.

its traditions.

my castle.

….like home.

So many countries,

Every country has..

Т: Check up your work and read these proverbs.

East or West, home is best. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

There is no place like home. Нет места лучше чем дом родной.

My home is my castle. Мой дом- моя крепость.

So many countries so many customs. Сколько стран, столько обычаев. Every country has its traditions. У каждой страны свои традиции.

3 Активизация изученной ранее лексики.

T. Today at the lesson we'll try to present our town as the best place in our country . Let's invite our friends to visit Tyukalinsk and show them, that our town is worth visiting.

Let's try to answer the question:

Why would our friends like to visit Tyukalinsk

P1 to see beautiful nature

P2 to see new places

P3 to meet people

P3 to visit our gymnasium

P4 to learn about the history of our town

4 Развитие навыков устной речи

T.Work in groups.

Your foreign friend came to our town.

What places of interest should you advise to visit in Tyukalinsk. Give your presentation to your classmates.

Каждая группа получает карточку с заданием, работает с дополнительным материалом, затем представляет свой отчет.


We work on the project.

Choose the title of the project. Collect information and illustrations. Present your information to your classmates. Good luck for you!

5 Презентация проектов

Welcome to our town Tyukalinsk!

Tyukalinsk is a regional town in Omsk region in the northern hemisphere in the south of Western Siberia. It is located on the bank river of the Tyukalka. Tyukalinsk District was formed in 1924. The distance to Omsk is 134 km. The stretches of its territory is: 6.9 thousand sq.km. The district borders on Bolsheuky District in the North, Kolosovka in the East, Krutinka in the West and Lyubino in the South, The population of our town is 34.2 thousand people including urban population. The climate is fairly server: it is cold in winter, and hot and humid during the short summer period due to strong influence of the Arctic ocean.In spring, that usually comes in March, the snow thaws. Many birds fly back from the South to start nesting. In autumn the days are still warm and it is calm. There are many lakes near our town. Among them: Rasliv, Koshara, Atrachy, Chetarlu. The lakes are full of fish such as perch, pike, carp, sturgeon. Wild animals live in the local forests. There one can find foxes, hares.

The Tyukalinsk Local Studies Museum.

The history of Tyukalinsk goes side by side with its present and future. It is preserved and saved in our museum .The Tyukalinsk Local Studies Museums was founded in 1985. The museum is located in the center of our town. Now there are three sections: History department, Nature department and Culture department. The present day Museum's depositories contain more than 16000 unique items showing the history of our land, its nature, people and culture. It's a place where very old things and very valuable and beautiful things are kept. You can see here collections of documents, armory, coins, clothes, furniture. There is a model of a peasant house in one of the halls. In biological halls you can see fine collections of insects, stuffed animals and birds.

Our gymnasium.

A great part of the museum is devoted to the Second World War and its participants, the heroes of the Soviet Union. Different personal things of these people are situated here. For example: medals, photos and letters. The Museum brings to life history of our town.

Our gymnasium is not very big. The school № 2 was opened in August 1981. In 2007 the school has got the status of Gymnasium. The building of the gymnasium is modern. In the schoolyard there are a lot of beautiful flowers and the trees are planted around the building. More than 500 pupils study at our school. There is a cloak-room, a canteen, a library, a gym on the ground floor. The work­shop for boys is also on the ground floor. On the first floor there are classrooms for younger pupils. You can also find here the director's office, classroom for Literature, Geography, and Physics. Many pupils are fond of physics and they have all the devices and equipment for physical experiments in the classroom. As for the second floor, here you can find classrooms for English, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, a work-shop for girls. Girls learn to cook, to sew, to knit. All classrooms are well- equipped and have everything for studying. There is a big stadium in the yard. We have our physical -training lessons there in spring and autumn.

    1. Систематизация материала.

Т. Complete the sentences to revise the facts about the history of our town.

T: So, children, it's not a secret that Tyukalinsk is dear for us.

Complete the sentences

1 .Tyukalinsk is my native town..,

      1. It is a modern town…

      2. The popular places are ... .

    1. advise to take pictures near ... , because ....

5 The famous people of Tyukalinsk are ..., ... .

        1. We are proud of.... because she(he) is a

7.1 think my town is worth seeing and admiring.

8. I'm proud of history, people, historical places and monuments of my town.

          1. Подведение итогов урока

T: Well, you see Tyukalinsk has a lot of interesting places which are worth seeing. But how can we attract visitors to our town? What should we do to develop tourist business in our region? What's your opinion? P 1,2,3...

  • new modern hotels should be built;

  • tourist routes should be worked out;

  • advertisement should be shown on TV;

  • people, who are interested in this business should be found.

T: You are right, students. It seems to me, the most important thing is to find people who could do such business. Soon you'll leave your school and choose profession. Keep in mind, your town is waiting for you. There is a lot of work to do. Get the education and come back to your native land.

8 Рефлексия.

Мы использовали имеющиеся сведения о нашем крае на английском языке, расширили свой страноведческий кругозор и увеличили объем знаний о родном крае. Все это позволило вам логично и связно передавать информацию на языке о нашем городе Тюкалинске.

Ответьте на вопросы:

I’ve learnt many interesting facts about …

I was surprised to know

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Конспект урока "Welcome to our native town Tyukalinsk"

Автор: Перевертун Галина Сергеевна

Дата: 02.07.2014

Номер свидетельства: 109307

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