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Панорамалы? саба?

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О?ушылар?а шартты райды? ІІІ формасын, оны? жасалу жолын, формаларын, ?олданылуын ?йрету. Шартты райды? І,ІІ формаларын ?айталау О?ушыларды? танымды?, жан-жа?ты ойлау ?абілеттерін дамыту, с?здік ?орын молайтып, с?йлеу тілін дамыту. О?ушыларды? шет тіліне деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру, ?з бетінше ж?мыс істеуге ?йрету, жылдамды??а т?рбиелеу.

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«Панорамалы? саба? »

11th form

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Third Conditional

Сабақтың мақсаты: 1. Оқушыларға шартты райдың ІІІ формасын, оның жасалу жолын, формаларын, қолданылуын үйрету. Шартты райдың І,ІІ формаларын қайталау.

2. Оқушылардың танымдық, жан-жақты ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту, сөздік қорын молайтып, сөйлеу тілін дамыту.

3. Оқушылардың шет тіліне деген қызығушылығын арттыру, өз бетінше жұмыс істеуге үйрету, жылдамдыққа тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың типі: аралас сабақ

Сабақ түрі: панорамалық

Сабақ әдісі: баяндау, сұрақ-жауап, үлестірмелі қағаз, таблицалар, интерактивті тақтамен жұмыс.

Сабақтың көрнекілігі: Бейнероликтер, ТСО, таблицалар.

Болжамдалған нәтиже: Оқушылар шартты райдың ІІІ формасын қолдануды үйренеді, өз ойларын еркін, шапшаң білдіре алады.

Сабақ жоспары

І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

а) оқушылармен сәлемдесу, түгендеу

в) сабақтың мақсатымен таныстыру

ІІ. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру

- шартты раймен берілген ырымдарды жазып келу

ІІІ. Жаңа сабақ

а) ойашар

б) шартты райдың І.ІІ формаларын қайталау

в) шартты райдың ІІІ формасымен танысу

д) грамматикалық жаттығулар, қима қағаздармен жұмыс

IV. Сабақты бекіту

а) ертегіні аяқтау (Gallery work)

в) тест орындау

V. Бағалау, үйге тапсырма

Сабақтың барысы

I. Org moment

T: - Hello, everybody! Sit down, please.

- Who is absent?

- What date is it?

- What was your home task?

P: - We had to write omens with the conditionals.

T: Thank you The theme of our lesson is Third Conditional, its use and forms I’m going to speak about Third Conditional and its use and forms. We’ll revise First and Second Conditionals, we must do lots of works to show our abilities You’ll try to use them in your speech. Let’s begin our lesson. Be active!

II. Checking up the home-task.

- Please, read your omens.

P1: If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck.

P2: If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet she will be the next to marry.

P3: If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck.

P4: If you see a small spider, you will get a lot of money.

P5: If you talk of a devil, he will appear.

- Thank you. It is good.

III. The new lesson.

a) warm-up (complete the sentences)








P1: If Omar goes to Paris, he will see the Eiffel Tower.

P2: If Omar goes to Astana.

P3: If Omar goes to Australia.

P4: If Omar goes to Egypt.

P5: If Omar goes to London.

P6: If Omar goes to the USA.

b) I want to remind you the use of First and Second Conditionals.

As you know, First Conditional expresses the real or possible situations and probable result that can happen in the future.

(First Conditional болуы мүмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді)

Form: If + Present Simple + Future Simple

ex. If I hear any news, I’ll phone you We use the Present Simple in the Subordinate Clause (бағыңынқы) and we use the Future Simple in the Main Clause.

We use Second Conditional to express an unread or unlikely situation in the present or in the future.

(Second Conditional – шындыққа келмейтін және оның мүмкін болатын нәтижесін сипаттайды)

Form: If + Past Simple + would + verb1

- Fill in gaps

1. If we ______ (to harry) we’ll get there in time

2. If we ______(not to water) the flowers, they’ll die

3. If she doesn’t feel well, she _____ (to go) to the doctor.

4. I ____ (to make) sandwich if you are hungry.

5. If you help me I _____ (to help) you.

6. If you smoke you _____ (to damage) your lungs

- Imagine what would happen if you won the lottery

P1: If I won the lottery, I would have a chance to hit the jackpot.

P2: If I hit the jackpot, I would be rich.

P3: If I were rich, I would buy a big house by the beach.

P4: I would buy a big house by the beach if I were rich.

P5: I would invite all my friends if I bought a big house.

P6: We would make parties if my friends came to my house.

P7: If we made parties, we would dance a lot.

P8: But if my friends left my house I would be alone on the beach.

That’ll do. Thank you.

c) Now, I’ll explain you the use and forms of Third Conditionals. We use the Past Perfect Tense in the Subordinate Clause and auxiliary verbs should, would and the Perfect Infinitive without to in the main clause.

Form: If + Past Perfect + would have + V3

ex. If I hadn’t missed my classes, I wouldn’t have failed the exam.

d) - match the sentences

1. If she had warned the child about the boiling kettle

2. He wouldn’t have been late for work.

3. If she hadn’t started work late.

4. If I hadn’t run to the bus stop.

5. I could have gone to the university.

6. If I hadn’t been wearing a seat belt.

7. If he had been well – qualified.

8. He would have gone there.

a) She wouldn’t have been working at night.

b) If my parents hadn’t been poor.

c) I would have been seriously injured.

d) He wouldn’t have burnt himself.

e) If he hadn’t forgotten about the meeting.

f) He might have been considered for the post.

g) I wouldn’t have been able to catch the bus.

h) If he had heard the alarm – clock ring.

- make negative and question forms

1. If the water is heated to 1000C it boils.

2. You look tired. If I were you I would take a holiday.

3. If I get up early tomorrow morning, I will go jogging.

4. If pigs had wings they would fly.

5. I would do the same if I were in your shoes.

- Where is a mistake?

1. If you didn’t buy coffee, we shall drink tea.

2. If he is free tomorrow he tea would certainly come to our party.

3. My brother would not have missed so many lessons if he hadn’t injured his leg.

4. If you spoke English every day, you will improve your language skills.

5. If you get a “five”, you mother will be happy.

6. If he comes to our house yesterday, he would have met his friend.

7. If doesn’t pass his exams, he will not get a scholarship.

8. If she wouldn’t help me, I should have been in a very difficult situation.

IV. Consolidating the theme

a) gallery work

- All of you know the fairy-tale about Cinderella. But imagine for a moment what would have been if Cinderella hadn’t met a fairy.

- to do to the hall

- to meet the Prince

- to tell in love with

- to run home at 12 o’clock

- to loose a glass slipper

- to find Cinderella

- to have a happy end

b) test

1. If I find your book I ____ you.

a) should have called b) should call c) shall call

2. I _____ you to the cinema, If I had a spare ticket.

a) should take b) shall take c) should have taken

3. If he had gone to bed earlier yesterday, he _____ better.

a) would rest b) had rested c) would have rested

4. If it ______ these days, the harvest would be better now.

a) rained b) would rain c) rains

5. We shall go for a picnic if it _____ fine tomorrow

a) was b) would be c) is

6. I would have invited him to join us if I _____ him

a) met b) meet c) had met

V. Conclusion. Giving marks, h/t.

T: Did you like our lesson?

Why did you like it?

Was it interesting?

Is it difficult to learn Conditionals?

- Thank you very much for the lesson, you have worked very well today.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Панорамалы? саба?

Автор: Жапелова Рыскуль Амантаевна

Дата: 08.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198927

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