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Our friends.

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Our friends Our friends

Our friends Our frien

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«Our friends.»





The theme of the lesson

Our friends

The aim of the lesson

Introduce with new theme about our friends, the roles of dogs in our society, develop reading, writing .interviewing and speaking skills

Expecting results

Students know the roles of dogs in our society

Enrich word stock

Express opinions according the theme

Visual aids

Basic book, tables, computer,pictures.

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Organization moment

Asking the date, day of the week, weather

Devision into groups:

Checking up the home task

The students answer the questions, divide into groups with the pictures of animals.

Read their homework


Now students you will listen to the sounds of animals and try to guess them

Students listen to the sounds and name them

Main part

-Do you have a friend?

-What is a friend?

-What do you think?

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

A friend is someone…

The theme of our todays lesson is

“ Our friends“.

-What domestic animals do you know?

-What are they good for?

Interviewing the group

Do you have a dog?

-Do you have a cat?

-What colour is it?

1 group


Do you have

a dog?

Do you have

a dog?

What colour is it?

2 group


Do you have

a dog?

Do you have

a dog?

What colour is it?

Reading the text.Exercise2

Our friends.

1Group describe the dogs



2 Group write the roles in human society


Their roles in human society









1/ I like hunting.

2/ I like hunting traditions.

3/ Hunting with catching birds is a national tradition.

Students answer the questions and complete the sentences

Students express their opinions

Students guess the new theme

Students interview their classmates

Students read and translate the underlined words

Students work with tables

Translates new wods

Complete the table

Students work with poster in groups

Pupils write their own examples sentences individually then check in groups.


Method: dialogue on sticks

Homework : Write an essay about your pets


One student read the question on stickers other students find answers and read.

Students show opinions about lesson by showing the fingers.





The theme of the lesson

To be or not to be a vegetarian?

The aim of the lesson

Introduce with new theme about health, the ways of to be healthy, develop reading, writing and speaking skills

Expecting results

Students know the ways of keeping fit; enrich word stock

Express opinions according the theme

Visual aids

Basic book, cards, grammar table

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Organization moment

Asking the date, day of the week, weather

Devision into groups:

The students answer the questions, divide into groups by choosing cards

Read their homework


Checking up the home task

Match the idioms with its definition

1. on the tip of one’s tongue - about to be spoken or remembered

2. button your lip – to stop talking, be quiet

3. to have a sweet tooth - to enjoy eating sweet food

4. it is written all over his face - маңдайына жазылған

5. like the back of one’s hand – бес саусақтай білу

6. to lend hand - қол үшын беру

7. apple of your eye – a person or a thing that is loved or adored

Complete the table

What do you know about health, healthy and unhealthy food

I know

I have learnt

I want to know


Students work in pair match the idioms with definition

Students complete the first part of the table

Main part


Ex 1 p 19 (name true sentences)


Ex 7 p 20

Group 1 “Ann’s point of view”

Group 2 “ Laura’s point of view”


Ex 11 p 23 (make a sentence about the people using an idea from the box).

Ex 12 p 24 Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Work with poster:

Work with poster

group 1

The theme: good health habits, healthy products

Group 2 The theme: bad health habits, products.

Students name only true sentences

Read and translate the sentences

Students write the sentences in their notebooks

Students work with poster in groups


I know

I have learnt

I want to know




Ex 7 p 20 answer the questions



Students complete the second, third parts of the table

Students write hometask in their diaries.





The theme of the lesson

A diet with meat

The aim of the lesson

Introduce with new theme about health, the ways of to be healthy, keeping the diet, practice using Present Perfect Progressive tense, develop reading, writing and speaking skills

Expecting results

Students know the ways of keeping fit; enrich word stock

express opinions according the theme, learn how correctly use present perfect continuous tense.

Visual aids

Basic book, cards, grammar table, computer, interactive board, E – book

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Organization moment

Asking the date, day of the week, weather

Training, divide students into groups by counting

Check up hometask

The students answer the questions, participate in training

Answer for the homework


Teacher asks questions:

1. What kind of food is helpful for health?

2. How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?

3. How do you understand the word “diet”?

4. Is keeping diet necessary?

Students answer the questions

Main part


Work with E – book. The text “Health”

(English 9 Health)

Ex 7 Complete the sentences

(task for group 2)

1. Ann became a vegetarian because …..

2. She persuaded her parents to agree by …

3. She eats ….

4. She feels that being a vegetarian ….

Task for group 1

1. Laura thinks it’s healthier to eat meat because …..

2. She won’t eat rabbit, unless it’s chopped up, because ….

3. She thinks vegetarians are hypocritical because a lot of them ….

4. She feels strongly about fur because ….


Ex 8 p 46

Ex 10 p 47


Ex 11 p 47

Ex 12 p 47

Students read the text and do the task

Students write exercise individually and check each others notebooks.



Ex 12, 13 p 24



Students write hometask in their diaries.

Pupils write 2 stars and one wish

Test Grade 9

1. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз.

This time tomorrow you ___ in a deck chair on the beach.

a) will sit b) sit c) will be sitting d) sat e) was sitting

2. She often ____ to herself.

a) talks b) talking c) will talk d) is talking e) will have talked

3. Фразалық етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз. “return”

a)look for b) look like c) keep on d) come back e) run over

4. Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:

He (to give) a lot of money last month.

a) was given b) was gave c) was give d) was gived e) give

5. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Alma and Arman would … happy if you stayed with them at the weekend.

a) be b) has been c) had been d) was e) have been

6. Төлеу сөзді сөйлемнің дұрыс вариантын көрсетіңіз:

James said: “I am very busy”.

a) James said he is very busy b) James said he very busy

c) James said he would be very busy d) James said he had been busy

e) James said he will be very busy

7. Төлеу сөзі бар сөйлемнің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:

Fred said: “It is stuffy here”.

a) Fred said it is stuffy there. b) Fred said it is stuffy here.

c) Fred said it was stuffy here. d) Fred said it was stuffy there.

e) Fred said it had been stuffy there.

8. Предлогтың дұрыс нұсқасын көрсетіңіз.

I started school ____ the age of seven.

a) in b) at c) after d) with e) on

9. Қажетті предлогты көрсетіңіз.

What is the longest river …… the world?

a) in b) with c) at d) on e) off

10. Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын табыңыз.

He has opened the letter.

a) the letter will be opened b) the letter had been opened

c) the letter is opened d) the letter was opened

e) the letter has been opened

11. Дұрыс нұсқаны таңдаңыз. The capital of _________ is Cardiff.

a) Scotland b) Wales c) England

d) Northern Ireland e) The United Kingdom

12. The famous ……. In London is called Big Ben.

a) house b) museum c) clock tower d) prison e) shop

13. The national emblem of England is the ______ .

a) red hand b) helmet c) thistle d) red rose e) daffodil

14. The capital of Scotland is _____ .

a) London b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh d) Dublin e) Oxford

15. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз.

The official full name of Great Britain is _______ .

a) England and Northern Ireland b) England c) the United Kingdom

d) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

e) Great Britain and Northern Ireland

16. Шартты сөйлемдегі етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз.

If ….. my passport, I’ll be in trouble.

a) I lose b) I’ll lose c) I lost d) I would lose e) I have lost

17. Берілген мақалды толықтырыңыз. Health is above ______.

a) health b) wealth c) time d) money e) school

18. Берілген сөздерден сөйлем құраңыз.

Has / been/ company / this / perfumes / selling.

a) 341265 b) 143265 c) 431265 d) 654321 e) 645123

19. Берілген сөйлемнің дұрыс шағын табыңыз. I have been using shampoo.

a) past perfect continuous b) present continuous

c) present perfect continuous d) present perfect e) present simple

20. Тиісті сөзді қойыңыз.

I have been washing my hair with _____ for two months.

a) hairspray b) shampoo c) body lotion d) body shampoo e) shamrock

21. Фразалық етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз.

On the tip of one’s tongue

a) about to be spoken or remembered b) to stop talking c) to enjoy eating sweet food d) a person or a thing that is loved or adored

e) to have a lot of free time

22. Фразалық етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз. Button your lip

a) to have a lot of free time b) to enjoy eating sweet food

c) a person or a thing that is loved or adored d) to stop talking, be quiet

e) about to be spoken or remembered

23. like the back of one’s hand

a) қызығу b) қол ұшын беру c) маңдайына жазылған

d) таңдану e) бес саусақтай білу

24. Берілген сөзге мағынасы қарама – қарсы сөзді көрсетіңіз.

Cold a) nice b) rainy c) hot d) early e) beautiful

25. Төмендегі тематикалық топқа жатпайтын сөзді көрсетіңіз.

a) funny b) spoil c) eat d) drink e) cut





The theme of the lesson

Are you fit?

The aim of the lesson

using the form of Present Perfect Progressive tense speak on the topic “health”

Expecting results

Use correctly Present perfect continuous tense, can ask and answer the questions according the theme.

Visual aids

Computer, slides, materials from internet, coloured papers, stickers

Methods of the lesson

Training, dialogue, individual, pair work, group work, level tasks, method “ traffic lights”

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Organization moment

Asking the date, day of the week, weather

Training, divide students into groups standing in alphabetical order of their names

The students answer the questions, participate in training, divide into groups


Check up hometask

Look at the board. There are words to do with the medicine. Decide what the three groups are, then complete the spider map. (group work)

surgeon doctor mixture cancer sore throat headache dentist virus infection patient tablets asthma

cough pills nurse stomachache

Things that doctor gives you



Students place words into the correct place

Main part

Listening, reading

New words

on the spot – бір орында тұрып жүгіру

tracksuit – жаттығу костюмі

lift – көтеру

leotard – леотард (трико)

sedentary – қозғалмайтын, аз қозғалатын

slob – икемсіз

enormous – зор, үлкен


Ex 1 p 28 (talk to the partner and discuss)

Ex 2 p 28 (individual work)

Writing (individual work)

Level A

Put in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

1. I _____ (not read) his latest book.

2. My great – grandmother ____ (live) in Italy.
3. (you visit) _____ India?

4. Amazing news! Scientists _______ (discover) a new planet.

5. I _____ (never enjoy) a holiday as much as this one.

Level B

Choose the correct tense form

1. I have known / have been knowing my teacher for two years.

2. She has lost / has been losing some weight.

3. He has smoked / has been smoking ten cigarettes since he came.

4. My leg has broken / has been breaking.

5. I have had / have been having this scar (шрам) since I was sixteen.

Level C

Match a line in A with a line in B.

1. Aren’t you hungry?

2. You all look very miserable. (аянышты)

3. You are very late.

4. She is covered in soap and water.

5. He’s got a headache.

6. The house smells of onions and garlic.

7. Your sister is a bit sunburst.

8. Everything’s so clean.

a. she’s been bathing the children.

b. My sister’s been doing the housework.

c. No, I’ve been eating all day.

d. She’s been sunbathing.

e. We’ve been telling each other our life stories.

f. I’ve been waiting for a bus for a long time.

g. He’s been reading for hours.

h. My mother’s been cooking .

Students listen and read new words

Students write tasks individually


Puzzle time

(teacher reads a definition)

1. A place where we get medical help. (hospital)

2. Small round things that we take to recover. (pill)

3. A person who gives us medical help. (doctor)

4. A sheet of paper wirth the help of which we take medicine at the chemist’s. (prescription)

5. A car that takes a patient to the hospital. (ambulance)


Ex 3, 5 p 29-30



Students guess the puzzle

Students write hometask in their diaries.

Students show cards and evaluate their classmates

Green – very well

Red - well

Yellow - satisfactory

Pupils write 2 stars and one offer

Date: 08.10. 2014

Grade: 9

The theme of the lesson: What do teenagers of the XXI st century prefer?

The aims of the lesson: talking about different types of entertainment. Learn grammar theme participle, types of participles and usage of participle.

Expecting results: students can speak on the topic entertainment; learn about participle; know to use participle.

Methods of the lesson: explanation, question- answer, individual work, pair work

Visual aids: cards, grammar table, E- book, computer, interactive board

Procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction

a) greeting

b) duty’s report

II. Brainstorming

Check up hometask

Answer the questions

1. How do you understand the word “entertainment?”

2. What kinds of entertainment do you know?

III. Main part

Reading, speaking

The entertainment is an important part of the modern life. The concept of «entertainment» includes not only a pretty pastime, but also a passion of art, movies, music, dancing, reading, and sports.
The development of the outlook is impossible without reading, hobbies, a passion of music or the theater, opera, ballet…
A visit to the cultural events such as exhibitions, presentations, and primes is an integral part of the intelligent person’s life.

Entertainment is a source of cheerfulness and necessary energy for the new achievements.







Being written





Having written

Having been written

Functions of the participle.

1. Attribute (анықтауыш)

The playing girl is my sister.

The broken table was thrown away.

2. part of the verb

The window is closed.

Adverbial modifier (пысықтауыш)

Having won the game they left the station laughing and talking.


Read, find participle and explain.

Look at the picture painted by a young artist. The lady standing on the bank of the river has two children – a boy playing with a dog and a girlfollowing her mother. It is a warm summer day. We see some boats sailing down the river. Having come in the morning, they have been staying here for some hours. They are enjoying themselves. We see a happy family, which is in harmony with nature.


Make one sentence with the given sentences.

1. Joe was playing football. He hurt his knee.

Joe hurt his knee playing football.

2. I was watching television. I fell asleep.

(I fell asleep watching television)

3. A friend of mine slipped and fell. He was getting off a bus.

( A friend of mine slipped and fell getting off a bus).

4. Laura was driving to work yesterday. She had an accident.

(Laura had an accident driving to work)

5. I was walking home in the rain. I got very wet.

I got very wet walking home in the rain.

IV. Conclusion


To get ready for the project work


Date: 10.10. 2014

Grade: 9

The theme of the lesson: Hobbies

The aims of the lesson: learn to speak on the topic “hobbies”. Practice using participle; develop reading, writing and speaking skills and habits.

Expecting results: students can speak about their hobbies; learn the difference of types of participle.

Methods of the lesson: explanation, question- answer, individual work, pair work

Visual aids: cards, grammar table, pictures.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction

a) greeting

b) duty’s report

II. Brainstorming

Check up hometask

III. Main part

Answer the questions

1. What is a hobby?

2. What kinds of hobbies do you know?

3. Does your life become more interesting if you have a hobby?

4. What’s your hobby?

5. Will your hobby help you in future?

Writing, reading

(write, read and translate the topic)


What is a hobby? It is something you like to do when you have some free time. We choose hobbies according to our characters and tastes. When we have hobbies our lives become more interesting.

Very often our hobbies help us to choose our future professions because we learn a lot of new things.

Many people are interested in music. They collect records, disks. Others like to read and collect books. People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature and they spend their free time in the country. Some of us go on hikes, some like to work in their gardens and others take photographs or knit.


(write and explain the use of participles)

1) He saw his friend (go) out with Sue.

He saw his friend going out with Sue.

2) The bus crashed into the blue car (drive) down the hill.

The bus crashed into the blue car driving down the hill.

3) Peter hurt his leg (do) karate.

Peter hurt his leg doing karate.

4) The umbrella (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.

The umbrella found at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.

5) The people (dance) in the street are all very friendly.

The people dancing in the street are all very friendly.

6) I heard my mother (talk) on the phone.

I heard my mother talking on the phone.

7) My uncle always has his car (wash).

My uncle always has his car washed.

8) We stood (wait) for the taxi.

We stood waiting for the taxi.

9) (look) down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets.

Looking down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets.

10) The people drove off in a (steal) car.

The people drove off in a stolen car.

IV. Conclusion


1. The current financial reports are very ________.

a) disturbed b) disturbing

2. The film was so ______ that I fell asleep.

a)  bored b)  boring

3. The city was badly ________ during the earthquake.

a) damaged b) damaging

4. The lesson was very _____________.

a)  interesting b)  interested

5. The CEO was very ________ when he read the current financial report.

a)  disturbed b)  disturbing

6. The rumours were very ________ to his career.

a)  damaged b)  damaging

7. I got really ________ at one of our customers.

a)  annoyed b)  annoying

8. The customer was ________ by the bad service.

a)  annoyed b)  annoying

9. I was very _______ by his reaction.

a)  amused b)  amusing

10. The comedian was very _______, he told a lot of good jokes.

a)   amused b)   amusing


1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. b


To get ready for the topic






The theme of the lesson

Young people are sport lovers

The aim of the lesson

Learn to speak on the topic sport; introduce with the form of participle, its use in sentences. Develop the students’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Expecting results

Students can speak about sport, know the form of participle.

Visual aids

The table KWL, Venn diagram, cards, stickers

Methods of the lesson

Training, individual, pair work, group work, KWL, Venn diagram

Procedure of the lesson


Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Organization moment

Asking the date, day of the week, weather

Training, divide students into groups by choosing cards

The students answer the questions, participate in training, divide into groups


Check up hometask

Topic “Hobbies”

Answer the questions

1. Do you do morning exercises every day?

2. Are a lot of different competitions held at schools?

3. Do you go in for sports?

4. What is your favourite sport?

5. Do your friends go in for sports?

retell the topic

Main part

Complete the chart about sport

I know

I want to know

I have learnt



New words

section - секция

participant - қатысушы

go in for sports – спортпен шұғылдану

in the open air - таза ауада


Topic: “ Sports in our life”

Sport is very important to us. It is popular among young and old people.

Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning or train in different clubs and take part

in sports competitions. Other people like sports too but they only watch sports games and listen to sports news. Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys and girls play volleyball and basketball at the lessons. A lot of different competitions are held at schools and a great number of pupils take part in them. Sport helps people to keep in good health. There are several popular sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing and skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports too. It includes running, jumping and other things. There are summer and winter sports.


The form

Active voice

Passive voice

Participle I




doing, playing


having done

having played

being done, being played

having been done

having been played

Participle II

Ved, V3

made, done, washed

She entered the room smiling.

Ол бөлмеге күлімсіреп кірді.

Having read that book I gave it to my friend.

Мен кітапты оқып болғасын досыма бердім.

A broken cup was on the table. Үстелдің үстінде сынған шыныаяқ болды.

Choose the correct form of the participle

1. (grow) interest 2. An (excite) child 3. (fly) fish 4. a (freeze) lake 5. a (break) heart

6. a steal car 7. The (follow) chapter 8. (run) water

Key: 1. growing 2. excited 3. flying

4. frozen 5. broken 6. stolen 7. following

8. running

Students complete the chart

Students write and read the topic

and make questions with group


Venn diagram

Sport in Britain


Sport in Kazakhstan


Essay “Sport in our life”



Students complete Venn diagram

Students write hometask in their diaries.

Pupils write 2 stars and one offer




17. 10. 2014

The theme of the lesson

Is sport exciting or dangerous?

The aim of the lesson

To learn to speak about sport and health; about how sport helps improve health; develop the students’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Expecting results

Learn to speak about sport; practice doing exercises with participle; develop word stock

Methods of the lesson

question - answer, explanation, individual work, group work, methods “group of stickers”, “think, work in pair and discuss”, cinkwein

Visual aids

cards, flipchart, coloured pencils, stickers

Procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Training Duty’s report

Divide into groups: health, sport

Participate in training

Divide into groups.


Check up home task

Do you like sport?

What kind of sport do you like?

Is sport dangerous or exciting?

Read the home work

Answer the questions

Main part

Reading, writing

Group of stickers”

Sport and Healthy Lifestyle

Sport and health are closely related. Generally speaking health has several components and sport is one of them. Others are healthy diet, hasteless and calm lifestyle, being in harmony with yourself and with others and positive attitude, of course. Sport is regarded more as a component of physical health. However, everybody knows that healthy body means sound mind. Nowadays, there are several ways to keep fit. First is to do regular morning exercises. Second is to exercise during the day through cycling, roller-skating, walking in the park, jogging, swimming, ice-skating etc. And the third way is to attend specialized fitness – centers, which can be found nearly everywhere now. They offer wide opportunities for people with different needs. They are often combined with swimming-pools or ice-rinks. There are many opportunities for such exercises as yoga, aerobics, karate, belly dancing, body building, weightlifting, and a simple work out in the gym. Children also have numerous opportunities to keep fit. Every school offers physical education as a compulsory subject. Some schools even offer swimming lessons in summer and skiing lessons in winter. The most popular sports are gymnastics, figure skating, football, hockey, skiing, athletics, swimming, tennis, basketball, volleyball and some others. Everybody can choose the type of sport they want to do.


Make sentences with the following words

Sport, PT lessons, teach, compulsory, excellent, competition, different, modern, compete

Make up phrases

1.Sports a) importance

2. national b) pool

3. compulsory c) games

4. swimming d) sport

5. Olympic e) fan

6. kind of f) hockey

7. ice g) skating

8. figure h) subject


“Think, work in pair and discuss”

“Think, work in pair and discuss”

What role does sport play in your life?

Do your friends go in for sports?

secondary schools officials pay attention to sports?

Is the healthy life-style popular in Kazakhstan?

What do you know about sports in foreign countries?

- What do you know about the Olympic games?

Students work with group; read the text and write facts

Write sentences in notebooks

Students answer the questions


Teacher explains the rule of the method “cinqwein”


To get ready for the presentation



Write cinqwein

Students write their home task, reflection for the lesson. Students of each group write the names of two students from the group which were active at the lesson




22. 10. 2014

The theme of the lesson

The role of books in young people’s life

The aim of the lesson

To learn to speak about books; the role of books in people’s life; practice using participle; develop the students’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Expecting results

Learn to speak about books; about the role of books; practice doing exercises with participle; develop word stock

Methods of the lesson

question - answer, explanation, individual work, group work, “think, work in pair and discuss”, cinkwein

Visual aids

cards, flipchart, coloured pencils, stickers

Procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Training Duty’s report

Divide into groups

Participate in training

Divide into groups.


Check up home task

Answer the questions

1. Do you like reading books?

2. What kind of books do you like best of all?

Read the home work

Answer the questions

Main part

Reading, speaking

Books in Our Life

Books are one of the greatest wonders in the world. They follow us during all our life. When you read a book you enrich your mind with knowledge. This knowledge will help you in different subjects. People who read many books are very clever. If you read many books you will get a lot of information on many subjects.
 Some of modern adolescents don’t like reading books. They prefer watching TV, playing computer games and other kinds of entertainment. Books are not only entertainment. They help us in self-education, and also to imagine the future, to look into the past. Books develop our intellect, our soul. The book is certainly one of the greatest human inventions. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. Books teach people to live. After reading some books it is easy to understand what should be done and what must not be done. One can learn a lot by reading books. Different people like to read different kinds of books. It depends on one's taste and character. Some people prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much.


1. Do you like to read English or Kazakh books?
2. Is it possible to live without books for you?
3. Books are our friends, aren't they?
4. How many classes of books do we distinguish?

Proverb “Books and friends should be few but good,”


Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles.

Group 1

1.    We met a boy. He was carrying a heavy bag.
2.    The house was decorated with lights. It looked beautiful.
3.    The robbers saw the policeman. They ran away.
4.    I found the door open. I went inside.
5.    The police saw the body. It was floating down the river.
6.    He cried at the top of his voice. He rushed at the thief.
7.    We had worked for several hours. We came out of the office.
8.    The troops gave a blow to the enemy. It was stunning.
9.    His handwriting was illegible. I couldn’t figure out what he had written.

Group 2
1.    We make some friendships in childhood. They last for ever.
2.    The sun had risen. We set out on our journey.
3.    I walked along the road. I saw a snake.
4.    He lost all his money in gambling. He became a pauper.
5.    I took a cue from his words. I solved the riddle.
6.    The burglars broke the door open. They entered the house.
7.   He didn’t realize the implication of his words. He went on speaking.
8.    The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. They retreated fast into their own territory.
9.   It was a fine day. Everybody was out on the roads.

Students work with group; read the text and write

Students answer the questions

(think, work in pair and discuss)

Students write sentences in groups


Teacher explains the rule of the method “cinqwein”


To read short texts



Write cinqwein

Students write their home task, reflection for the lesson.



1.    We met a boy carrying a heavy bag.
2.    Decorated with lights, the house looked beautiful.
3.    Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away.
4.    Finding the door open, I went inside.
5.    The police saw the body floating down the river.
6.    Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief.
7.    Having worked for several hours, we came out of the office.
8.    The troops gave a stunning blow to the enemy.
9.    His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written.
10.    Friendships made in childhood last for ever.
11.    The sun having risen, we set out on our journey.
12.    Walking along the road, I saw a snake.
13.    Having lost all his money in gambling, he became a pauper.
14.    Taking a cue from his words, I solved the riddle.
15.    Breaking the door open, the burglars entered the house.
16.    Not realizing the implication of his words, he went on speaking.
17.    Having been defeated by our army, the enemy forces retreated fast into their territory.
18.    It being a fine day, everybody was out on the roads




22. 10. 2014

The theme of the lesson

The role of books in young people’s life

The aim of the lesson

To learn to speak about books; the role of books in people’s life; practice using participle; develop the students’ reading, writing and speaking skills.

Expecting results

Learn to speak about books; about the role of books; practice doing exercises with participle; develop word stock

Methods of the lesson

question - answer, explanation, individual work, group work, “think, work in pair and discuss”, cinkwein

Visual aids

cards, flipchart, coloured pencils, stickers

Procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Training Duty’s report

Divide into groups

Participate in training

Divide into groups.


Check up home task

Answer the questions

Read the home work

Answer the questions

Main part

. Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?

2. Look! That boy tries to open the open the door of your house.

3. Pam is thinking it would be a good idea to sleep early.

4. Asel is usually go to school by bus.

5. Look! The kettle boil.

6. My friend is liking apples.

Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple tenses.

1. You (read) anything in Kazakh now? Yes, I (read) a book of poems by Olzhas Suleymenov never writes in Kazakh!

2. What you (think) about this play? I ( think) it (be) very good.

3. He ( play) at the concert today.

4. What you (watch) ? Don’t you see. It’s football.

5. I (not like) the boy: he ( bother) me with silly questions.

6. He’ll join us with pleasure if we ( invite) him.

Read the new proverbs. How do you understand the new proverbs?

1. Home is where you hang your @

2. Don’t bite off more than you can view.

3. Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach him to use the net and he won’t bother you for weeks.

III. Main part

Reading and speaking

Can you imagine your life without a mobile phone?

What for do you use your mobile phone?

Mark the things you do with your phone and say what is more important for you and why:

  • to call somebody

  • to receive calls from somebody

  • to listen to music

  • to use it as a torch

  • to play games

  • to take photos

  • to chat on the internet

  • to use it as an alarm – clock

  • to use it as a USB

  • to use it for taking notes

What else can you do with your mobile? (pair work)

Your results:

1) a   ___ boy (wait)

Correct answer: a waiting boy

2) an   ___ story (interest)

Correct answer: an interesting story

3) a   ___ car (break)

Correct answer: a broken car

4) the   ___ pizza (forget)

Correct answer: the forgotten pizza

5) the   ___ father (work)

Correct answer: the working father

6) I saw him   ___ . (go)

Correct answer: I saw him going.

7) the   ___ computer (repair)

Correct answer: the repaired computer

8) the   ___ students (talk)

Correct answer: the talking students

9)   ___ fans (excite)

Correct answer: excited fans

10) the girl   ___ next door (live)

Correct answer: the girl living next door

From each pair of sentences make one sentence using an -ing clause.

Example: She was sitting in an armchair. She was reading a book. - She was sitting in an armchair reading a book.

  1. Jill was lying on the bed. She was crying.

  2. I got home. I was feeling tired.

  3. The old man was walking along the street. He was talking to himself.

  4. Jim hurt his arm. He was playing tennis.

  5. Ann fell asleep. She was watching TV.

  6. The man slipped. He was getting off the bus.

  7. The girl cut herself. She was cooking.

  8. Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm.

  9. I was watching television. I fell asleep.

  10. The man slipped. He was getting off a bus.

  11. I was walking home in the rain. I got wet.

  12. Mag was driving to work yesterday. She had an accident.

  13. Two firemen were overcome by smoke. They were trying to put out the fire.

Open the brackets using participle I or participle II.

  1. .....(to smile) she entered the room.

  2. The girl .......(to write) something on the blackboard is my friend.

  3. This is a letter .......( to address) to you.

  4. I like to read stories...... (to write) by this writer.

  5. Do you know the boys.......( to play) tennis now?

  6. ........(to read) this book I wrote out many useful expressions.

  7. Nelly entered the room........(to bring) the nice big doll.

  8. There was a small kitten .......(to play) on the sofa.

  9. While .......(to read) this book I always remember my childhood.

  10. ......(to go) through the park I met my teacher.

Students work with group; read the text and write

Students answer the questions

(think, work in pair and discuss)

Students write sentences in groups


Teacher explains the rule of the method “cinqwein”


To read short texts



Write cinqwein

Students write their home task, reflection for the lesson.

1.    We met a boy. He was carrying a heavy bag.
2.    The house was decorated with lights. It looked beautiful.
3.    The robbers saw the policeman. They ran away.
4.    I found the door open. I went inside.
5.    The police saw the body. It was floating down the river.
6.    He cried at the top of his voice. He rushed at the thief.
7.    We had worked for several hours. We came out of the office.
8.    The troops gave a blow to the enemy. It was stunning.
9.    His handwriting was illegible. I couldn’t figure out what he had written.

Group 2

1.    We make some friendships in childhood. They last for ever.
2.    The sun had risen. We set out on our journey.
3.    I walked along the road. I saw a snake.
4.    He lost all his money in gambling. He became a pauper.
5.    I took a cue from his words. I solved the riddle.
6.    The burglars broke the door open. They entered the house.
7.   He didn’t realize the implication of his words. He went on speaking.
8.    The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. They retreated fast into their own territory.
9.   It was a fine day. Everybody was out on the roads.




14. 11. 2014

The theme of the lesson

Schools in England and in Kazakhstan

The aim of the lesson

To learn to speak about schools in Great Britain and Kazakhstan; compare the schools of two countries; practice using tenses; develop reading, writing and speaking skills.

Expecting results

Learn to speak about schools; can tell the difference of schools of two countries; correctly use English tenses; develop word stock

Methods of the lesson

question - answer, explanation, individual work, group work, Venn diagram

Visual aids

interactive board, computer, presentation, cards

Procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Training Duty’s report

Divide into groups

Participate in training

Divide into groups.


Check up home task

read the questions

Read the home work

Answer the questions

Main part

New words

gifted – having a natural ability to do one or more things extremely well.

ambition - strong desire to achieve something

profound – showing great knowledge and understanding.

vocational - training that teaches you the skills you need to do a particular job


Work with E – book (grade 8 Education in Kazakhstan)

(explains, check)

Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Do tasks according the text

a) fill in with an appropriate articles

b) choose the correct preposition

Semantic map


At what age students go to school?

At what age students finish school?

What kind of schools are there?



Write the verbs in Present Simple

1. I ….. (not /to understand ) that man

(to drive) to the country.

2. The next because I …… (not/ know) English.

3. It …. ( to sound) interesting.

4. There ….. (to be) some mistakes in your nest .

5. How often …. you ….. (to play) basketball?

6. Every weekend he ….. ( to get) into the car and ….. bus ….. ( to leave) at exactly five o’ clock.

Task 2 put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. It is late. I think I ….. (to take) a taxi.

2. It is cold. Put on your coat or you ….. (to catch) a cold.

3. My friend always ….. (to go) to work by car, but last month he ….. (to go) on foot.

4. ….. he ( to be) at home yesterday?

5. Do you often see him? - Not often, but I …. ( to see) him at the party last week.

6. What time ….. you ….. ( to come) next Monday?

(individual work)

read and understand the meaning of the words, text

do the tasks

fill in semantic map

Students write sentences in groups


Venn diagram


ex 11 p 107



complete the diagram

Students write their home task, reflection for the lesson.

Semantic map


At what age students go to school?

At what age students finish school?

What kind of schools are there?



Semantic map


At what age students go to school?

At what age students finish school?

What kind of schools are there?



Semantic map


At what age students go to school?

At what age students finish school?

What kind of schools are there?



Semantic map


At what age students go to school?

At what age students finish school?

What kind of schools are there?



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Our friends.

Автор: Темирбаева Сая Жумашовна

Дата: 09.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 407776

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "129079"
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