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Открытый урок по теме : Schools in our country

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    Здраствуйте! Меня зовут Утениязова Дидар Джарлигаповна, я учитель  по англисскому англисскому языку, в данный момент работаю № 20 средней школе в городе Жанаозен. Наша школа очень большая и  красивая. Я руководительница 5 го класса. В моем классе 23 ученика,  13 девочек, и 10 мальчиков. Я препадаю англисский язык вторым,пятым, восьмим, девятым,десятым,одинадцатым классам. У меня двое детей.

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«Открытый урок по теме : Schools in our country»

Date: 04.03.2016year

Form: 8 “B”
The theme of the lesson: Schools in our country. 

Aims of the lesson: 
1. To develop oral speech, critical thinking and attention abilities, to practice group pair work. 
2. To teach students to work creatively and to develop speaking skills, pronunciation, logical thinking, memory; 
3. To bring up students To bring up love and interest to the subject. 
The type of the lesson: combined with the elements of critical thinking. 
Visual aids: interactive board, slides, cards, electron book. 

The procedure of the lesson:
1. Org. moment 
a) Greeting 
b) The report of the pupil on duty 
c) Introduce the theme: 
Today in our lesson we will study theme about school. The title of you lesson is Schools in our country. And we are going to speak about: “School”. You know that educational system in Kazakhstan is presented in two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Secondary education is the most developed in the state`s educational system. 

2. Check home task
Study poems about schools “The School”. 
The school has doors that open wide 
And friendly teachers wait inside 
Hurry, hurry, let`s go in, 
For soon the lesson will begin. 

Books and pensils I will need, 
When I start to write and read, 
Lots to learn and lots to do 
I like to go to school, don`t you? 

3. Reading. Writing new words. 
a) Now look at the blackboard and let`s study these words. 
ground [`graund] n. adj. – жер 
cloak-room [`kləukru:m]n. – гардероб, киім шешетін орын 
assignment [ə`sainment] – тағайындау 
topic [`tɔpik] – мәтін 
located [`ləukeit] – орналасқан жері 
floor [flɔ:] - қабат 
cloak-room [`kləukru:m]n. – гардероб, киім шешетін орын 
Portrait [`pɔ;trit] – портрет 
Gymnasium [ʤim`neiziəm] – спорт залы 
During [`djuəriŋ] – уақыт аралығында 
Computer [kəm`pju:tə] – компьютер 
Wide [waid] – кең 
Widespread [`waidspred]- кең таралған 
Junior ['dƷu:njә] бастауыш

4. Listening Reading, Writing. 

Work with the books: ex. 5 p.110 
Listen, Read and translate the text

Our School” 
Our school is large. It is located not far from the centre of the city. If you come to our school you will see a wide school-yard around it and a sports ground behind the school. We usually have Physical Training lessons there when the weather is fine. Our School has got three floors. There are several classrooms for the pupils of the primary school on the ground floor. There is a cloak-room, a dining room and a library there too. In the library you can find many interesting books. Our pupils often go there when they want to find something interesting for their home assignment or out-class activity. 
The classrooms for secondary forms and computer rooms for all pupils are on the first and second floors. There we have two Kazakh class-rooms, English, Russian, Physics, Geography and other class-rooms. Every pupil of our school learns one of foreign languages: English, German, French. We learn English because at the present time it is the most widespread language in the world. At the English lessons we learn new words, grammar, poems, read texts, ask and answer questions. Most of all we like to speak English. During the English lessons we also do many exercises, listen to the topics for discussion. 

Work with cards: True or false. 
T F 
a) The School is small.______________________________ [ ] [ ] 
b) The school has got three floors._____________________ [ ] [ ] 
c) The pupils like to go PT lessons._____________________ [ ] [ ] 
d) Every pupil of our school learn one foreign language.____ [ ] [ ] 
e) Our pupils never go to the library. ____________________ [ ] [ ] 

5. Physical training. It is time to have a rest. 
Stand up look around 
shake your head and turn the ground 

6. Speaking: 
Answer the questions about your school. 
1. Is your school large or small? Where is your school located? 
2. How many floors has your school got? 
3. Is there a cloak-rooms on the ground floor? 
4. Has your school got computer rooms? 
5. Which floor is your class-room located on? 
6. What do you do during your English classes

7. Conclusion

Play a game “Magic seven” 
You must go to the blackboard and touch one number and do the task. 

1 2 3 
4 5 6 

1. Complete the sentences: Our school is ____ far from the centre. (not) 
2. Say the missing word in 3 languages (English, Kazakh, Russian) Our school has got three ___. 
3. Translate the sentence. I learn English because at the present time it is the most widespread language in the world. 
4. Say about your school. 
5. Match the words with there translation. 
a) knowledge 1) киім шешетін жер 
b) a cloak-room 2) кітапхана 
c) primary 3) білім 
d) library 4) бастауыш 
a)3; b)1; c)4; d)2. 

6. Translate into English. Ағылшын тілі – әлемдегі ең көп таралған тіл. 
English is the most widespread language in the world. 

Write a Test. 
1.If you come to our school you can see____________ . 
a) Large school 
b) wide school-yard 
c) a library 
2.How many floors has your school got? 
a) 4 
b) 2 
c) 5 
3.Where is your school located? 
a) Far from the centre of the city. 
b) Not far from the centre of the city 
c) In the village 
4.There is a cloak-room a dining room and …………… there too. 
a) A library 
b) a computer class 
c) Kazakh class 
5.Translate the word “ Education ” into Kazakh. 
а) Мектеп 
b) оқушы 
c) білім 
1.b; 2.a; 3.a; 4.a; 5.c. 

Ex.2, 5 p.112-113 complete the sentences. 

- Ok, pupils our lesson is over good bye!!!

20 school

Theme: Schools in our country

To prepare: Uteniyazova D.

Form: 8 “B”

2015/2016 year

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Открытый урок по теме : Schools in our country

Автор: Утениязова Дидар Джалигаповна

Дата: 24.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309405

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