1. | Организационный момент Фонетическая зарядка. Цель - развивать произносительные навыки, настроить на общение на английском языке . | Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have some guests, they want to see how you can work at English lessons. So, let's do our best. Let's begin our work. What date is it today? What day of the week is it? (слайд1) OK? Right you are. Let’s train our tongues. Please, listen to this proverb and then repeat it after me! He works best who knows his trade. Let's translate it. What is the Russian equivalent of this proverb? How can you explain this proverb? Let's learn it by heart. (слайды 2) What other proverbs about work and professions do you know ? Give Russian equivalents. Well done! | Приветствуют учителя, занимают свои места Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя. Дело мастера боится. Учащиеся объясняют смысл пословицы. (The man is judged by his work. There is no bread without work.) Статен телом, а хорош ли делом? Как поработаешь, так и поешь. |
2. | Опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу Цель: закрепление лексики по теме. | Now let's check your home task. What was it?(слайды 3-13) Read the first definition 1. This person works with computers, makes new programmes. 2. This person is very famous and stars in films. 3. This person is very brave; serves in the army. 4. This person ploughs his fields, works on a farm. 5. This person works at school. 6. This person goes on space flights. 7. This person teaches children biology. 8. This person drives a car or a bus. 9. This person makes people healthy. 10.This person does sports, can be a champion. What must a programmer, an actor, a soldier, a farmer, a teacher, an astronaut, a driver, a doctor, a sportsman | To do the crossword a programmer an actor a soldier a farmer a teacher an astronaut a driver a doctor a sportsman A programmer must be clever and hard-working .... |
3. | Изучение нового учебного материала. Цель: - выполнить целеполагание, - освоить структуру диалога-расспроса по теме - умение вести диалог-расспрос на основе изученного. Диалог. Знакомство со структурой диалога-расспроса Физкультминутка Цель: снятие напряжения и усталости Составление диалога на основе изученной структуры Аудирование диалога Цель: развивать умение воспринимать на слух и понимать запрашиваемую информацию. | We have filled all lines across, what word have we received down?(слайд 14) Yes, all these words are the names of professions. So, what is the topic of the lesson? (слайд 15) Now listen to the poem and tell what do these children talk about? What do they discuss? What do these children want to be when they grow up? What do you want to be when they grow up? Эти учащиеся друг с другом общались, рассказывали кем они хотят быть. А в какой ещё форме можно общаться друг с другом когда хотим узнать у собеседника о профессии? Да. В форме диалога-расспроса. Что такое диалог-расспрос? Значит, сегодня будем учиться что делать? (слайд 16) (to ask and answer questions about professions) How can we do it? Study... ( the structure of the dialogue) make up ... (dialogues) act... (the dialogue) listen to ... ( the dialogue) (Домысливание: формирование цели при помощи опорных глаголов) (слайд 17) Well done! Let's go on working according to our plan. Open your textbooks p.149 Ex.2 Read the task. What will you do now? Let's analyse the structure of a dialogue so to make up your own ones. (слайд 18) p.148 The structure of the dialogue: 1. Asking about a future profession. How can we ask about a future profession? 2. Naming a profession: 3. Asking for arguments: or expressing doubt: 4. Giving arguments/explaining: 5. Expressing agreement with the arguments: 1. My hands over my head I place, on my shoulders, on my face, I put them in front of me and gently clap: one, two, three. 2.Slowly ticks big clock: tick-tock, tick-tock Little clock ticks double quick: ticka-tocka, ticka-tocka, ticka-tocka, tick. 3. Hands up, hands down, hands on hips, sit down. Now you will work in pairs to make up your own dialogues. Who is ready to read the dialogue? Now you will listen to the conversation of the two British girls. Before listening to it, read the task of Ex.2). What professions would one of the two British girls like to have? Why? So, Have we done all tasks of the lesson? (слайд 19) | Profession Professions Учащиеся читают стихотворение: When I grow up, what am I going to be? A brave captain, probably. Captains sail from sea to sea. So, a brave captain I am going to be. Yes, to be a captain is good, but however To be a doctor is much better. Doctors cure the ill and old. Doctors cure from fever, aches and cold. Yes, to be a doctor is good, but however To be a pilot is much better. Pilots fly up very high Into the bright or cloudy sky. Yes, to be a pilot is good, but however To be a teacher is much better. Teachers teach us to solve problems right, How to count, to read and to write. Yes, to be a teacher is good, but however It's hard to say what is better. To choose now, what I am going to be Is impossible, as you see. And you will see I know for sure We shall be good and useful people, When we grow up. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы. their future professions. They want to be captains, teachers, doctors, pilots. В форме диалога. Один учащийся задаёт вопросы, а другой отвечает на них. Структуру - the structure of such dialogue. Study the structure of the dialogue make up dialogues act the dialogue listen to the dialogue We shall study the structure of the dialogue What would you like to be when you grow up? What are you going to be when you grow up? What do you want .148to be when you grow up? I'd like to be a ... I'm going to be a ... I want to be a ... Why would you like to be that? Why do you want to be that? Why are you going to be that? Don't you think it is boring? (a hard job)? Isn't it boring? (a hard job)? It is interesting/well paid/fun... I like children/music/English/to draw... I'll have to work hard to become a good programmer My Mum /Dad is a doctor I see. Now I understand. That's very sensible. Учащиеся работают в парах, составляют диалог Учащиеся читают свои диалоги. She wants to be a lawyer. It is an interesting profession, besides, her dad is a lawyer. |
4. | Закрепление учебного материала Рефлексивно-оценочная деятельность. Цель: подведение итогов по изученному материалу урока, установить соответствие полученного результата с поставленной целью. | What was the topic of our lesson? What was the aim? (слайд 25). Достигли цели урока? T: Right. What was useful for you? What was interesting for you? What was difficult for you today? What can you do now? Как вы оцениваете свою работу на уроке? Что вы запомнили? А что вы еще повторите дома? Как вы оцениваете свои знания? (слайд 20). Red- 5, yellow-4, blue-3 Учитель выставляет отметки. | Учащиеся отвечают на поставленные вопросы Учащиеся соотносят полученный результат с поставленной целью и проводят самоанализ и самооценку собственной деятельности, анализируют, где они затруднялись и над чем необходимо еще поработать самостоятельно. Учащиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке |