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Открытый урок на тему " How is the weather in."

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                                                            The plan of the lesson.                                              Grade: 5 “G”

                                                                                                                                                        Date February, 26                                          

Theme: How is the weather in …?

Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: ask and answer the questions about weather conditions. Say what they can/can’t do in different weather.

Pupils will practice: reading for recognition of new language, reading for specific information.

The procedure of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment.

T: Good afternoon children! How are you today?

P: Good afternoon teacher! I am ok! I am fine!

T: What date is it today? What day is it today?

P: Today is the 26th of February. Today is Friday.

T: The theme of our lesson is “How is the weather in…? We are going to speak about weather and seasons.


  1. Checkup home task.

T: Let’s check up home task, it was to write sentences where you want to go and why?

 Are you ready?


  1. Warm up.

T: Children, how many seasons have we got?

P: There are 4 seasons; they are spring, summer, autumn, winter.

T: Who can tell me the poem about seasons?


P: Spring is green

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

T: Look at the slides and the poems about seasons, try to guess them.

This is the season

When vegetables grow

I come to the garden

And make water flow. (Summer)


This is the season

When snowdrops bloom

When nobody likes to stay in the room

This is the season

When birds make their nests

We all like best. (Spring)









This is the season

When fruit is sweet

This is the season

When school children meet. (Autumn)

This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year tree. (Winter)










  1. New words.





  1. Let’s describe the weather.



P1: Autumn is rainy, windy, and cloudy.

P2: Winter is snowy, cold and windy.

P3: Spring is warm, fine and cloudy.

P4: Summer is hot and sunny.


VI. What is the weather in London?

T: Look at the slides there is а weather forecast of London for the week. E.g.: The weather in London is snowy on Monday.







  1. What are they doing?

T: We know that if the weather is rainy or snowy or if it is very strong windy we can’t get out and we stay at home sitting and watching TV.  Look at the pictures and say what the weather is and what they are doing.

P: It is raining

What is he doing?

He is playing computer games.


  1. Sing a song.  


Rain, rain go away.

Come again another day.

Daddy wants to play.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day.

Mummy wants to play.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day.

Rain, rain go away                                                         

Come again another day

Sister wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Brother  wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Baby wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

All the family wants to play.  


  1. Giving home task and marks.

Your home task is to draw the picture of your favourite season and describe it using the new words.

The lesson is over, good bye! You are free.


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«Открытый урок на тему " How is the weather in."»

The plan of the lesson. Grade: 5 “G”

Date February, 26

Theme: How is the weather in …?

Objectives: By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to: ask and answer the questions about weather conditions. Say what they can/can’t do in different weather.

Pupils will practice: reading for recognition of new language, reading for specific information.

The procedure of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment.

T: Good afternoon children! How are you today?

P: Good afternoon teacher! I am ok! I am fine!

T: What date is it today? What day is it today?

P: Today is the 26th of February. Today is Friday.

T: The theme of our lesson is “How is the weather in…? We are going to speak about weather and seasons.

  1. Checkup home task.

T: Let’s check up home task, it was to write sentences where you want to go and why?

Are you ready?

  1. Warm up.

T: Children, how many seasons have we got?

P: There are 4 seasons; they are spring, summer, autumn, winter.

T: Who can tell me the poem about seasons?

P: Spring is green

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

T: Look at the slides and the poems about seasons, try to guess them.

This is the season

When vegetables grow

I come to the garden

And make water flow. (Summer)

This is the season

When snowdrops bloom

When nobody likes to stay in the room

This is the season

When birds make their nests

We all like best. (Spring)

This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year tree. (Winter)

This is the season

When fruit is sweet

This is the season

When school children meet. (Autumn)

  1. New words.

  1. Let’s describe the weather.

P1: Autumn is rainy, windy, and cloudy.

P2: Winter is snowy, cold and windy.

P3: Spring is warm, fine and cloudy.

P4: Summer is hot and sunny.

VI. What is the weather in London?

T: Look at the slides there is а weather forecast of London for the week. E.g.: The weather in London is snowy on Monday.


  1. What are they doing?

T: We know that if the weather is rainy or snowy or if it is very strong windy we can’t get out and we stay at home sitting and watching TV. Look at the pictures and say what the weather is and what they are doing.

P: It is raining

What is he doing?

He is playing computer games.

  1. Sing a song.

Rain, rain go away.

Come again another day.

Daddy wants to play.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day.

Mummy wants to play.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day.

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Sister wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Brother wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

Baby wants to play

Rain, rain go away

Come again another day

All the family wants to play.

  1. Giving home task and marks.

Your home task is to draw the picture of your favourite season and describe it using the new words.

The lesson is over, good bye! You are free.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Открытый урок на тему " How is the weather in."

Автор: Гробова Шолпан Максимовна

Дата: 06.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 388599

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