Form: 10th
Theme: Population of Kazakhstan.
Aims: 1.Learn important facts about the population of Kazakhstan;
2. Develop thinking skills through discussion;
3. Enlarge pupils’ knowledge.
Visual aids:
The procedure of the lesson:
- Organization moment.
- Checking up home task “ Kazakhstan is my motherland”
- Calling of interest.
- Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in --- ( in December 1991)
- The country is-- of the former Soviet republics. ( the second largest)
- This country shares its border with ---( the Russian Federation; China; Kirgizstan; Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan)
- The largest city of Kazakhstan in---( Almaty)
- The capital city is----( Astana)
- It is located on the crossroads of two ancient cultures ---( Europe and Asia)
- The official language is --(Kazakh)
- -- is the language of international communication. (Russian)
IV. Stage of thinking.
The population of Kazakhstan is over 17 million. The country’s principal ethnic groups include:
Kazakh 44%
Russian 36%
Ukrainian 5%
German 4%
Uzbek and Tatar 2%
Belarusians and Azerbaijani 1% and others 5%
V. Grammar:
Article “the” is used with the names of mountains,rivers…….
With the names of cities, countries …… it is not used.
VI. Relaxation.
Do you know that? According to the Kazakh beliefs a cauldroncan’t be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping, your very well-being is lost and food becomes scanty.
If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people wouldn’t try to force it back. The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy voyage.
A pregnant woman can’t have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is bearing.
VII. Conclusion.
We have learned about…….
Giving marks.
Home task.