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Open lesson Countable and uncountable nouns

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The theme:  COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE  nouns.

The aims:  1.   Get acquainted with new grammar

                       material and work with lexical words.

                   2.  Teaching  pupils to develop speaking


                   3.  Bring – up interest to the English


Type of the lesson: mixed.

Visual aids:  pictures, cards, interactive blackboard, alphabet,

                     numbers, colour  and lots of many things.

The procedure of the lesson:                                                              

  1. Org. moment
  2.  Greeting  
    • Good afternoon pupils.
    • Good afternoon teacher.
    • Who is on duty today?
    • I’m on duty today.
    • Who is absent?
    • All are present.
    • What day is it today?
    • It is Monday.
    • What date is it today?
    • The 14 of  March.
    • What season is it now?
    • It is spring.
    • What was your homework?
    • Our homework ex. 12 on p. 129.
    • OK. Very good. Sit dawn.
  3. checking homework. 
    1. To make sentences.
    2. To mark them.
    3. To repeat vocabulary words. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

  We  have learned many things till now.

Checking  homewor

Make sentencis

Repeat lexical words

The new theme: COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE  nouns.

COUNTABLE                                    UNCOUNTABLE

  1. apples                                               1. Water
  2.  oranges                                            2. Milk
  3.  bananas                                           3. Cheese
  4.  carrot                                               4. Meat
  5.  book                                                5. Juice
  6.  table                                                 6. Air
  7.  pen                                                   7. Snow
  8. We are speak: three boys, two apples, five pens…

We are speak: much  cheese, a little milk…

 I have an apple.

                  I have three apples.

 The water is hot.

                    There isn’t much snow.


      Ex. 10 on p. 132.

Countable                             Uncountable

  1. armchair                                 1. snow
  2. lamp                                        2. rain
  3. plate                                        3. butter
  4. apple                                       4. meat 
  5. sofa                                         5. music
  6. cup                                          6. water

V. Dancing.


Ex. 11 on p. 132

Make a list of food and drink you eat and drink

Food                                                Drink

                       U                         C                      U

Apples            bread                       x                      water

Oranges          butter                       x                      juice

Carrot             meat                         x                      milk

  1. Conclusion
    1. To praise active pupils.
    2. To put them marks.


To write 7 countable and  7uncountabl  nouns.

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«open lesson Countable and uncountable nouns »


The theme: COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE nouns.

The aims: 1. Get acquainted with new grammar

material and work with lexical words.

2. Teaching pupils to develop speaking


3. Bring – up interest to the English


Type of the lesson: mixed.

Visual aids: pictures, cards, interactive blackboard, alphabet,

numbers, colour and lots of many things.

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment

  1. Greeting

    • Good afternoon pupils.

    • Good afternoon teacher.

    • Who is on duty today?

    • I’m on duty today.

    • Who is absent?

    • All are present.

    • What day is it today?

    • It is Monday.

    • What date is it today?

    • The 14 of March.

    • What season is it now?

    • It is spring.

    • What was your homework?

    • Our homework ex. 12 on p. 129.

    • OK. Very good. Sit dawn.

  1. checking homework.

      1. To make sentences .

      2. To mark them.

      3. To repeat vocabulary words.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

We have learned many things till now.

  1. Checking homewor

Make sentencis

Repeat lexical words

The new theme: COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE nouns.


  1. apples 1. Water

  2. oranges 2. Milk

  3. bananas 3. Cheese

  4. carrot 4. Meat

  5. book 5. Juice

  6. table 6. Air

  7. pen 7. Snow

We are speak: three boys, two apples, five pens…

We are speak: much cheese, a little milk…

Масалан: I have an apple.

I have three apples.

Саналмайдиган отлар фақатгина бирликда қўлланилади.

Масалан: The water is hot.

There isn’t much snow.

  1. Consolidation.

Ex. 10 on p. 132.

Countable Uncountable

  1. armchair 1. snow

  2. lamp 2. rain

  3. plate 3. butter

  4. apple 4. meat

  5. sofa 5. music

  6. cup 6. water


V. Dancing.


Ex. 11 on p. 132

Make a list of food and drink you eat and drink.

Food Drink


Apples bread x water

Oranges butter x juice

Carrot meat x milk

  1. Conclusion

    1. To praise active pupils.

    2. To put them marks.

  1. Homework

To write 7 countable and 7uncountabl nouns.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

open lesson Countable and uncountable nouns

Автор: Таджибаева Хуршида Ибрагимжановна

Дата: 26.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 179154

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "280948"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "312338"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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    ["seo_title"] => string(57) "plan-otkrytogho-uroka-po-tiemie-countable-and-uncountable"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "312310"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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    ["seo_title"] => string(26) "food_and_drink_open_lesson"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "444443"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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