Сынып: 7
Саба?ты? та?ырыбы: Саналатын ж?не саналмайтын зат есім
Саба?ты? ма?саты.
1. Білімділігі: А?ылшын тілінде саналатын ж?не саналмайтын зат есімдерді т?сіну, оларды ажырата білуге ?йрену ж?не ?аза? тілімен салыстыру.
2. Дамытушылы?ы: а?ылшын тіліндегі дыбыстарды д?рыс дыбыстау, с?здерді д?рыс, на?ты айту, с?з ?орын байыту.
3. Т?рбиелігі: ?з тілін ?астерлей отырып ?зге тілді? м?дениетін сыйлау?а, ??рметтеуге т?рбиелеу. Шет тіліне деген ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру.
Саба? ?дісі: С?ра?-жауап, т?сіндірме
Саба? типі: Жа?а білімді ме?герту
К?рнекілігі: Та?ырыпты? суреттер, интерактивті та?та, ?лестірме тапсырмалар, постер
П?н аралы? байланыс: ?аза? тілі
Саба? барысы:
- ?йымдастыру
А) амандасу
- Good morning!
- How are you?
- What is the weather like today?
Б) жо?тарды белгелеу
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent today?
(3 min)
II. ?й тапсырмасын тексеру
-What was your homework?(to find more information about different countries in different countries)
- Now I will divide you in two groups and I will give a poster.
- You must paint a picture which is associated with the theme “THE LAW”. I will give you for it 5 min. Be ready!
(7 min)
III.Жа?а саба?
Саба?ты? та?ырыбымен, ма?саттарымен таныстыру.
Open your book on page 28. The theme of our lesson is “Countable and uncountable nouns”.
Now look at the blackboard and listen to me carefully. I will explain it.
Then you will do the tasks.
(10 min)
A. Are these nouns countable or uncountable?
1. water ____________
2. fruit ____________
3. coconut ____________
4. bread ____________
5. DVD ____________
6. meat ____________
7. ball ____________
8. snack____________
9. glasses____________
10. pen ____________
11. milk____________
12. chair____________
13. gasoline____________
14. table____________
15. cream____________
16. money____________
17. oil ____________
18. insect____________
19. sofa____________
20. yogurt____________
21. school____________
22. bus ___________
1. water (U)
2. fruit (U)
3. coconut (C)
4. bread (U)
5. DVD (C)
6. meat (U)
7. ball (C)
8. snack (C)
9. glasses (C)
10. pen (C)
11. milk (U)
12. chair(C)
13. gasoline (U)
14. table (C)
15. cream (U)
16. money (U)
17. oil (U)
18. insect(C)
19. sofa (C)
20. yogurt(U)
21. school (C)
22. bus (C)
(5 min)
B. Now you will watch a video about the cooking competition. Your task is to find out and write all nouns from the dialogue between Daisy, Oliver, Alfie and Daisy's Mum in your copybook. After that you must say that noun countable or uncountable. Is it clear for you?
Let's start!
-a lemon, an apple, some garlic, some butter, some chicken livers, a steak, some red chili peppers, some potatoes, cream, onions, some giant prawns, some fish and chips
(5 min)
V. Бекіту
1) do the exercise 1 on page 28. Your task is to put the nouns into the correct boxes.
2) Now in order to know what have you learned about new theme I want you to do this tasks in written form.
(10 min)
VI. ?орытынды
So, the lesson is over! I evaluated everyone who was active in this lesson.
I think that everything was clear for you. Now I want you to write your opinions about the today's lesson to the stickers and put it here.
(3 min)
VII. ?йге тапсырма
Your homework is exercises 1,2,3 on page 28-29.
Thank you! See you soon!
(2 min)