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New topical words. Future in the Past

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Данный урок соответствует всем требованиям государственной программы. Урок прошел в 8 классе.

The aims:  - introduce Future in the Past
                   - to develop the pupils listening, reading, writing, speaking habits 
                   - to educate the feeling of international   friеndship

Учащиеся ознакомились с Future in the Past и с новой лескикой. На начале урока мы поздаровались и провели разминку в виде warm-up со скоровогорки на звук [w]. Отвечали на вводящие вопросы.

                                                                     -What date is it today?
                                                                     -What days of the week is it today?
                                                                               -What5 s the month?
                                                                    -What's the seasons?
                                                                      -Where are you from
                                                                      -What's the capital?
                                                                   -What's the state language?
                                                                   -What's the international language?
                                                                      -What's the president of our country?

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«New topical words. Future in the Past»

The plan of the lesson

The theme: New topical words( Future in the Past)

The aims: - introduce Future in the Past

- to develop the pupils listening, reading, writing, speaking habits

- to educate the feeling of international friеndship

Visual aids: cards


Liter: Teacher's book, pupil's book.

The procedure of the lesson

I Org. moment: Good morning dear school girls and school boys:

T____CH Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning dear children

I'm glad to see you

Children Good morning, Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning dear teacher

We are glad to see you

T -----CL Now let's look at and smile. And now look at me and smile. Let's start our lesson

of English. Today the theme of our lesson is New topical words( Future in the Past)

Today we'll speak about Future in the Past and learn by heart new words and do some tasks .

Now who wants answer questions:

-What date is it today?

-What days of the week is it today?

-What5 s the month?

-What's the seasons?

-Where are you from

-What's the capital?

-What's the state language?

-What's the international language?

-What's the president of our country?

II Phonetic drill: Look at the blackboard You see the poem Let's read

1 Model

2Alltogether [ w]

3One by one Swan, swam over the sea

Swim ,swan, swim,

Swan, swam back again,

Well swum, swan!

III Check your homework: We must learn by heart the words. let's check it. I'll give you piece of paper.

Let's prepare for dictation.

энергия, газ,

катострафа, солнечная сила,


бензин, даже,

вокруг, мир,

питьевая, вред

The next give me the explain of some words:

world [wa:ld], n.'The word "world" has many meanings. It means the earth with all people, animals

and vegetables (plants).

around [s'raund] "Around" means on all sides, here and there, many directions all around.

source [so:s j " Source may also mean a producing place or force..

drinkable ['drigkabsl], adj.tDrinkable is an adjective which means suit­able or safe for drinking..

even ['i:ven], adv. Even is an adverb.

conditions [ksn'dijgnz], n means circumstances

activity [sek' tiviti], n. "Activity" means the condition of being

harm [ha:m], n. "Harm" means damage, wrong.

Set fire (to) ['set faia]. Set on fire.Fire is the condition of burning.

keep something clean means to continue to be clean.

protect [prg'tekt] v. "To protect" means to keep safe from harm

environment [in'vaisrenmant], n. "Environment" means all the surround­ing conditions.

pollute [pa'lu:t] 'To pollute" means to make water, air, soil, forests dan­gerously dirty, impure.

Match the words:

world, milk, cup, protect, task, book,

person, advantage, rain, pollute, sport,

main, harm, solar power, table, around field,

pencil, sources, child, notebook, tree,

car, hand, weather, dictation.



IV Consolidation of the new theme:

Open your notebook, write down the date of our lesson and theme:
" New topical words( Future in the Past) "

Today we'll introduce the new grammar theme Future in the Past. Now let's remember Reported Speech.

Речь, которая в точности передает слова какого-либо лице называется прямой.

Речь, в которой передается лишь содержание тоге что было кем-то сказано, называется косвенной . (Reported Speech or Indirect Speech).

При превращении прямой речи в косвенную должно соблюдать правило согласования времен.

Present Simple - Past Simple.

Aidar said: "I think Nick is always ready to help us". — Aidar said he thought Nick was always ready to help us.

Present Perfect —— Past Perfect.

He said: "1 lived in Almaty". —»— He said he had lived in Almaty.

He said: "I have done my home exercises". —— He said he had done his home exercises.

Present Continuous ------------Past Continuous

can --------- could

Future Simple —»- Future -in-the Past.

will------------ would

He said: "I will go to the cinema". —— He said he would go to the cinema.

В английском языке есть особые формы для выражения действий, которые представляются будущими с точки зрения прошлого. Они называются формами "the Future-in-the-Past" и образуются с помощью вспомогательных глаголов "should" и "would" с соответствующим инфинитивом (без to)

will ----------- would (without to)

The Future-in-the-Past Tense употребляется для выражения будущих действий, о которых шла речь в прошедшем времени. 
tomorrow , the next , the day after tomorrow, two days later, in two days, next week, the following week. 

would + V ( without to) 


He knows that I will come here again He knew that I would come here again

+ He would speak.  Positive
- He would not speak.  Negative

would not --- wouldn't

Would he speak?  Question
Yes, he would. No, he would not. (No, he wouldn't.)

He said, "I will (или shall) go there." –

Он сказал: «Я пойду туда».

He said that he would go there. –

Он сказал, что он пойдет туда.

He said, "I’ll (shall/will) beworking this summer." –

Он сказал: «Я буду работать этим летом».

He said that he would be working that summer. – Он сказал, что он будет работать этим (тем) летом.

Task 1

Forms Future in the Past

Mike says that he will go to the shop Mike said that he would go to the shop

I think that you will be a famous singer I thought that you would be a famous singer

Ann says that she will read the story Ann said that she would read the story

My mother says that we will go at home My mother said that we would go at home

Ex 2 p 50. Change the following sentences by using Future in the Past. Instead of "He knows that I shall come here again tomorrow", say "He knew that I should come here again the next day."

  1. He says that we shall meet tomorrow. He said that we would meet tomorrow.

  2. The teacher of Botany says that our class will go to the greenhouse.

The teacher of Botany said that our class would go tj the greenhouse.

  1. John says that he will invite us to celebrate his birthday.

John said that he would invite us to celebrate his birthday.

  1. He promises that the work will be finished in two days.

He promised that the work would be finished in two days

  1. My sister says that she will not spend much money on sweets.

My sister said that she would not spend much money on sweets.

The third level

Find the sentences in the Future in the Past:

My sister went to the sop

Asel is reading book now

He said that he would come soon Future in the Past

They said that they watched TV yesterday

Arman said that he would write the letter Future in the Past

The second level

Forms the Future in the Past

My friend said that he (to tell) an interesting the story

I said that I (to listen) to music.

They said that their friends ( not to play) tennis.

She promised that she (to come) to my place.

My mother said that she (to read) a book.

I thought that they ( to do) that task now.

The first level

Go to computer and do the next task. Write the sentences in the Future in the Past.

VI Home task:

T—Cl Rule ex 3 p 50

VII Mark for children


What have you done today?

T—Cl The lesson is over. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

New topical words. Future in the Past

Автор: Тагабаева София Муратовна

Дата: 27.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310497

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