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Conditional sentences.

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Subject: English language


Grade: 8 “?”

Lexical theme: Secondary education.

Grammar theme: Conditional sentences.

The aims:

1)А?артушылы?:  Орта білім туралы о?ушылар?а м?лімет беру;

Шартты с?йлемдер грамматикасымен таныстырып,оны бекіту.

2)Дамытушылы?: С?йлеу,жазу,ты?дау,о?у ?абілеттерін жетілдіру;есте са?тау ?абілетін,с?здік ?орын дамыттыру.

3)Т?рбиелік: О?ушыларды? бойында адамгершілік,с?йіспеншілікті арттыру?а т?рбиелеу.

 4)Т?жірибелік: Шартты с?йлемдерді ?олдана білу.


                      The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment

a)Teacher: Good  afternoon, guys!

Children:Good afternoon,teacher.

Teacher:How are you?

Children:We are  fine.

Teacher:Today I am your English teacher. I am glad to see you!

 Let's start our lesson.Take your seats.

b) Teacher: What date is it today?

Children: Today is the 23rd  of November

Teacher:What day is it today?

Children: Today is Monday.

Teacher:Is the weather cold?

Children: Yes,the weather is cold.

II.Warming up.

Teacher:Guys,and now let’s play game “Bingo”

You should write the words by topic the “secondary education”.Then we compare them with my words.

 E.g: Education,college,students,subject,lesson,chalk,pupils,blackboard.

Teacher: Children, let’s read the text.(work with new words)

   Education in Kazakhstan

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. Secondary education is the stage of education following primary school. Secondary education is generally the final stage of compulsory education. The next stage of education is usually college or university. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high school -senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school.


Task1. What about this text?

Task2.Translate 2 sentenses.

Task3. You should  put right sentence.

Task 4.Let’s do the test out of 10 questions according to today’s lesson.

(Teacher is handing out paper of test )

1.After——— years of primary school we went to secondary school.

a) six b) five c) four

2.Орта мектеп

a) Primary school b) Secondary school c) Modern school

 3.My favourite subjects——— Kazakh, Russian and English.

a) am b) is c) are

4.Our school year begins ———— the first ——September.

a) on/of b) at/in c) by/for

5.The school year in our country ends in ————.

a) September b) June c) May

6.Pupils have ————- holidays a year.

a) 4 b) 5    c) 3

7.Nine years of classes are ————— in our country.

a) ordinary b) compulsory c) secondary

8.Every lesson lasts ——— minutes.

a) thirty b) fifty five      c) forty five

9.О?у жоспары

a) curriculum b) comprise c) compulsory

10.Primary and secondary schools together comprise ———years of study.

a) ten b) eleven c) twelve

III.The new theme of the lesson.                   

‘Brian storm’?олдану

Teacher :О?ушылар сіздер шартты с?йлемдер туралы не білесіздер?

 Pupil1:Шартты c?йлемдерді? екі т?рі болады.

Pupil2:Шартты с?йлемдер н?тижесі келешекте болатын,іске асуы м?мкін іс-?имылды к?рсету ?шін ?олданылады.

Teacher Yes, you are right

М??алім о?ушыларды? айт?ан жауаптарынан ?орытынды жасайды.

                  Conditional sentences (Шартты с?йлемдер)

Real conditional

(Іске асатын с?йлемдер)

Unreal conditional

(Іске аспайтын с?йлемдер)


Н?тижесі бола алатын с?йлемдер.

Болжам ма?ынасын білдіретін с?йлемдер.


Болаша?та іс-?рекетті? орындалатыны? к?рсетеді.

Болаша?та іс-?рекетті? бола алмайтыны? к?рсетеді.




2.С?йлем екі б?ліктен т?рады.

2.С?йлем екі б?ліктен т?рады.

3.Екі с?йлемні? біреуі міндетті т?рде Future Simple(жалпы келер ша?та) болады.

3.Екі с?йлемні? біреуі Future-in-the-Past(?ткен келер ша?та) болады.

4.Екінші с?йлемі Present Simple(на? осы ша?та) болады.

4.Екінші с?йлемі Past Simple(жалпы ?ткен ша?та) болады.

5.Болымды с?йлемдерде

Бастауыш пен баяндауыш болады.

Болымсыз с?йлемдер Future Simple(келер жалпы ша?та)          “ not”c?зін ?осамыз.                 Will not=won’t

6.Ерекше жа?дайы:

Егер с?йлемде when,after с?здері кездессе,екі с?йлем Present Simple

(жалпы осы ша?та) т?рады.

«Unless”с?йлемге болымсыз ма?ына береді.

IV.Consolidate of new material.

And now open your books at page 38,ex-1.

Teacher:Who can read this task?

P.1 is reading the task.”Combine the two sentences into one using   “if”-clause”

Teacher  reads the first sentence and explain. Guys, don’t forget to write down in the example copy-books.

Example:Perhaps I’ll find the book.Then I’ll give it to you.

If I find the book I’ll give it to you.

1.The taxi may arrive late.Then I’ll miss my train.

If  the taxi arrives late I’ll miss my train.

2.Steve hopes to pass his exams.Then he will go to University.

 If Steve passes his exams he will go to University.

3.Perhaps Steve won’t go to University.Then he’ll start to work in an office.

If Steve won’t go to University he starts to work in an office.

Teacher:Ok guys,that will do. Now we will work in pairs.

Continue this ex.

Ok guys,your time is over. Let’s check these ex.


Teacher is asking the questions.

Guys,was our lesson interesting for you?

Was our lesson about secondary education?(pupils must answer the question)

Teacher :you were active,during the leson.

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you.

VII.Home task

Children, please open your  diaries and write down  your home task.

Your  home task is ex-2, at page 38

Teacher :Stand up(Children must stand up)

Our lesson is over. See you next lesson.

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«Conditional sentences.»

Subject: English language


Grade: 8 “Ә”

Lexical theme: Secondary education.

Grammar theme: Conditional sentences.

The aims:

1)Ағартушылық: Орта білім туралы оқушыларға мәлімет беру;

Шартты сөйлемдер грамматикасымен таныстырып,оны бекіту.

2)Дамытушылық: Сөйлеу,жазу,тыңдау,оқу қабілеттерін жетілдіру;есте сақтау қабілетін,сөздік қорын дамыттыру.

3)Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардың бойында адамгершілік,сүйіспеншілікті арттыруға тәрбиелеу.

4)Тәжірибелік: Шартты сөйлемдерді қолдана білу.


The procedure of the lesson.

I.Organization moment

a)Teacher: Good afternoon, guys!

Children:Good afternoon,teacher.

Teacher:How are you?

Children:We are fine.

Teacher:Today I am your English teacher. I am glad to see you!

Let's start our lesson .Take your seats.

b) Teacher: What date is it today?

Children: Today is the 23rd of November

Teacher:What day is it today?

Children: Today is Monday.

Teacher:Is the weather cold?

Children: Yes,the weather is cold.

II.Warming up.

Teacher:Guys,and now let’s play game “Bingo”

You should write the words by topic the “secondary education”.Then we compare them with my words.

E.g: Education,college,students,subject,lesson,chalk,pupils,blackboard.

Teacher: Children, let’s read the text.(work with new words)

Education in Kazakhstan

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages - Kazakh and Russian and consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and academies. Secondary education is the stage of education following primary school. Secondary education is generally the final stage of compulsory education. The next stage of education is usually college or university. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school students are given the choice of either continuing to attend the same school (high school -senior grades 10-11) or entering a vocational or technical school.


Task1. What about this text?

Task2.Translate 2 sentenses.

Task3. You should put right sentence.

Task 4.Let’s do the test out of 10 questions according to today’s lesson.

(Teacher is handing out paper of test )

1.After——— years of primary school we went to secondary school.

a) six b) five c) four

2.Орта мектеп

a) Primary school b) Secondary school c) Modern school

 3.My favourite subjects——— Kazakh, Russian and English.

a) am b) is c) are

4.Our school year begins ———— the first ——September.

a) on/of b) at/in c) by/for

5.The school year in our country ends in ———— .

a) September b) June c) May

6.Pupils have ————- holidays a year.

a) 4 b) 5    c) 3

7.Nine years of classes are ————— in our country.

a) ordinary b) compulsory c) secondary

8.Every lesson lasts ——— minutes.

a) thirty b) fifty five      c) forty five

9.Оқу жоспары

a) curriculum b) comprise c) compulsory

10.Primary and secondary schools together comprise ———years of study.

a) ten b) eleven c) twelve

III.The new theme of the lesson.

Brian storm’қолдану

Teacher :Оқушылар сіздер шартты сөйлемдер туралы не білесіздер?

Pupil1:Шартты cөйлемдердің екі түрі болады.

Pupil2:Шартты сөйлемдер нәтижесі келешекте болатын,іске асуы мүмкін іс-қимылды көрсету үшін қолданылады.

Teacher Yes, you are right

Мұғалім оқушылардың айтқан жауаптарынан қорытынды жасайды.

Conditional sentences (Шартты сөйлемдер)

Real conditional

(Іске асатын сөйлемдер)

Unreal conditional

(Іске аспайтын сөйлемдер)


Нәтижесі бола алатын сөйлемдер.

Болжам мағынасын білдіретін сөйлемдер.


Болашақта іс-әрекеттің орындалатының көрсетеді.

Болашақта іс-әрекеттің бола алмайтының көрсетеді.




2.Сөйлем екі бөліктен тұрады.

2.Сөйлем екі бөліктен тұрады.

3.Екі сөйлемнің біреуі міндетті түрде Future Simple(жалпы келер шақта) болады.

3.Екі сөйлемнің біреуі Future-in-the-Past(өткен келер шақта) болады.

4.Екінші сөйлемі Present Simple(нақ осы шақта) болады.

4.Екінші сөйлемі Past Simple(жалпы өткен шақта) болады.

5.Болымды сөйлемдерде

Бастауыш пен баяндауыш болады.

Болымсыз сөйлемдер Future Simple(келер жалпы шақта) “ not”cөзін қосамыз. Will not=won’t

6.Ерекше жағдайы:

Егер сөйлемде when,after сөздері кездессе,екі сөйлем Present Simple

(жалпы осы шақта) тұрады.

«Unless”сөйлемге болымсыз мағына береді.

IV.Consolidate of new material.

And now open your books at page 38,ex-1.

Teacher:Who can read this task?

P.1 is reading the task.”Combine the two sentences into one using “if”-clause”

Teacher reads the first sentence and explain. Guys, don’t forget to write down in the example copy-books.

Example:Perhaps I’ll find the book.Then I’ll give it to you.

If I find the book I’ll give it to you.

1.The taxi may arrive late.Then I’ll miss my train.

If the taxi arrives late I’ll miss my train.

2.Steve hopes to pass his exams.Then he will go to University.

If Steve passes his exams he will go to University.

3.Perhaps Steve won’t go to University.Then he’ll start to work in an office.

If Steve won’t go to University he starts to work in an office.

Teacher:Ok guys,that will do. Now we will work in pairs.

Continue this ex.

Ok guys,your time is over. Let’s check these ex.


Teacher is asking the questions.

Guys,was our lesson interesting for you?

Was our lesson about secondary education?(pupils must answer the question)

Teacher :you were active,during the leson.

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you.

VII.Home task

Children, please open your diaries and write down your home task.

Your home task is ex-2, at page 38

Teacher :Stand up(Children must stand up)

Our lesson is over. See you next lesson.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Conditional sentences.

Автор: Туебаева Гаухар Алмасовна

Дата: 23.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309033

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