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Nature protection

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I live in the main street. It is the widest street in my town. A lot of cars, buses run fast along it. If you want to see the places of interest in our town, you can walk along the main street. It leads to the main square. It will be a short trip but you can see a lot: a cinema, a park and museums. There is only one church in our town. Every morning and evening we can hear the sound of the bells. And I want to see my town clean and tidy. A warm Abinsk welcome you.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Nature protection»

Lesson 12.

Grade or class name 7.

Date 18.02.15

The theme – Nature protection

The equipment-student’s book, chalk ,blackboard, cards, hand outs.

Objectives-recall the theme Health

Org. moment- Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you. How are you today? Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Warming-up activity

Now children, I’d like to ask you the most important questions of our lesson: Do you like our town and our district? Do you want to see our town clean and tidy?

P.: Oh, yes, we do. There are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. I’d like to visit one of them. But there is no place like home. I love my Native town. I was born here and Live with my parents. It’s not the capital, but it is a wonderful place to live. My town is old and modern at the same time. It is old because it was founded in 1863.

I live in the main street. It is the widest street in my town. A lot of cars, buses run fast along it. If you want to see the places of interest in our town, you can walk along the main street. It leads to the main square. It will be a short trip but you can see a lot: a cinema, a park and museums. There is only one church in our town. Every morning and evening we can hear the sound of the bells. And I want to see my town clean and tidy. A warm Abinsk welcome you.

T.: Thank you. Tell me, please what does the word “environment” mean to you?

P.: To my mind it means – oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests and animals.

P.: And I think it means – oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests, animals, cars, plants and cities.

P.: But it seems to me it means – oceans, rivers, seas, lakes, forests, animals, cars, plants and cities, people and me.

T.: Thank you, I agree with you. You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment. The issue of ecology is important. Our district is nice and beautiful. It is large. But there are some ecological problems in our district too.

P.: I am sorry but not long ago our district was clean and healthy but now we have the same ecological problems as all over the world. The main ones are:

(Учащиеся называют основные экологические проблемы при помощи метода “ мозгового штурма”)

– litter is not reused or recycled;

– the air is poisoned by cars;

P.: I think that litter is the most complicated problem. In our district there are not enough special litter stations to reuse and recycle it. In our ton there are few litter bins. That is why you can see a lot of litter everywhere.

P.: And all the forest visitors should keep to these rules to protect forests and woods:

– don’t cut young trees;

– don’t break the branches of trees and bushes;

– don’t drop litter or leave it in the forest;

– don’t leave the camp-fire burning near a heap of dry leaves. And have you ever seen a forest destroyed by fire?

P.: Oh, yes. That’s an awful thing to see. Campers must always remember to put out their camp-fire and cover the place with earth. It is the duty of every camper to take the greatest care not to start a forest fire.

P.: I fully agree with you. The forests are in danger. They are disappearing, fast not only because of fires. Every day we use paper made from wood.

P.: I am afraid our river has some problems too. The water is polluted. Some years ago our river Abinka was such a pretty place to sit on its bank on a hot summer day.

P.:But today the situation is quite different, isn’t it?

P.: Yes, people throw tins and waste paper into it. Did you see what colour the water in Abinka was?

P.:Yes. The water is not clean but brown. Nothing can live or grow in this polluted water.

P.: And I want to say that when I went with parents to the seaside last summer. I was surprised that the water was not blue but brown with rubbish floating in it. How awful!

P.: I’d like to tell you about our park. Our park was founded in 19 It is laid out to mark the anniversary of Great Patriotic War by old and young people of our town. To tell the truth this park is well looked after by boys and girls of our school. That’s great!                      

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Nature protection

Автор: Смагулова Жанель Болатовна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308432

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