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Конспект урока по тему Save the nature

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The  aims: I.  Educational

                 1. To  revise  already studied  materials on  the theme ″Modal  verbs ″

                 2. to teach to analyze and make conclusion and to understand oral speech. 

                 II Developing:                                        

                 1. To  develop   students’  skills and  habits  in  monologue, dialogue  

                     speech  through asking  (answering)

                 2. To  develop students’ speaking, listening  and  writing   habits  about  

                     nature  and  it’s  protection    

                 III  Bringing   up.            

                1.To  bring up  the  felling  of  love wonder  of  environment  natural  

                 world  to  respect  and  care  of  nature.

                 IV Practical                             

                1. To be  able  to  talk  about    different  situations  using the  modal  verbs 

                  words,  and  word combinations

Equipment:  Interactive board,   Multimedia  board,    cards, tape  recorder

Type  of  the  lesson: Non  traditional

Methods :   Reading,  translating, asking and answering   questions.

Using  technology:  (Critical  thinking,  association) 

Interaction:             Geography,  Kazakh  Literature

                                     The  plan    of  the    lesson  

              Organization  moment

         The  motto of  the  lesson There  is no place like home

          II  Dedication          3.Diamante shape.

          III. Choosing

          5. Modal   verb ″should″

          Doing expressions should  and  shouldn’t.

          IV. Poetry  ″?ызыл  кітап″

          7.  Home  task

          8.  Evolution  of  students’ activities



  1. Organization   moment.
  4. Setting up   the  aims  of  the  lesson.  Set  children   the  theme  of  our  today’s  lesson  is   ″ Save the  Nature″



The  motto   of  the lesson:

We   love  the  earth  as  a  new born  baby coves his  mother’s  heartbeat

                                                                                                (old Indian quotation)

So, children.  today  we  are  having an  unusual  lesson  as  a  radio  show.    

 Our  today’s  lesson  consists of 3  main  parts. They   are  called

1.Dedication  as  you  know  in  this  part 3  of   our  students  will  do  presentation   work  about   the   nature  protection.

    II. Part  is ″  Choosing″

Grammatical  work:  modal  verb ″should  and  shouldn’t ″

     III.  Poetry ″?ызыл  кітап″ (?адір Мырза – ?лі)

                Now  Let’s  begin  the  first part of  our  lesson  ″Dedication″.

The presentation of  students:  1.Исанова М   ″Nature  protection″

  1. Тажкуранова Н   Changing  of natural   system
  2. Амангелді  Айгерім  - The  place  of  valuable  information

 And  now  students’  in  order  to  enter the second  part  of  our   lesson  you   must   meet  with  Jelly  Jam  and  do  his   task.  

     My  name  is  Jelly  Jam.

     I  am  a  friend  of  people.

     I  want  to   help  them to keep and safe  from  harm

     That  is  why  I  am  a  People  Preserver 



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«конспект урока по тему Save the nature »

Маңғыстау облысы Жаңаөзен қаласы әкімдігінің"21 орта мектеп"коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімі Дауэнова Жанылхан Джаумбаевна

9 form Lesson 45

Theme: Unit 5. Save the nature. (Табиғатты қорғау)


1. тақырыптық сөздермен жұмыс жасау,

2. оқушылардың тақырып бойынша сөйлеу қабілетін арттыру,

3. табиғатты қалай қорғауға тәрбиелеу,

Mat: flp, video, the posters, the grammar cads, the pictures of nature, the map of KZ.

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Org. mom. T S1 S2 greetings, date, attendance.

II. Checking up the home task. 1st and 2nd Conditional.

Ex. 3. Choose the correct tenses. (Present or will) page 134.

  1. get …, will phone. b - will need …, goes. c – will be …, passes.

d – want …, will have . e – will be …, does not come.

III. Presentation.

Ex 1. Look at this diagram. T What do you think of it?

IV. Presentation of new vocabulary.

Ex 2 match the new words to right translation. S1 S2 …

petrol station [‘petrəl steiʃən] –жанар май бекеті,

factories [‘fӕktriz]-фабрикалар, road [‘roud]-жол,

pollute [pə’lu:t]-ластау, pollution [pə’lu:ʃn]-ластану,

fur [fə:]- аң терісі, skin [skin]-тері,

destroy [di’strɔi] –қирату, soil [sɔil] - топырақ.

Ex 3 look at the picture and answer the questions. S1 S2 …

My dear friends, listen to me attentively!

The government should create [kri'eit] posters['pəustəz] to inform people about the danger to the environment.

A lot of animals depend on human help for survival [sə'vaiv(ə)l] in the world.

If we don't take better care about the world around us,

we'll regret [ri'gret] it.

Ex 4B make up the sentences:

In the country ….

the rivers

the seas

the air

the animals

the birds

the forests



killed for meat, for skin, for fur

cut down



sold in the markets

V. Practice.

Ex 7 Look at the map. Find the town of Atyrau and the Caspian Sea

Write them on the map.

What can you say about the ecological problems of Atyrau?

Different foreign oil companies and our national oil companies work in Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit [‘prɔfit]-(пайда) but wide using resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil. National resources are widely used for purposes of home industry. As a result of the wide using of National resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil.

Something couldn’t compensate [‘kɔmpen,seit] the damage on the natural environment.

T Please, divide into 3 groups and discuss ecological problems in Atyrau.

Oil company The friends of nature Ecologists

Oil company

The friends of nature.

  • We give jobs for people.

  • The country becomes rich.

  • We have good experiences.

  • Oil industry is very important for the future of Kazakhstan.

  • We control water pollution and over waste.

  • We try protecting the environment against pollution from industry and other sources.

  • You’ll destroy the land and sea world.

  • You’ll kill fish.

  • Our health is in danger.

  • Air is polluted.

  • Water is polluted.

  • We have ecological problems.

  • Oil leaked into the Caspian Sea.


The friends of nature are quite right. It’s vital to preserve the water, the soil and all species of living beings. No fine could compensate for the damage inflicted on the natural environment. But the companies which damage the Earth should be punished.

National resources are widely used for purposes of home industry. As a result of the wide using of National resources upsets the biological balance, pollutes air, water and soil.

*Make up the sentences. (сабақтың тақырыбымен байланыстырып шарты

бағыныңқы құрмалас сөйлем құрастыру)

1. If they study ecology, they’ll be able to help the environment.

2. If water and soil are polluted, the plants won’t grow.

3. If we protect our natural recourses, we’ll be richer.

4. If oil resources of our country end, we’ll live worse than we live now.

5. If we don't take care of the world's plants, they will disappear.

6. If we plant trees every year, the air will be fresh.

7. If we are environment-educated people,   we’ll know how to protect our


8. I’ll know how to protect our environment, if I study ecology.                              

9. I’ll go to London Zoo to see its animals, If I to go to London

10. I’ll pass my exam, if I work hard.

11. I’ll buy a new car, if I have much money

12. I’ll read English books, if I learn English better


Children, you can help taking part in street cleaning, collecting paper, metal, glass and plastic bottles.

We should to pay much attention to ecological problems.

We should to protect environment

We should to take care of Earth

The EARTH is our home. Its very important to save it for ourselves.

I’m sure you are real friends our planet.

*Ex. 4. Choose the correct verb forms.

a) If I won the lottery, I would give you half the money. (2)

b) I am free on Sunday, I’ll go to the cinema. (1)

c) I’ll let know if I find out what’s wrong. (1)

d) I know I’ll feel better if I stop smoking. (1)

e) Would it be all right if I invited Fred? (2)

VI. Home task. Ex 14. Talk to your partner:

a-Do you like big cities? b-What can you say about the ecology of big cities?

c-Are the big cities noisy? d-What’s Astana like?

VII. Evaluation.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

конспект урока по тему Save the nature

Автор: Тащанова Асем Камидуллаевна

Дата: 01.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 216905

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