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National Cuisine

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Урок на тему "National Cuisine" помогает закрепить лексические единицы по теме "Еда". Предусматривается групповая работа с текстами и преобразование текстовой информации в таблицу. Ученики знакомятся с национальными кухнями, составляя рецепты своей национальной кухни, в диалогах запрашивают информацию, закрепляя глаголы и основные лексические единицы.

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«National Cuisine »

Lessons 19

Тема: «National cuisine»


  1. Изучение и закрепление новой лексики на основе выполнения творческих заданий.

  2. Формирование умений применять полученные задания на практике.

  3. Развитие элементов творческой деятельности как качеств мышления.

  4. Воспитание уважения к своей малой Родине.


1. Образовательная: развивать навыки устной речи на основе повторения и обобщения ранее изученного и в ходе знакомства с новым материалом. Продолжать формировать умение работать с речевыми конструкторами, опорными фразами.

2. Развивающая: развивать способность к догадке о значении слов, к логическому мышлению, сравнению; навыки чтения с правильным интонированием, конструировать вопросы.

3. Воспитательная: воспитывать любовь, уважение и толерантность к культуре своего народа (края) и другим нациям.

Оснащение: книга, карточки.

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент.

Who is on duty today?
What is the date today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the weather like today?

  1. Речевая разминка.

Do you like cooking? Why? Why not?
What questions will you ask a British friend about their eating habits?
Which cafes would you recommend to visit in your place? Why?
A lot of people refuse to have meals at school. What do you think about it?

Do you shout “Mum, I don’t want to eat my breakfast?”

Do you wash your hands badly and then wipe off the dirt on the clean towel?

Do you say of a new dish “I don’t like that”, before you have tasted it?

Do you forget to say “please” when you ask for something and “ thank you” when you get it?

Do you forget to say “Bon Appetite” to your parents, friends, brothers or sisters at a meal-time?

Do you forget to wash up your plate after the meal?

Do you say “I don’t want any meat and vegetables, I am not hungry”, and then ask for 2 pieces of cake?

Do you buy food in the street and eat it there when you know that your hands are dirty?

Do you help your mother to cook dishes?

Do you eat late at night or when all the members of your family don’t see you?

III Фонетическая зарядка.

1. And I’d like to begin with a tongue twister.

- First listen to the speaker.

  - Now listen and repeat after the speaker.

-Good. Now try to repeat it as quickly as possible.

Р1 Р2 Р3 (проговаривают скороговорку)

  1. Please, discuss a proverb and one idiom in groups.

I V. Введение ЛЕ по теме «Products. Verbs».

Answer my questions!

1. What can we do while we are cooking? (глаголы:please, read, translate and write down the verbs)

2. What products do you know?

Group 1: name products

Group 2: name drinks and sweets

Group 3: name fruits and vegetables

Group 1


Group 3


Drinks and sweets

Fruits and Vegetables

  1. Try to guess the products (cards)

V. Now ask each other! (Dialogues). Закрепление ЛЕ (работа с текстом) (преобразование содержания текста в диалог)

Act out a dialogue “In a cafe” to extract the information from the text. Everybody should listen and fill in the table:



(Учащиеся работают в парах/группах, запрашивая информацию о национальной кухне определенной страны, преобразуя информацию текста в диалогическую речь. При этом отрабатывается не только умение задавать вопросы, но и правильность интонационного оформления. Учитывается также культуроведческий аспект).

Сard 1. Dialogue “ In a café”.

Kate: Good morning! Are you ready to order?

Denis: Good morning! Well___________. I want to order a plate of soup with mushrooms,__________.

Kate: And what about you?

Denis: I’d like a __________ .

Kate: Would you like something to drink?

Denis: I want a glass of ________ .

Kate: Anything more for you?

Denis: No, thank you.

Kate: Your order will be ready soon.

Card 2. Dialogue “In a pizza restaurant”

Maria: Could you show us the menu, please?

Boris: Here it is.

Maria: Two cheese and ___________to take away, please.

Boris: Certainly. They’ll be ready in 5 minutes. Would you like to take a seat?

Maria: One large coke and a _____________ , please.

Boris: Here you are. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

Maria: Bye.

  1. Физминутка.

Listen and do.(Physical Minute)

– Anna, stand up and stand next to me.

– Dima, stand behind Anna.

– Roma, stand between Anna and Dima.

– Alina, stand to the right of Roma.

– Sasha, stand to the left of Anna.

– Max, stand opposite Sasha.

Tank you, sit down please.

Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind, if you please,
Touch your shoulders, Touch your nose,
Touch your ears, Touch your toes.
Raise your hands into the air,
To the sides, on your hair,
Raise them up as before,
While clapping - "One, two, three, four!'

VII. Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание:

What new information have you got during this lesson?

Everybody was very active today. And we have done much work during our lesson. Thank you for the lesson and your excellent work. In conclusion I want to give you your marks. (Выставляются отметки и по возможности комментируются.)

  1. Hometask: 1. Words

2.Make up a booklet with a recipe of your favourite dish and retell it.

Stand up! The lesson is over. Have a rest. Goodbye. See you next lesson.


Cuisine of Belarus

Belarusian national cuisine has evolved over the centuries. Belarusian culinary traditions represent a mix of simple recipes used by commoners and a sophisticated cuisine of the nobility, an extensive use of local ingredients and unusual way of cooking.

Here they bake bread to old recipes and technologies, cook homemade meat delicaciescheese from cow or goat's milk, and sweets made of honey, apples and cranberries.

Today’s diet of Belarusians includes many traditional dishes. The most popular are pork stew (machanka) and vereshchaka, homemade sausages, draniki (thick potato pancakes), kolduny, kletski (dumplings), babka (baked grated potato pie), cold sorrel soup, mushroom soup...

Old Belarusian Cuisine

The Belarusian cuisine widely uses local produce:

  • vegetables and greens (cabbages, turnips, beets, carrots, parsnips, pumpkins, potatoes, cucumbers, onions and garlic, sorrel, nettle, quinoa, orpine roots)

  • pulses (beans, peas, lentils, kidney beans)

  • grains (rye, barley, oats, buckwheat)

  • mushrooms (pickled, dried, powdered)

  • fruit and berries (apples, pears, plums, cherries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, red bilberries, raspberries, ashberries, high cranberries, canker berries)

  • spices and dressings (caraway, coriander, linseed, horseradish, calamus, mustard, juniper, cherry and oak leaves)

Potatoes deserve a special mention: being introduced to the diet of the Belarusians in the 18th century they have formed the basis of many Belarusian dishes for hundreds of years. Among them are famous draniki, kolduny, pyzy, potato sausage, kletski, babka

For centuries Belarusians consumed limited amounts of meat. Meat was usually served on festive occasions in the form of salted and sun-dried products. With time, the meat diet expanded. The most frequently used meat included:

  • pork

  • mutton

  • beef

  • poultry (chicken, duck, goose, turkey)

  • game (elk, roe, boar, beaver)

The Belarusian cuisine is also rich in fish dishes. As a rule, it is river fish (tench, sturgeon, pike, eelpout, bream, eel, trout, perch, carp). Belarusians used to make yushka, dumplings, salt and smoked fish.

The Belarusian cuisine is characterized by quite complicated and lengthy processing of products. It includes such methods as braising, stewing, baking, cooking, blanching and roasting, with several of them being used in some recipes. 

Many national dishes require various kinds of flour made of oats, buckwheat, peas, rye and their mixtures.

Flour can be used as the main ingredient of some foods (flat cakes called perepecha, special Belarusian pancakes from various kinds of flour, thick pancakes made of peas). However, it can also serve as an additive for thickening ("zakolota" for soups).

The Belarusian cuisine offers a great variety of dishes made from vegetables. Many of them are unique despite the fact that they are based on traditional Slavonic recipes.

The examples are the soup zhur (cooked prior to Lent and can be alternatively made of milk or meat) based on oat water, polivka (thin soup made of cereals and vegetables),morkva (carrot soup), gryzhanka (turnip soup), garbuzok (pumpkin soup) and other kinds of dishes.

The pride of the national cuisine is traditionalBelarusian bread baked with the use of rye flour. Instead of yeast Belarusians used a special leaven. This is a very healthy product.

Belarusian bread is heavier and is a bit sour. In old recipes different additives were used like caraway seeds, linseeds and sunflower seeds. Bread was sometimes baked on the ‘pillow’made from birch and oak leaves

You will definitely appreciate such delicious dishes as:

  • Marinated white mushrooms with vegetable oil, hot potatoes, pieces of toasted wheat bread and leek

  • Zhur with eggs, smoked meat and sour cream

  • Cutlets from buckwheat and chopped meat (grechaniki) with sour cream and leek sauce

  • Draniki with apple and sour-cream sauce

  • Meat sauce (vereshchaka) with buckwheat pancakes

  • Bigos (a dish from sour cabbage) with smoked meat, mushrooms and prunes

  • Pyachisto (large pieces of gammon)

  • A pear roasted in honey with spices (the recipe of the Radziwill family)

Belarusian desserts

For many centuries honey has been the main dessert for the Belarusians. Solodukha(malt dough), kulaga (thick beverage made from berries, flour, sugar, and honey), and baked apples also were popular.

The recipes that are famous in Belarus include sweet pancakes with cottage cheese gravy and pears a la Radziwill.

Today the most popular desserts are:

  • ice-cream, whipped cream

  • cakes

  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, bilberry, cranberry, strawberry)


We, Ukrainians, like to eat a lot of good tasty food cooked or fresh products. Fruit and vegetables, grown under the hot sun in rich Ukrainian soil of ten without any chemical fertile, have natural taste of real nature products. Since old times Ukrainian national cooking is famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for health because they combine almost everything the human body needs to be healthy. For example, the most popular soup, called borsch, has up to 20 components. A big plate of good borsch gives the person almost all elements and enough energy for half of a working day or so. So many. Ukrainians prefer to eat borsch before hard work.

Ukrainian traditional food and drinks are very interesting from medical point of view. Doctors say that a person, who keeps old Ukrain­ian traditions in meals, gets everything he needs for health and fruit­ful mental and physical work. Traditional combinations of products supply the body and brain with all necessary elements and help the body to process meals on the best way.

There is a good Ukrainian tradition to share receipts even with unknown people if they are interested how to cook this or that. Soup is an essential dinner dish. The most popular traditional types of soups are borsch, kapustniak, kulish, yushka and milk soup. In Ukraine we say, "Each hostess has her borsch" because there is a lot of variants to cook it....

Yushka is a soup with potatoes or other vegetables, corns beans, galushkas, macaroni or noodles. In Polissia and Volyn mushroom yushka is very popular. It is dark brown in colour, served cold and has original pleasant taste.

Uzbek national cuisine

Though the nation of Uzbekistan is relatively new, gaining independence only after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, their culture is one of the most ancient and rifined in Central Asia. One particulary distinctive and well-developed aspect of Uzbek culture is their cuisine. Unlike their nomadik neighbours, the Uzbeks have had a settled civilization for centuries. Between the deserts and mountains, in the oasis and fertile valleys, they cultivated grain and domesticated livestock. The resulting abundunce of produce allowed them to express their strong tradition of hospitality, which in turn enriched their cuisine.

The seasons, specifically winter and summer, greatly influence the composition of the basic menu. In the summer, fruits, vegetables, and nuts are ubiquitous. Fruits grow in abundance in Uzbekistan - grapes, melons, apricots, pears, apples, cherries, pomegranates, lemons, figs, dates. Vegetables are no less plentiful, including some lesser known species such as green redishes, yellow carrots, dozen of pumpkin and squash varieties, in addition to the usual eggplants, peppers, turnips, cucumbers and luscious tomatoes.

The winter diet traditionally consists of dried fruits and vegetables and preserves. Hearty noodle or pasta-typedishes are also common chilly-weather fare.

In general, mutton is the preferred source of protein in the Uzbek diet. Fatty-failed sheep are prized not only for their meat and fat as a source of cookingoil, but for their wool as well. Beef and horsemeat are also consumed in substantial quantities. Camel and goat meat are less common.

The wide array of breads, leavened and unleavend, is a staple for the majority of the population. Flat bread, or nan, is usually baked in tandoor ovens, and served with tea, not to mention at every meal. Some varieties are prepared with onions or meat in the dough, others topped with sesame seeds or kalonji.

Central Asia has a reputation for the richness and delicacy of their fermented dairy products. The most predominant - katyk, or yoghurt made from sour milk, and suzma, strained clotted milk simmilar to cottage cheese, are eaten plain. insalads, or added to soups and main products, resulting in a unique and delicious flavor.

Palov, the Uzbek version of "pilaff", is the flagship of their cookery. It consists mainly of fried and boiled meat, onions, carrots and rice; with raisins, barberries, chickpeas, or fruit added for variation. Uzbek men pride themselves on their ability to prepare the most unique and sumptuous palov. The oshpaz, or master chief, often cooks palov over an open flame, sometimes serving up to 1000 people from a single couldron on holidays or occasions such as weddings. It certainly takes years of practice with no room for failure to prepare a dish, at times, containing up to 100 kilograms of rice.

Uzbek dishes are not notably hot and fiery, though certainly flavorful. Some of their principle spices are black cumin, red and black peppers, barberries, coriander, and sesame seeds. The more common herbs are cilantro (fresh coriander), dill, parsley, celeriac, and basil. Other seasonings include wine vinegar, liberally applied to salads and marinades, and fermented milk products.

Tea is revered in the finest oriental traditions. It is offered first to any guest and there exists a whole subset of mores surrounding the preparation, offering and consuming of tea. Green teais the drink of hospitality and predominant. Black teais preferred in Tashkent, though both teas are seldom taken with milk or sugar. An entire portion of their cuisine is dedicated solely to tea drinking. Some of these include samsa, bread, halva, and various fried foods.

The "choyhona" (teahouse) is a cornerstone of traditional Uzbek society. Always shaded, preferably situated near a cool stream, the choyhona is gathering place for social interaction and fraternity. Robed Uzbek men congregate around low tables centered on beds adorned with ancient carpets, enjoing delicious palov, kebaband endless cups of green tea.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

National Cuisine

Автор: Шашмурина Юлия Петровна

Дата: 19.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 120372

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