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Конспект урока по английскомy языку "Are we what we eat?"

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       Цель урока: совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по теме «Food».

      Задачи урока:

  1. развитие навыков аргументации на иностранном языке;
  2. развитие коллективизма;

  3. развитие кругозора учащихся.

  4. воспитывать интерес к предмету;
  5. формировать потребность использования языка в различных сферах профессиональной деятельности;

  6. формировать познавательную активность;

  7. формировать представление о здоровом питании;

  8. воспитывать толерантное отношение к мнению других;

  9. создать условия для развития и углубления интересов студентов в выбранной ими области знания, в частности как средство получения профессионально-значимой информации.


           Речевой материал: лексический материал, изученный ранее из блока «Food».

Тип урока: комбинированный

Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, аудирование, чтение, письмо.

Межпредметные связи: кулинария, география

Оснащение урока: проектор, раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, эталоны ответов.


I.Организационный момент:

 - приветствие

- опрос старосты группы

II.Целеполагание : определение темы, совместная постановка задачи урока

Look at the slide. Tell me, please, what we are going to talk about?

(на экране тема занятия: «Are we what we eat?».

Yes, today we will continue to discuss food, repeat the words we’ve already learnt, revise our grammar material, learn some new words and speak about our eating habits.

III.Фонетическая зарядка

But first of all, as usual, we begin with our tongue – twister.

Учащиеся повторяют скороговорку

IV. Актуализация опорный знаний по грамматике

Very good. At the previous lessen we were talking about Conditional sentences. Let’s revise our grammar material. If+Past+would.

Преподаватель следит за точностью усвоения грамматического материала

Now let’s play a game. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are a chef, the owner of the restaurant, a waiter, a food critic and so on. What would /wouldn’t you do?

Ex:  If I had a lot of money, I’d open a restaurant.

If I were you, I would take vanilla ice cream for a dessert.

Учащиеся рассказывают об условных предложениях II типа, способах образования и употребления в речи. Работа в парах.

Учащиеся повторяют грамматический материал, используя образец предложенной ролевой игры.

V. Актуализация знаний по лексике

Excellent! Your are good advisors! Now let’s remember words we studied at the previous lesson and you were to learn at home. Close your exercise-books. Work in groups.

Here is a word «cookery». What are your associations with this word? The team which will give more associations will be a winner.

Повторение лексики, которая используется при приготовлении блюд. Работа в группах.

Ребята пытаются вспомнить слова, изученные ранее, которые ассоциируются со словом «кулинария». Выигрывает та команда, которая вспомнила наибольшее количество слов.

Учащиеся вспоминают лексику вместе с преподавателем

VI. Речевая зарядка

Thank you, I see you’ve learnt the words very well. Now look at the picture. Here is an absent-minded cook. He’ve spilt coffee on the recipe-book and some of the words are not seen now. Help the cook to put down the missing words. Well done.

Now look, he mixed up the recipes. Help him to restore them.

Преподаватель слушает отвечающих, дает возможность найти (если таковые имеются) и исправить ошибки другим учащимся.

Преподаватель следит за фонетикой при чтении. Помогает в переводе рецептов.

Работа в парах. Задания на карточках 1-2 (Slide 9,10,11) Проверяют по ключам (Slide 12,13) и 3(Slide 14,15,16,17,18). Ключи(Slide19,20,21,22,23)

 Кто первым выполнил задание, читает полученные рецепты. Другие учащиеся слушают, исправляют свои ошибки или ошибки отвечающего.

Выигрывает та команда, которая допустила меньше всех ошибок.

Затем учащиеся все вместе переводят рецепты.

VII. Изучение новых лексических единиц.

Now open your vocabulary notes. Look at the slides 24-25. First of all repeat them after me and then write them down.  Учащиеся повторяют слова. Записывают их в свои словарики.

2 урок

1.Поисковое чтение (чтение текста с извлечением нужной информации)

Now look at the texts you were given. Read by yourselves and tell me what these texts are about? What do you think? What is closer to you? Ask your classmates’ opinions.

Use phrases given on the slides.

Учащиеся «про себя» читают предложенные тексты (текст 1 и текст 2). Отвечают на вопросы, ведут дискуссию о том какие плюсы и минусы у здоровой пищи и «фаст-фуда», используя разговорные клеше.

2.Закрепление новых лексических единиц. Практика монологической речи. Now look at slide 33. What can you tell about their eating habits?

What would you recommend them?

VIII. Эмоциональная разрядка.

So let’s have a break and check up if you eat healthy food.

Look at slide 36. Here’s a statement of one of the famous doctors. Do you agree with him? What about you? Do you feel connections between your mood and the way you cook? Does a cook and his mood really play such an important role?

IX. Защита проектов You know that so many countries so many customs and it’s not a secret that people around the world eat different kinds of food and have different food habits and customs. Every cuisine has its own peculiarities.

For example, Spanish people like spicy food and are considered to be peppery (разг. от hot-tempered).  What do you think? Is it true? At home you were to make your presentations about word’s national cuisines.

Учащиеся предлагают свою точку зрения, опираясь на информацию, полученную при подготовке презентаций.

Затем учащиеся демонстрируют свои проекты о национальных кухнях мира.

X. Заключение Excellent! Thank you for so interesting information. And now using all you’ve learnt today, answer me, please, «Are we really what we eat?».

Учащиеся подводят итог, используя информацию, полученную за урок. Аргументируя свое мнение, учащиеся пытаются ответить на вопрос, поставленный в начале урока: «Are we what we eat»

XI. Домашнее задание. Please, look at the slide №39. Here’s your home task.

XII Подведение итогов. Комментарии работы учащихся на уроке, замечания, сильные и слабые стороны в работе учащихся на данном занятии. Выставление оценок.

Учащиеся высказывают свое согласие/не согласие с оценками за урок. Приводят свои аргументы.

XIII. Рефлексия Now, please, fill in the cards about the lesson.

Thank you for your hard and interesting work. Take care! Goodbye!

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект урока по английскомy языку "Are we what we eat?" »

КГБ ОУ «Красноярский техникум пищевой промышленности»

Методическая разработка урока английского языка для обучающихся по профессии “Повар, кондитер”

«Are we what we eat?»


преподаватель иностранного языка

Евдокимова А.В.

Красноярск, 2015г.

Дисциплина – «Английский язык»

Группа учащихся по профессии «Повар, кондитер»

Время проведения – 90 минут (2 урока)

Тема урока: «Are we what we eat?»

Цель урока: совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по теме «Food».

Задачи урока:

  1. Образовательные:

- активизировать и систематизировать лексический материал по теме «Food»;

- формировать навыки чтения с извлечением нужной информации.

  1. Развивающие:

- развитие памяти, внимания, критического мышления;

- развитие способностей учащихся к анализу и синтезу получаемой информации;

- умений делать выводы и обобщения;

  • развитие навыков аргументации на иностранном языке;

  • развитие коллективизма;

  • развитие кругозора учащихся.

  1. Воспитательные:

  • воспитывать интерес к предмету;

  • формировать потребность использования языка в различных сферах профессиональной деятельности;

  • формировать познавательную активность;

  • формировать представление о здоровом питании;

  • воспитывать толерантное отношение к мнению других;

  • создать условия для развития и углубления интересов студентов в выбранной ими области знания, в частности как средство получения профессионально-значимой информации.

Речевой материал: лексический материал, изученный ранее из блока «Food».

Тип урока: комбинированный

Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, аудирование, чтение, письмо.

Межпредметные связи: кулинария, география

Оснащение урока: проектор, раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, эталоны ответов.


I.Организационный момент:

II. Целеполагание

III.Фонетическая зарядка

IV. Актуализация опорный знаний по грамматике

V. Актуализация знаний по лексике

VI. Речевая зарядка

VII. Изучение новых лексических единиц.

IX. Защита проектов

X. Заключение

XI. Домашнее задание.

XII Подведение итогов.

XIII. Рефлексия


Этап учебного занятия


Деятельность преподавателя

Деятельность учащегося

1 урок (45 минут)

I.Организационный момент:

- приветствие

- опрос старосты группы

2 мин.

- Good afternoon, students.

- Monitor, who is absent today and why?

Студенты приветствуют преподавателя.

Староста называет имена отсутствующих и причины неявки на занятие.

II.Целеполагание : определение темы, совместная постановка задачи урока

2 мин.

Look at the slide. Tell me, please, what we are going to talk about?

(на экране тема занятия: «Are we what we eat?».

Yes, today we will continue to discuss food, repeat the words we’ve already learnt, revise our grammar material, learn some new words and speak about our eating habits.

Учащиеся говорят, о чем пойдет речь на уроке.

(Slide 1)

III.Фонетическая зарядка

5 мин.

But first of all, as usual, we begin with our tongue – twister.

Опрос сначала групповой, затем индивидуальный. Преподаватель исправляет ошибки учащихся, если таковые имеются.

Учащиеся повторяют скороговорку

(Slide 2)

Исправляют фонетические ошибки, найденные преподавателем

IV. Актуализация опорный знаний по грамматике

7 мин.

Very good. At the previous lessen we were talking about Conditional sentences. Let’s revise our grammar material.


Преподаватель следит за точностью усвоения грамматического материала

Now let’s play a game. Work in pairs. Imagine that you are a chef, the owner of the restaurant, a waiter, a food critic and so on. What would /wouldn’t you do?

Ex: If I had a lot of money, I’d open a restaurant.

If I were you, I would take vanilla ice cream for a dessert.

Учащиеся рассказывают об условных предложениях II типа, способах образования и употребления в речи.

(Slide 3)

Работа в парах.

Учащиеся повторяют грамматический материал, используя образец предложенной ролевой игры.

(Slide 4)

V. Актуализация знаний по лексике

7 мин.

Excellent! Your are good advisors! Now let’s remember words we studied at the previous lesson and you were to learn at home. Close your exercise-books. Work in groups.

Here is a word «cookery». What are your associations with this word? The team which will give more associations will be a winner.

Повторение лексики, которая используется при приготовлении блюд.

Работа в группах.

Ребята пытаются вспомнить слова, изученные ранее, которые ассоциируются со словом «кулинария».

Выигрывает та команда, которая вспомнила наибольшее количество слов.

(Slide 5)

Учащиеся вспоминают лексику вместе с преподвателем (Slide 7, 8)

VI. Речевая зарядка

15 мин.

Thank you, I see you’ve learnt the words very well. Now look at the picture. Here is an absent-minded cook. He’ve spilt coffee on the recipe-book and some of the words are not seen now. Help the cook to put down the missing words.

Well done.

Now look, he mixed up the recipes. Help him to restore them.

Преподаватель слушает отвечающих, дает возможность найти (если таковые имеются) и исправить ошибки другим учащимся.

Преподаватель следит за фонетикой при чтении. Помогает в переводе рецептов.

Работа в парах.

Задания на карточках 1-2 (Slide 9,10,11) Проверяют по ключам (Slide 12,13)

и 3(Slide 14,15,16,17,18). Ключи(Slide19,20,21,22,23)

Кто первым выполнил задание, читает полученные рецепты. Другие учащиеся слушают, исправляют свои ошибки или ошибки отвечающего.

Выигрывает та команда, которая допустила меньше всех ошибок.

Затем учащиеся все вместе переводят рецепты.

VII. Изучение новых лексических единиц.

7 мин.

Now open your vocabulary notes. Look at the slides 24-25. First of all repeat them after me and then write them down.

Учащиеся повторяют слова. Записывают их в свои словарики.

(Slide 24,25)

2 урок (45 минут)

1.Поисковое чтение (чтение текста с извлечением нужной информации)

7 мин.

Now look at the texts you were given. Read by yourselves and tell me what these texts are about? What do you think? What is closer to you? Ask your classmates’ opinions.

Use phrases given on the slides.

Учащиеся «про себя» читают предложенные тексты (текст 1 и текст 2).

Отвечают на вопросы, ведут дискуссию о том какие плюсы и минусы у здоровой пищи и «фаст-фуда», используя разговорные клеше (Slide 26,27,28,29,30,31,32)

2.Закрепление НЛЕ. Практика монологической речи.

7 мин.

Now look at slide 33. What can you tell about their eating habits?

What would you recommend them?

Используя НЛЕ и информацию из текстов 1 и 2,учащиеся говорят о привычках, пристрастиях в еде героев, изображенных на Slide 33, к чему это приводит, какие рекомендации они дадут героям

VIII. Эмоциональная разрядка.


2. Беседа по утверждению

7 мин.

So let’s have a break and check up if you eat healthy food.

Look at slide 36. Here’s a statement of one of the famous doctors. Do you agree with him? What about you? Do you feel connections between your mood and the way you cook? Does a cook and his mood really play such an important role?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы теста, затем анализируют свои результаты. (Slide 34,35)

Учащиеся читают утверждение о состоянии души, настроения и т.д. и как это влияет на приготовление блюд и рассуждают, дают свою оценку, примеры из личного опыта (Slide 36)

IX. Защита проектов

15 мин.

You know that so many countries so many customs and it’s not a secret that people around the world eat different kinds of food and have different food habits and customs. Every cuisine has its own peculiarities.

For example, Spanish people like spicy food and are considered to be peppery (разг. от hot-tempered).

What do you think? Is it true? At home you were to make your presentations about word’s national cuisines.

Учащиеся предлагают свою точку зрения, опираясь на информацию, полученную при подготовке презентаций. Slide 37

Затем учащиеся демонстрируют свои проекты о национальных кухнях мира.

X. Заключение

3 мин.

Excellent! Thank you for so interesting information. And now using all you’ve learnt today, answer me, please, «Are we really what we eat?»

Учащиеся подводят итог, используя информацию, полученную за урок. Аргументируя свое мнение, учащиеся пытаются ответить на вопрос, поставленный в начале урока: «Are we what we eat»

Slide 38

XI. Домашнее задание.

2 мин.

Please, look at the slide №39. Here’s your home task.

Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание Slide 39. Задают уточняющие вопросы.

XII Подведение итогов.

2 мин.

Комментарии работы учащихся на уроке, замечания, сильные и слабые стороны в работе учащихся на данном занятии. Выставление оценок.

Учащиеся высказывают свое согласие/не согласие с оценками за урок. Приводят свои аргументы.

XIII. Рефлексия

2 мин.

Now, please, fill in the cards about the lesson.

Thank you for your hard and interesting work. Take care! Goodbye!

Учащиеся заполняют карточки

Прощаются с преподавателем.

Список использованных источников:

  1. Конышева А.В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку.

М., 2011. С.303.

2. Swanson Paul. D. We Are What We Eat// Gastronomica.University of California Press - [электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа. — URL: http://www.gastronomica.org/we-are-what-we-eat/

3. Рецепты блюд на английском языке - [электронный ресурс] - Режим

доступа. — URL: http://www. englishhobby.ru

4. Темы по английскому языку - [электронный ресурс] - Режим

доступа. — URL: http://www.native-english.ru


Приложение 1.

Card 1

Baked chocolate pudding


455g best-quality cooking chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
• 50ml hot espresso or good strong instant coffee
• 125g butter, plus extra for greasing
• 6 eggs, free-range or organic, separated
• 200g caster sugar
• 100g ground almonds
• 100g rice flour
• 1 small handful chopped hazelnuts, toasted

_____ 125g chocolate with the coffee, then ____ into small ice-cube _____s and freeze until hard. Take 6 small 3 inch pastry rings, dariole moulds or cappuccino cups and ______ well with some butter. Place in the fridge while you make your sponge ______. Melt the remaining chocolate with the butter in a bowl over a _____ of ____ing water, then in a separate bowl _____ the egg whites with the sugar until firm. ____ the yolks into the cooled chocolate and butter mixture, then ___ the almonds and flour. Finish by carefully folding in the egg white mixture. _____ the oven to 190C/375F/gas 5. Take your moulds out of the fridge and _____ a little mixture into each one, then push in a cube of the frozen coffee and chocolate mixture. Cover with the rest of the sponge mixture so each ice cube is completely enveloped. ____ in the preheated oven for about 18–20 minutes, then remove carefully from the moulds while hot. _______ immediately sprinkled with hazelnuts

Card 2

Christmas Pudding

The Ingredients

To make 2 x 2 pound or 4 x 1 pound puddings

3 ounces of flour 2 eggs

1 tablespoonful of treacle 5 1¼ pounds of mixed dried fruit

½ teaspoonful of mixed spice 1 small orange

½ teaspoonful of cinnamon 1 small lemon

½ teaspoonful of nutmeg 1 small cooking apple

1 small carrot Pinch of salt

6 ounces of sugar (brown or white) 4 ounces of candid peel

The Method of Mixture

_____ flour, bread crumbs, suet, and mixed _____ fruit into a large bowl. Add _____ orange and lemon rind and juice. _____grated cooking apple. Mix well. Add eggs, treacle, spices and grated carrot. Add sugar, candid ___ and salt. ____ well. (Optional ingredient tablespoon of whisky or brandy).

Allow ______ to stand over night in a covered bowl.

Place mixture into well greased pudding bowls. Cover with grease proof paper and secure with string.

______ cook according to pressure cooker instructions.

Allow to ______ for approximately one month before final serving.

The ______ing

Warm through using a saucepan of water on a low heat for two hours approximately, being careful not to let any water enter the pudding or the saucepan to ____ dry. DO NOT MICROWAVE.

The pudding may then be flamed at the table. _____ over the pudding two tablespoons of high proof whisky and set alight.

Ideally serve with a brandy or whisky sauce.

Эталоны ответов

Card 1.

Melt 125g chocolate with the coffee, then pour into small ice-cube moulds and freeze until hard. Take 6 small 3 inch pastry rings, dariole moulds or cappuccino cups and grease well with some butter. Place in the fridge while you make your sponge mixture. Melt the remaining chocolate with the butter in a bowl over a pan of boiling water, then in a separate bowl whisk the egg whites with the sugar until firm. Fold the yolks into the cooled chocolate and butter mixture, then add the almonds and flour. Finish by carefully folding in the egg white mixture. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/gas 5. Take your moulds out of the fridge and spoon a little mixture into each one, then push in a cube of the frozen coffee and chocolate mixture. Cover with the rest of the sponge mixture so each ice cube is completely enveloped. Bake in the preheated oven for about 18–20 minutes, then remove carefully from the moulds while hot. Serve immediately sprinkled with hazelnuts.

Card 2.

The Method of Mixture

Mix flour, bread crumbs, suet, and mixed dried fruit into a large bowl. Add grated orange and lemon rind and juice. Add grated cooking apple. Mix well. Add eggs, treacle, spices and grated carrot. Add sugar, candid peel and salt. Mix well. (Optional ingredient tablespoon of whisky or brandy).

Allow mixture to stand over night in a covered bowl.

Place mixture into well greased pudding bowls. Cover with grease proof paper and secure with string.

Pressure cook according to pressure cooker instructions.

Allow to mature for approximately one month before final serving.

The Serving

Warm through using a saucepan of water on a low heat for two hours approximately, being careful not to let any water enter the pudding or the saucepan to boil dry. DO NOT MICROWAVE.

The pudding may then be flamed at the table. Pour over the pudding two tablespoons of high proof whisky and set alight.

Ideally serve with a brandy or whisky sauce.

Card 3.


INGREDIENTS: 100 g softened butter, 125 g icing sugar,2 eggs, 150 g sifted flower, 75 g currants

INGREDIENTS:125 g castor sugar, 4 eggs, 1 vanilla pod, 15 g melted butter (optional), 50 g flour, 50 g cornflour, 50 g flaked almonds

INGREDIENTS:1/2 litre milk,5 egg yolks,80 g sugar, 50 g cocoa,100 g fresh cream

INGREDIENTS: 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 small marrow,1 leek (or onion), 1 potato,1 stick celery, 1 clove garlic, 20 g butter, salt pepper, 1 litre water, 2 sprigs parsley

INGREDIENTS: 1 chicken weighing 1 kg 400 with liver,200 g button mushrooms, 3 stalks parsley,60 g butter, 20 g bread, 700 g potatoes, salt, pepper


1. Heat up the milk. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl.

1. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth.

1. Preheat the oven at 180°C. Grease the tin and dust with flour. Cover the base with flaked almonds.

1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. Wash and dry parsley and remove leaves. Mince the chicken liver, parsley, chopped mushrooms and bread.

1. Peel and wash all the vegetables, slice them

2. Pour in a little boiling-hot milk, beating all the time, then pour in the rest of the milk and blend.

2. Whip the egg yolks in a bowl.

2. Add the eggs, then the flour. Blend until the mixture has an even consistency.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the vegetables.

2. Preheat the oven at 220°C. Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffing for 2 minutes on a moderate heat.

3. Add 110 g sugar and the inside of the vanilla pod. Mix in the butter, the flour and cornflour, then beat to obtain an even mixture. Put the bowl aside.

3. Return the mixture to the saucepan and leave to thicken, stirring continuously.

3. Preheat the oven at 200°C.  Grease a baking sheet and use a piping bag or 2 teaspoons to space out small drops of the mixture.

3. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring continuously.

3. Add salt and pepper and leave to cool.

4. Do not allow the cream to boil.

4. Top each drop with 4 to 5 currants.

4. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff, adding 15 g of sugar when halfway through beating.

4. Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper).

4. Add salt and pepper and pour in 1 litre of very hot water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

5. Put the sheet in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. The biscuits should be golden around the edges but still light in the middle.

5. Put the chicken in an oven dish, coat it with 15 g of butter and put in the oven. Cook for 15 minutes.

5. Fold the eggs whites lightly into the mixture.

5. Chop the parsley in the mill and sprinkle over soup just before serving.

5. Once it coats the back of the spoon it is cooked. Leave to cool for a while. Add the cocoa and whip the mixture

6. Put the mixture straight into the tin and bake for 30 minutes.

6. Add the fresh cream and whip again.

6. Remove the biscuits using a metal spatula and leave to cool on a rack in several lots.

6. Add a spoon of fresh cream.

6. Peel and quarter the potatoes. When the chicken has cooked for 15 minutes, arrange the potatoes around it, adding knobs of butter, and leave to cook for a further 35 minutes.

7. Leave to cool a while before turning out.

7. Leave the cream to cool before pouring into the ice-cream churn for freezing.

Эталон ответа

Card 3.

Stuffed Chicken

INGREDIENTS : 1chicken weighing 1 kg 400 with liver,200 g button mushrooms, 3 stalks parsley,60 g butter, 20 g bread , 700 g potatoes, salt, pepper

1. Clean and wash the mushrooms. Wash and dry parsley and remove leaves. Mince the chicken liver, parsley, chopped mushrooms and bread.

2. Preheat the oven at 220°C. Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffing for 2 minutes on a moderate heat.

3. Add salt and pepper and leave to cool.

4. Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper).

5. Put the chicken in an oven dish, coat it with 15 g of butter and put in the oven. Cook for 15 minutes.

6. Peel and quarter the potatoes. When the chicken has cooked for 15 minutes, arrange the potatoes around it, adding knobs of butter, and leave to cook for a further 35 minutes.

Chocolate Ice-cream

INGREDIENTS: 1/2 litre milk,5 egg yolks,80 g sugar, 50 g cocoa,100 g fresh cream

1. Heat up the milk. Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl.

2. Pour in a little boiling-hot milk, beating all the time, then pour in the rest of the milk and blend.

3. Return the mixture to the saucepan and leave to thicken, stirring continuously.

4. Do not allow the cream to boil.

5. Once it coats the back of the spoon it is cooked. Leave to cool for a while. Add the cocoa and whip the mixture.

6. Add the fresh cream and whip again.

7. Leave the cream to cool before pouring into the ice-cream churn for freezing.

Sponge Cake

INGREDIENTS : 125 g castor sugar, 4 eggs, 1 vanilla pod, 15 g melted butter (optional), 50 g flour, 50 g cornflour, 50 g flaked almonds

1. Preheat the oven at 180°C. Grease the tin and dust with flour. Cover the base with flaked almonds.

2. Whip the egg yolks in a bowl.

3. Add 110 g sugar and the inside of the vanilla pod. Mix in the butter, the flour and cornflour, then beat to obtain an even mixture. Put the bowl aside.

4. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff, adding 15 g of sugar when halfway through beating.

5. Fold the eggs whites lightly into the mixture.

6. Put the mixture straight into the tin and bake for 30 minutes.

7. Leave to cool a while before turning out.

Vegetable Soup

INGREDIENTS: 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 small marrow,1 leek (or onion), 1 potato,1 stick celery, 1 clove garlic, 20 g butter, salt pepper, 1 litre water, 2 sprigs parsley

1.Peel and wash all the vegetables, slice them.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the vegetables.

3. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring continuously.

4. Add salt and pepper and pour in 1 litre of very hot water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

5. Chop the parsley in the mill and sprinkle over soup just before serving.

6. Add a spoon of fresh cream.

Redсurrant Biscuits (Tarts)

INGREDIENTS : 100 g softened butter, 125 g icing sugar,2 eggs, 150 g sifted flower, 75 g currants

1. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth.

2. Add the eggs, then the flour. Blend until the mixture has an even consistency.

3. Preheat the oven at 200°C. Grease a baking sheet and use a piping bag or 2 teaspoons to space out small drops of the mixture.

4. Top each drop with 4 to 5 currants.

5. Put the sheet in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. The biscuits should be golden around the edges but still light in the middle.

6. Remove the biscuits using a metal spatula and leave to cool on a rack in several lots.

Приложение 2

Text 1.

Enjoy your Meal

It is not a secret that our meals influence our mood. Also it is very important for our health. Every single person should eat proper kinds of food – dairy products, meats, fruit and vegetables, fats and sugars, cereals and grains. Dairy products provide us with calcium, meat provide our bodies with protein, iron, zinc. Eating fruit and vegetables helps to keep us healthy too because they give us fibre, vitamins and minerals. We should eat fats and sugars in moderation, because too much fats and sugars can cause different heart-diseases. Cereals and grains are important for us because they provide us with the energy we need for physical activity.

In this fast-moving world it is necessary to watch what we eat – it should be healthy food, not junk one, which has become very popular. Eating too much junk food can cause overweight and a heart-disease. For example, it is much better to eat an apple or a banana than to eat a double hamburger with ketchup and mayonnaise. You will feel full in both cases, but a fruit or a vegetable is healthier.

Today there are a lot of different restaurants and cafes where you can eat delicious and not really expensive food. The service is usually excellent and friendly waiters help you to relax and enjoy your meal fully. You can any types of food in restaurants – you can try homemade cakes, beefsteaks, pasta and macaroni and others. For a main course you can order fish, meat or chicken with some rice or potatoes, also you can ask for pasta and salad. You can eat a bowl of ice-cream, a pieces of apple pie, strawberries with cream or something like that for dessert. For drink you can order a glass of water or juice, a cup of coffee or tea or alcohol drink such as wine or beer.

Eating habits are different in different countries. For example, Brazilians never eat with their hands – they always use a knife and a fork, even when they eat hotdogs. Finns like to eat hot sausages and drink beer in the streets; many Philipinos prefer to eat with their hands. Also they think that it is polite to leave a little food on the plate at the end of a meal.

Well, as for me I do respect their eating habits and like to eat different countries’ food such as Italian Pasta, Japanese rice with sushi or Indian spicy meat. But most of all I like just ice-cream. It doesn’t matter what kind – with raspberry favor, with marmalade, chocolate chips or pieces of fruit. I can eat it anytime and anywhere. But anyways whatever you like you should remember words of wisdom which say that we eat to live, but not live to eat.

Text 2.

Fast food in reality fast food is a two-sided topic. On one hand, fast makes great convenience food, and with its availability and inexpensiveness, people with all sorts of backgrounds can eat fast food as often as possible. On the other hand, fast food is known to be unhealthy.
However, fast food is one of the easiest and cheapest ways of eating. It saves a lot of time and money, especially for people who are coming home from work. “As illustrated by the success of fast food, being more convenient than the alternative will almost always give you a significant advantage in the marketplace” (Myers). It’s obvious that there is no quicker or better way to satisfy your rumbling stomach. But then again, what exactly is the price to pay once you’ve had your fill, and now you have new illnesses from eating at fast food restaurants? “In the United States, food-borne diseases have been estimated to cause 6 million to 81 million illnesses and up to 9,000 deaths each year” (Mead). Anyone one of these numbers can be from someone’s family. Most of this bacteria is found in the food you eat from your local fast food joint. Eating at one of these places can cost thousands of dollars in hospital bills, all because of a diseased burger.
Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. The health risks aren’t worth your life, and animals that live in slaughter houses aren’t treated properly or hygienically before their death, which can cause many food-borne illnesses to inhabit food. Although it is easy to buy and cheap, risking a life for something that isn’t good for any person in the first place could cost thousands of dollars in hospital bills. It is important to eat healthy and make good choices when deciding what to put in your body. Don’t be lazy and pick up fast food on your way home from work. Make the right choice and eat some vegetables.

Приложение 3


Do you know if your daily ration is healthy and balanced? To help you learn if it is, answer these questions.

  1. How often do you skip a main meal?

a). often b). sometimes c).almost never

  1. Did you eat any fruit and vegetables yesterday?

a). hardly any at all b).2 or 3 portions c).4 or more portions

  1. How many times a week do you eat «meats» such as burgers, meat pies?

a). not very often, once or twice b). 5 to 8 c). a lot more than 9

  1. Did you eat three fibre-rich (богатый клетчаткой) foods yesterday (e.g. whole meal bread, nuts, breakfast cereal, baked beans, root vegetables like carrots, beetroot or jacket potato)?

a). no b). one or two c).yes

  1. How many times a week do you have a fried meal (e.g. eggs and bacon or fish chips)?

a). less than four b). five to eight times c).over eight

  1. Which of these best describes your lunch?

a). mostly crisps, some kind of chocolate bar, biscuits or cake.

b). it usually has at least one of these foods – yoghurt, apple or some kind of fruit, a raw vegetable like a carrot.

c). it’s made up almost completely of foods listed in (b) above.

  1. Find a fat. Which food in each of these pairs has the most fat.

a). meat pie or potato

b). hard cheese or cottage cheese

c). packed of salted peanuts or 10 tomatoes.


Q1:a) 1 b) 2 c).3

Q2: a) 1 b) 2 c).3

Q3: a) 3b) 2c).1

Q4: a) 3b)2c).1

Q5: a) 3b) 2c).1

Q6: a) 1b)2 c).3

Q7: one point for each of the following:

a) meat pie

b) hard cheese

c).salted peanuts


Over 15 points: Well done! You seem to eat healthy food.

10-15 points: Not bad, but you could improve your diet!

Under 10 points: Oh dear! Your diet may cause health problems for you in the future, unless you change to a healthier one.

Приложение 4.

Карточка рефлексии

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
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Конспект урока по английскомy языку "Are we what we eat?"

Автор: Евдокимова Анна Владимировна

Дата: 05.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167592

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