Орг. момент. Введение в тему урока. Определение проблемы. Учитель: Ladies and gentlemen! I’d like to great you on our talk – show “ Let’s speak!” (аплодисменты) and I am it’s presenter Mary Broadcasting! (аплодисменты) – видео с заставкой) What’s the problem we are going to discuss now? Слайд – шоу (разные хобби . страна – 5 картинок с хобби (всего 5-6 стран) Если затруднения – выбор названия из предложенных вариантов. Hobbies Hobbies of my family Hobbies around the world My friend’s hobbies My free time activities Absolutely right! It’s “Hobbies around the world” (аплодисменты). Now, dear guests in our studio. What questions would you like to answer about hobbies during the programme ( составление специальных вопросов из слов) What does the world “hobby” mean? What do people like to do? What do people from different countries like to do? What are the most popular hobbies all over the world? What is your hobby? Телефонный звонок Now our correspondent Tod Osborne is talking with some English boys and girls. Listen to the interview and point what do they like to do. (аудирование) (раздаточный материал в приложении ниже) Развитие диалогической речи (работа в парах) Представьте, что вы журналисты. Возьмите друг у друга интервью, пользуясь заполненными карточками для аудирования) Hallo, What is your name? - My name is Daniel - How old are you? -I am 12 -What do you like to do? - I like to play football -Thank you, bye. -
Reading. В редакцию нашей программы пришло письмо от английской девочки, но наши корреспонденты не очень хорошо не все поняли. У них есть вопросы. (Read the letter and choose the correct answer.) The Text  Ouestions 1 Bess likes 2 Bess wants to Be a hockey player Play hockey with Lucy Be a skater 3 Bess has got new skates A sister Lucy A brother Nick 4 Nick can…..vey well Play football Dance on the ice Play hockey 5 In winter Nick and his friends go to… The pond The stadium The swimming pool 6 Today it is cold. Bess and Lucy 6 Разучивание стихотворения «What can I do» We can dance, we can sing We can laugh, we can swim We can ski, we can jump, We can skate, we can climb, We can run, we can play We have fun every day. Физкультминутка – песенка с движениями How about you? How about you? How about you? What can you do? Jump, I can jump Swim, I can swim Ride a bike, I can ride a bike How about you? How about you? How about you? What can you do? Read, I can read Play guitar, I can play guitar Sing a song, I can sing a song How about you? How about you? How about you? What can you do? Speaking. Our talk-show takes place here, in Russia. You can tell us, what hobbies are popular in your country. What do you and your family like to do in free time? (краткие монологические высказывания детей) My mother likes to….. She can ……very well She teaches….. 8. Игра на развитие памяти. Watch the video and say? What do children from different countries like to do. Голосование. Now it’s time to sum up the results of voting. (результаты исследования класса на доске) Now you can see that the most popular hobby of your class is…… The less popular hobby is….. Let’s connect these results and results of voting in other countries. Computer has already analyzed all information (представление общей диаграммы). The most popular hobby in the world is…… The less popular hobby is….. Письмо (по образцу) Do you remember the Bess’s letter? Now write a letter for bess and tell her about your hobbies. Dear Bess, Thank you for your letter. You ask me what I like to do. I like to…………. I can…….well, but I can’t…… My mother likes to…. She can…well. My father likes to… Love …… Домашнее задание: составить рассказ об увлечениях членов семьи и друзей Аплодисменты, заставка. |