West Kazakhstan oblast Terekty region Voskhod secondary school Teacher of English Zharmukhanova K.S.
Form: 5 Theme: «My House »
The aims of the lesson:
1.To develop the pupils ability of speaking English language.
2.Consolidation of the vocabulary
To train the structure there is/there are in pupils’ speech
3.To teach pupils to love the language.
Type of the lesson: the presentation of new material.
The methods of explanation: verbal, party – explanatory, explanation.
The forms of survey of cognitive activity: individual, pair work.
Visual aids: interactive board, tables, pictures, riddles, blackboard.
Lesson procedure
I.Organization moment:
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««My House »»
West Kazakhstan oblast Terekty region Voskhod secondary school Teacher of English Zharmukhanova K.S.
Form: 5 Theme: «My House »
The aims of the lesson:
1.To develop the pupils ability of speaking English language.
2.Consolidation of the vocabulary
To train the structure there is/there are in pupils’ speech
3.To teach pupils to love the language.
Type of the lesson: the presentation of new material.
The methods of explanation: verbal, party – explanatory, explanation.
The forms of survey of cognitive activity: individual, pair work.
Visual aids: interactive board, tables, pictures, riddles, blackboard.
Lesson procedure
I.Organization moment:
-Good-day dear boys and girls!
-Good –day teacher
-How are you?
-We are fine and you?
-I’m fine thanks sit down, please.
-Who is on duty today?
-I’m on duty today.
-Who is absent? All are present.
II. Checking up your home work
I | K | A | O |
C | N | T | R |
H | E | B | M |
T | | H | O |
I | O | S | Y |
V | R | D | T |
N | M | U | |
I | O | | |
L | G | | |
III.Make your own sentences with structure
There is/there are
IV.Describe the pictures
V.Complete the sentences
1.We cook in the…
2.We sleep in the…
3.We wash in the…
4.We watch TV in the…
5.We read books in the…
6.We eat in the…
VI.Reading of the text :
“Carol’s house”
VII.Answer the guestions:
1.How many rooms in Carol’s house?
2.What are they?
3.Is there a carpet on the floor?
4.Are there chairs in the room?
5.Is there a washing machine in Carol’s kitchen?
6.Is there a sofa in his house?
VIII. Guess the riddles
1. I have legs
One, two, three, four
But I cannot walk
Across the floor
2. It is running
Night and day,
But it never
Runs away
3. This is a house
With one window in it,
Showing films
Nearly every minute
IX. Home task: Revision structure There is/there are and to learn by heart riddles
X. Your marks for today are ….
XI. Conclusion. Time is over. You are free! Good bye