I. Тема занятия_ My House
Types of syllabus. (Vowels)
Pronouns (personal and possessive).
Construction There is, There are
Тип и вид занятия формирование и закрепление знаний
- / Цель занятия:
- Закрепить грамматический материал по теме множественное число существительных.
- Обобщение и систематизирование знания учащихся по теме “My House” и уметь употреблять грамматические конструкции в речи.
2. Задачи
а) обучающие
- научить обучающихся употреблять знакомые лексические единицы во множественном числе; активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих уроков; практиковать обучающихся в устной речи;
- Развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения, письма по теме: “My hose’’, правильное использование грамматических конструкций, наречий
?) /воспитательные Создание условий для формирования ясных представлений учащегося о дне рождении.
б)развивающие Развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствования внимания.
Ожидаемые результаты:
а) должны знать
Учашиеся должны знать теоретический и грамматический материал, понимать информацию по новой теме, предъявленную в нормальном темпе английской речи.
?) должны уметь
Учашиеся должны уметь изложить свои мысли использую новую лексику использую пройденную грамматику.
б) должны владеть
Учашиеся должны приобрести навыки устной речи с использованием грамматического оборота
I. Organizing moment.
Teacher: The bell has gone, children. Get ready for the lesson. Stand up please. Good morning, dear girls and boys! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? Do you like weather today? The weather is fine. It is bright and sunny.
- Who is absent?
- What date is it today?
- Let’s meet each other
2. Announcing the aim of the lesson.
- Good morning boys and girls! Today we have a final lesson on the topic “My house”. We are going to revise the words on the topic, grammar construction “there is\ are”, prepositions of place and many other things. There will be lots of interesting activities in our lesson today. Are you ready to start?
II Checking the Homework
III. Phonetical Drill
Repeat after me all together:
– There’s no place like home;
– East or west – home is best;
– My home is my castle.
Do you know, boys and girls, what these expressions mean? (Презентация. Слайд 1.)
1. Now look at the screen and name the house words. (Слайд 2.)
Фронтальная работа с классом.
Good, you remember words on this topic pretty well, let’s do the following activity:
2. Name the rooms and types of houses. (Слайд 3). Фронтальная работа.
Учащиеся проверяют правильность ответов с помощью эффектов анимации.
Далее учащиеся выполняют лексическое упражнение , направленное на поиск лишнего слова в лексическом ряду. (Слайд 4.)
1. Lexica-grammatical exercises, for developing speaking skills.
It’s impossible to speak about the room or the house without prepositions. Look at the board and tell me where the things are. (Ребята отвечают где находятся различные предметы на картинке. Желательно построить целое предложение, для более слабых детей достаточно составить словосочетание с правильным предлогом.)
Now, please, look at the board (Слайд 5). Answer teacher’s questions using prepositions of place and then compose your own questions.
2. Using prepositions of place.
Very good, pupils. Let’s do our next activity. Look at the next slide. (Слайд 6.)
You can see different prepositions of place here. Take your activity papers and fill in the correct prepositions (индивидуальная работа).
Very well, let’s check your answers. (Слайд 7.)
3. Explanation new grammar material
Well you know, when we speak about our flats and houses we usually use there is/there are. In question sentences we use Is there/are there. (Слайд 8.)
A new rule:
“Some” in positive sentences we change into “any” in negative or question sentences.
Look at some new words and use them.
Now let’s check your answers. (Слайд 9.)
4. Монологическая речь с использованием новых грамматических явлений с опорой на картинку.
Now try to describe the room on the next slide using there is, there are, a, some and other words. Make up as many sentences as you can (Слайд 10). Сначала высказываются более сильные ребята, затем ребята послабее. Можно разыграть это упражнение по цепочке, в конце останется сказать, что еще не было перечислено. Необходимо высказываться полным предложением.
Very good.
3. Developing reading and speaking comprehensions.
Oral exercices text ‘My House is my Castle
My Home Is My Castle
House is essential for man's life. A house serves as a shelter and a place to satisfy all our needs: we sleep, eat, hide ourselves from bad weather, store personal property, work and rest there. So we want not just a house but a home. So what is the difference between a house and a home? It is considered that the place where you live is your home whatever type of house it is. British speakers often say that your home is the place where you belong and feel comfortable, so it is more than just a house. Some people think of home in terms of where they grew up or where they lived. For them it is a place that brings back old memories or feelings. The state of a person's home can physiologically influence his or her behavior, emotions, and mental health. Some people may become homesick when they are separated from their home environment.
There are a lot of proverbs and sayings supporting the importance of home to a person: East or West, home is best; There is no place like home; My house is my fortress; Home, sweet home; Home is where the heart is; Home is home, though it be never so homely; Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad and many others. Such sayings exist in any language and in any culture. Houses differ from one culture to another, depending on the world outlook of a certain community, which has its roots in the religion of a nation, its traditions and historic heritage. That is why there are so many types of houses and ways of life in the world. There are certain cultures in which members lack permanent homes, such as with nomadic people.
A person's home can tell us what culture he belongs to, because consciously or unconsciously, one usually keeps to one's native traditions, though it is rather difficult to do so in the modern world, especially in the city.
An Englishman's motto is 'My home is my castle.' A house doesn't only ensure privacy or give a sense of stability and security, but it is also a status symbol. A big and expensive house means that its owner is a very successful person. There are different types of houses in Britain. For example, a terraced house is a house joined to a row of other houses. A semi-detached house is joined to another house. The British dream of living in a detached house (which means a separate building) though having a detached house is much more expensive than a semi-detached or a terraced one. A cottage is a small, usually old house, typically in a rural, or semi-rural location. A bungalow is a fairly modern house built on only one level. Most people don't like blocks of flats, because they don't suit British attitudes and don't give people enough privacy. Besides many blocks of flats are badly built and are associated with poverty and crime.
Nowadays some people prefer living in a houseboat. It is a boat designed to be used as a human dwelling. In the United Kingdom, canal narrowboats are used as homes and also as mobile, rented, holiday accommodation. Over 15,000 people live afloat in Great Britain. They are found throughout the canals, rivers and coasts; in cities, in the country and in harbours. Some cruise continuously, some are permanently moored and the others mix cruising and mooring. Many people find houseboats very attractive because they can stay in one area for a few weeks or months and than move somewhere else. It helps them feel closer to Nature and escape from everyday problems of life ashore.
While travelling many people use a travel trailer or a caravan which is towed behind a road vehicle. It is much more comfortable than a tent and it gives travellers the opportunity not to spend their money on a motel or hotel. There are travel trailers and caravans of various types. They may be little more than a tent on wheels or they may contain several rooms with furniture and equipment. Travel trailers are especially popular in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
A house can say much about its inhabitants: their way of life, tastes, financial position, etc. No matter what type of house a person has, he should feel comfortable there. As a rule one's house is associated with one's family. Living under one roof people become closer and begin to understand each other better. So we can say that a house unites and for every person his house is a small Universe, a sacred place where love, friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign.
- Retell the text ‘My House is my Castle’
V. The conclusion of the lesson.
T- Today we worked very well. You were active and work very well. I announce your marks
Thank you for your good work.
The lesson is over.. See you soon.