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Молодёжные движения.

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«Молодёжные движения.»

Living on the edge


  • Тренировка произносительных навыков.

  • Изучение новой лексики по теме «Молодёжные движения».

  • Ознакомление учащихся со словообразованием (отрицательные префиксы).

  • Развитие навыков чтения и говорения.

  • Совершенствование речевых навыков на основе прочитанного.

Ход урока

I Introduction

II Warming-up

T: Answer the following questions:

  • What can you say about youth’s problems?

  • Have youth movements become important factors in the life of different countries?

  • What does the youth organization Greenpeace deal with?

  • Is there a branch of Greenpeace in Russia?

  • Can you say that it is only youth organization?

  • Do young people help elderly people?

  • Do some groups of young people in America help released prisoners to start their life a new?

  • Do any young people in Russia do the same?

  • Are sport clubs characterized youth organizations in the USA and in UK?

  • Are there any special youth clubs in our country?

III Phonetic Activities.

  1. T: listen and repeat the poem by Charles Kingsley

Young and old

When all the world is young, lad,

And all the trees are green,

And every goose a swan, lad,

And every lass a queen;

Then hey for boot and horse, lad,

And round the world away;

Young blood must have its course, lad,

And every dog his day.

  1. Read and repeat these words

Environment narrow minded

Incident to make a statement

Straight edge to take their beliefs

Political issues to extremes

To get one’s message access tension

Like-minded friends notorious


IV Lexical Activities

  1. T: Translate the phrases.

Молодёжные организации - youth organizations

Политические проблемы – political issues

Быть агрессивным по отношению к различной вере и различному образу жизни – to be aggressive towards different beliefs and lifestyles

Люди единомышленники – like-minded people

Человек с предрассудками – a narrow-minded man

Добиться понимания – to get the message across

  1. T: Explain these words in English


P1: I think this word means the air, water and land in which people and plants live.


P2: All the people working on a ship, plane.


P3: Famous for something bad.


P4: Not tight

V Grammar activities.

  1. Word building

The words with negative meaning can be formed from adjectives beginning with the letters l, p, r.







  1. Ex. 4 (B), p.26.

T: form the opposites for the following words and group them according to their prefixes.

In polite grateful effective

Im + usual fashionable tolerant

Un patient fair pure

Fortunate possible familiar

Impolite, impatient, impossible, impure, unusual, unfortunate, unfair, ungrateful, unfashionable, unfamiliar, ineffective, intolerant.

  1. Ex.6, p. 26 (Word formation)

T: copy and complete the following table in your vocabulary notebooks.


Verb+ preposition


( in)



Depend ( on)



(to /with /on )




Verb+ preposition



Involve in



Tolerate sth


Depend on


Differ from


To agree to do sth/with sb/on sth



To be patient with


VI Reading (Ex2 (A,B), p. 24,25)

  1. Pre-reading activities.

T: You are going to read an article about a youth group. Read the information to the article about straight edge teenagers and put ticks by the expressions, which you think describe their lifestyle.

  • Participate in animal rights protests

  • Follow a vegetarian diet

Are aggressive towards different beliefs and lifestyles

Hurt people physically

  • Have a tidy appearance

  • Have tattooes and prierced earlobes

  1. Reading

T: read the article and check whether you were right. Then match these titles to the paragraphs

Fashion statement 1st paragraph

Origins 2nd paragraph

A sense of belonging 3d paragraph

Disagreement 4th paragraph

Extremists 5th paragraph

Fashion statement -4 1st paragraph

Origins -1 2nd paragraph

A sense of belonging -5 3d paragraph

Disagreement -2 4th paragraph

Extremists -3 5th paragraph

  1. Post-reading activities

T: Answer the following questions.

  • Can narrow minded people accept ideas different from their own?

  • Are these groups friendly towards each other?

  • Is fashion important to straight edge kids?

  • Are like-minded people those who have similar opinions?

T: Discuss in pairs the following questions:

  • Why can’t straight edgers agree within their group?

  • Why are extreme straight-edgers aggressive towards other people?

  • What does a typical straight-edger look like?


P1: They can’t agree within their group because they take their beliefs to different extremes.

P2: Extreme straight-adgers are impatient with anyone who drinks or smoke or does not fit in to their strict philosophy.

P3: As far as I know, a typical straight-adger has a tidy appearance, wear baggy trousers and T-shirts. He has pierced earlobes with large holes. He wears chains and heavy chain necklaces.

P4: The reasons may be the lack of any other way to express themselves, need to show their solidarity with like-minded friends and get their message across.

VII Speaking (Ex. 7, H.26)

T: Discuss these questions and report your ideas to the class:

  • Would you like to belong to a teenage group? Why/Why not?

  • Why do people join different groups and movements?

  • Does belonging to a group help to express one’s individuality or not?


P1: I say, Ann! Would you like to belong to a teenage group?

P2: Of course not! I wouldn’t like to belong to any teenage group. To my mind, only narrow-minded people can be in these groups. And narrow-minded people aren’t likely to accept other people’s ideas. These teenagers are intolerant to others!

P1: What do you think? Why do people join different groups and movements? What do they want?

P2: They want to be understood. They want to get their message across.

P1: Are these groups friendly towards each other?

P2: American extreme straight-edgers are rather aggressive towards different beliefs and lifestyle.

P1: Does belonging to a group help to express one’s individuality or not?

P2: Yes, teenagers make a statement with their appearance and use it to show that they are different.

VIII The conclusion of the lesson.

Homework: ex. 3,4, p.26.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Молодёжные движения.

Автор: Сорокина Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 22.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 402337

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