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Молодёжные движения. Лексико-грамматический тест.

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«Молодёжные движения. Лексико-грамматический тест.»

Grammar test (Identity. Молодёжные движения.)


  • Активизация лексического материала.

  • Активизация грамматических навыков (словообразование, косвенная речь, времена активного залога).

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I Introduction.

II Practice (Grammar review)

Reported Speech.

Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.

a). “I’m in a hurry because my bus is leaving in 10 minutes”, Andy said.

b). “I saw Steve a month ago”, Lames said.

c). “She ill talk to the entire class”, he said.

d). “Jason is having a birthday party at his house tomorrow”, Melinda said.

e). “You’ll never believe what happened yesterday”, Kathy said.

f). “Sally was working hard in the lab yesterday”, Ann said to me.

2. Turn the following questions into Reported Speech.

a). “Who was at the party last night?”, Andy asked me.

b). “Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?”, his mother asked him.

c). “When will the package be delivered?”, she asked us.

d). “Where is the building?”, he asked me.

e). “How can I get to Pine Street?”, she asked me.

f). “Are you flying to Paris next week?”, he asked Tom.

3. Turn the following commands into Reported Speech.

a). “Turn off the TV, Tom”, his mother said.

b) “Please, help me?, the woman said to Peter.

c). “Don’t talk to strangers”, her father said to her

d). “Take off your shoes”, mother said to us.

e). “Pick up your books”, Sandra said to her son.

4. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech using reporting verbs (refuse, offer, suggest, apologize, threaten, advise).

a). “No, I won’t come to France with you”, Jenny said to Roy.

b). “You ought to see a doctor about your eyes”, Sid said to his mother.

c). “If you miss training again, I’ll drop you from the team!” said the coach to Bob.

d). “Sorry for not phoning to confirm your flight, Mr. Jones”, said the secretary.

e). “Shall we take a long walk along the riverside?”, said Mary.

f). “I’ll carry the bag for you”, said Beth.

Tense (active voice)

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Many years ago, while I (1) (travel)________through Europe by train, I (2) (have)_____the chance to visit most of the major European Capitals and admire the fantastic scenery. One day, as the train (3) (pass) through the French country side it suddenly (4) (stop) at a small picturesque village because of engine problems. While we (5) (wait) for the train to be repaired, we (6) (get off) to do some sightseeing for a couple of hours. I (7( (go) to a cozy restaurant where v(8) (enjoy) some wonderful local cuisine and (9) (taste) some exquisite French wine. In the end, I (10) (not mind) the delay at all.

World building.

Complete the following text with the correct derivative of the following words.

Bruce is definitely a sociable man. He has a lot of friends because he is always (1) (cheer), (2) (rely) and ready to help anyone in need. When it comes to (3) (danger) situations, Bruce always acts quite (4) (brave). For example, two weeks ago he saved a little boy’s (5) (live) by pulling him out of the path of a speeding truck. When it comes to giving advice, he is always very (6) (help) and (7) (support). However, he can be rather (8) (aggression), especially when he is driving. Sometimes he drives so (9) (careless) that his friends are too (10) (fright) to get in the car with him.

III Lexical review.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form.

  1. His insecurity was _______by a few gestures durlng the lecture.

  2. He is the sort of person who ______always _____attractive and confident.

  3. She tried to look indifferent but her eyes _____ her _____.

  4. He tried ____ his nervousness.

  5. Peter often wants ____ a confident person, but his loud laugh can’t ____ his feelings ____.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the following expressions

Narrow-mindedness, to get one’s message across, to make a statement, like-minded friends, to take one’s beliefs, to extremes

  1. It is the need to be able to show your solidarity with a group of ____ friends.

  2. Straight edge kids ____ , with their fashion as well as with their philosophy.

  3. The main problem seems to be that straight edge teenagers ____ to different ____

  4. Over the years straight adge popularity has increased, but attention has also been focuses on the ____ of some straight edgers.

  5. Extreme straight edgers are prepared to physical hurt people in an attempt ____ .


Andy said that she was in a hurry because her bus was leaving in ten minutes.

James said that he had seen Steve the previous month.

He said that she would talk to the entire class.

Melinda said that Jason was having a birthday party at his house the following day

Kathy said that I would never believe what had happened the day before.

Ann told me that Sally had been working hard in the lab the day before.

Andy asked me who had been at the party the previous night.

His mother asked him if he was going to the cinema the next day.

She asked us when the package would be delivered.

He asked me where the building was located.

She asked me how she could get to Pine Street.

He asked Tom if he was flying to Paris the following day,

Tom’s mother told him to turn off the TV.

The woman begged Peter to help her.

Her father told her not to talk to strangers.

Mother told us to take off our shoes.

Sandra told her son to pick up his books.

Roy refused to go to France with Jenny.

Sid advised his mother to see a doctor about her eyes.

The coach threatened to drop Bob from the team.

The secretary apologized to Mr. Jones for not phoning to confirm his flight.

Mary suggested taking a long walk.

Beth offered to carry my bag for me.

  1. Was travelling, 2) had, 3) was palling, 4) stopped, 4) were waiting, 6) got off, 7) went, 8) enjoyed, 9) tasted, 10) didn’t mind.

  1. Cheerful, 2) reliable, 3) dangerous, 4) brave, 5) life, 6) helpful, 7) supportive, 8) aggressive, 9) carelessly, 10) frightened

  1. Given away, 2) is perceived as, 3) gave away, 4) to cover up, 5) to be perceived, cover up.

  1. Like-minded, 2) make a statement, 3) take their beliefs to-extremes, 4) narrow-mindedness, 5) to get their message across.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Дошкольникам

Молодёжные движения. Лексико-грамматический тест.

Автор: Сорокина Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 13.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 399677

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