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Методический урок - Олимпийские игры

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­­­­Методический урок в 11ом классе

(учебник Т. Клементьевой « Happy  English – 3»)­­­­

ТЕМА: “A Brief History of the Olympic Games”


Тип урока: Вводный урок по теме.




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«методический урок - Олимпийские игры »

­­­­Методический урок в 11ом классе

(учебник Т. Клементьевой « Happy English – 3»)­­­­

ТЕМА: “A Brief History of the Olympic Games”

Тип урока: Вводный урок по теме.

Цель урока: Первичное введение материала по истории Олимпийских игр.


задача: Практика учащихся в аудировании,

чтении, говорении по теме. Развитие

навыков монологической речи по теме « Спорт в моей жизни ». Формирование грамматических навыков речи.


задача: Развитие познавательных способнос-

тей учащихся, расширение их круго-

зора. Повышение интереса к изучению английского языка.


задача: Развитие слуховой памяти, логического мышления, коммуника-

тивных умений.

Ход урока.

  1. Беседа с дежурным.

  1. Организационный момент. Введение в тематику урока.

Teacher: Well, pupils, let’s start our lesson. At the previous lessons we have spoken about the “national” capital of Australia -- CANBERRA. As you know, Sydney is one of the largest and the oldest cities of Australia, is considered to be the capital of the last Summer Olympic Games.

By the way, when were they held?

Pupil: The latest 27th Olympic Games were held in Sydney, over 17 days from the Opening Ceremony on the 15th of September to the Closing Ceremony on the 1st of October in the year 2000.

Teacher: That’s right. And today we are going to speak about the Olympic Games and about the Olympic movement in general. During the years of our studying English we’ve learnt a lot about the history of the Olympic Games, about the traditions connected with these events, about the symbols and the role of the sports events in our life. And the task of our lesson is to summarize all knowledge there is to this topic.

As I remember your home task for today’s lesson was to work with the text at pages 186-187 of your textbooks which is called “A Brief History of the Olympic Games”.

Was it difficult for you to understand the text? Was everything clear?

To my mind there are some proper names, words and phrases which pronunciation is not so easy. Let’s repeat them and read aloud in order not to make any mistakes. Here are they:

B.C. (before Christ )

A.D. (lat. Anno Domini)



The Romans



Baron Pierre de Coubertin





(слова записаны на доске). Will you, please, Kate, read the words and we shall try to repeat after you. Let’s start.

Nice of you. But before speaking about the text let’s listen to another one. The title of it is “GAMES OF GODS”. You’ll listen to the text twice and do some tasks. The first is: listen to the text and say what is it about? Ready? Let’s start.

(звучит текст первый раз)


Today’s Olympic Games are very different from the first ones, which were held every fourth summer in ancient Greece 2,800 years ago. Women couldn’t play; they weren’t even allowed to watch. Athletes competed without any clothes on!

The early events were footraces. Later, wrestling, javelin, discus, jumping and other events were added.

Athletes became stars in those days, too. There were no TV commercials, but winners’ images often appeared on coins or statues after their victories.

In 394, a Roman Emperor ended the ancient Olympics and they weren’t renewed until many centuries later.

In 1896, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin began working to bring back the Olympics. He hoped that the Games would help to promrote peace among nations.

Two years later, the first modern Olympics took place. Of course, they were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old traditions.

The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women were held in 1900. Many sports have been added. In the year 2000, for the first time, women competed in the same number of team sports as men. The 4,300 women in that year’s Games made up 38% of all athletes competing – the most ever.

And now listen to the text for the second time and say “What interesting facts about the Olympic Games you’ve learnt?”

(звучит текст второй раз).

Your answers, please.

Teacher: Thank you and now let’s discuss what you have learnt with the help of the questions. Please, use the material of the text you’ve read at home and give the whole answers. Let’s begin.

  1. Where and when did the Olympic Games begin?

  2. In whose honor were the Games held in ancient times?

  3. The women could participate in the Games, couldn’t they?

  4. Why couldn’t they take part in the Olympics?

  5. What was the only one event in the earliest Olympiad?

  6. Which events did ancient Olympic Games include?

  7. How did they honor their winners in ancient times?

  8. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship?

  9. When were the Games banned and by whom?

  10. When were the Olympic Games renewed?

Thank you very much. I see you know the history of the Games and now let’s speak about the symbols of the Olympics. Name them, please.

Pupil 1: The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colors.

Pupil 2: Another symbol of the Games is the torch. There is a special ceremony of lighting the torch. The flame for the torch comes from the site of Olympia. There it is lighted from the sun’s rays and then carried by relays of runners to the city where the Games are being held.

Teacher: Nice of you. I see you know a lot about the Olympic Games. And now let’s work with the text you’ve read at home.

The first task is to find Passive constructions in the text according to the Russian ones and read the sentences with them and then translate them.

Игры проводились Games were held

Сообщалось что it is reported that

Были добавлены were added

Были завоёваны were conquered

Были посланы were sent

Были прерваны were interrupted

Зажигают is lighted

Проносят is carried

The next task is to continue and finish the statements the beginning of which I’ll give you. Ready? Listen to me very carefully. And, pupils, as your hometask for next lesson is the retelling of the text “A Brief History of the Games”, this exercise will help you:

The first Olympic Games were held in ……

The Games were held every …….in honor of ……..

There was one event in the earliest Olympiad ……

Special …….. were sent out in every direction to …….

During the Olympics there were no ….

In ….. the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I ….. the Games.

Baron …. Wrote a letter to …..

He described ….

The first modern Olympic Games took Place in ….

The athletes march in a parade for ….

Well done. Thank you. I think you are ready to retell the text at home. This is your home task. And now I want you to tell me your opinions about the sport in your life, how is it important for you?

(Учащиеся делятся своими мнениями о роли спорта в их жизни).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

методический урок - Олимпийские игры

Автор: Шаригина Альмира Архамовна

Дата: 09.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 183781

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