Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение Высокоосельская основная общеобразовательная школа
Спасского района Нижегородской области
Методическая разработка урока

Учитель английского языка
Ляхманова О.В.
2012 - 2013 учебный год
Тема: «Защита окружающей среды».
Цели урока:
развивающая – а) повышение интереса к языку, б) развитие умений и навыков владений, в) развитие языковых и познавательных способностей;
воспитательная – а) воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка, б) воспитывать любовь к природе.
образовательная – расширение эрудиции учащихся.
практическая – совершенствование диалогической и монологической речи.
Задачи урока:
практиковать языковые навыки;
закрепить речевые образцы и новые слова по теме “Экология и окружающая среда”;
тренировать в употреблении языковых структур, в аудировании;
познакомить с целями и задачами международных экологических организаций;
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, видеопроектор, компьютер, мультимедийная презентация “Litter lasts longer than us”, карточки с заданиями, картинки с пейзажами, СD с упражнениями и песней, примеры лимериков.
Ход урока
I.T. Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you. Today, we’ll speak about nature, animals, plants, the atmosphere. Do you like the pictures on the blackboard? I tried to find something very beautiful. Please, read the title of the lesson: “Litter lasts longer than us” Just think of it! For example: you grow older, finish school, go on studying or start working, then you get married, have children, and a plastic buried under the ground is not changing at all!! Is not it one of the reasons for you not to drop litter in the street, in the forest or somewhere else? Слайд №1.
II.T. Well, let’s go on with the topic “Environment”
1) What problems of our planet do you know? ( по очереди называют)
P1 – Water pollution
P2 – Air pollution
P3 – Animals’ problems
P4 – Soil pollution
2) Give some facts proving that:
P1 – Rivers are dead
P2 – Less fish in the rivers as a result
P3 – A lot of tins and paper plates all other the place
P4 – Much litter in the forests and parks
III.T. And now try to guess some international words on this topic under the heading “FRIENDS”. Open your books on page 63. You have 1 minute for reading and translating underlined words.
I want you to repeat them after me:
Climate, cold climate, tropical climate.
Chemicals, new chemicals, unknown chemicals.
Atmosphere, clean atmosphere, dirty atmosphere.
Toxins, chemical toxins, bad toxins.
IV.T. What does the word “atmosphere” mean?
P1 – атмосфера
And what about the word “chemicals”?
P2 – химикалии. Отравляющие вещества
And “toxins”
P3 – токсины
And the word “climate” wasn’t difficult for understanding, was it?
P4 – It is «климат»
T. That’s right!
V.T. And what about unknown words? Listen and repeat them after the tape. Page 63 ex. 1.
VI.T. Look at the screen. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. Работа с презентацией. Слайд №2
Climate 1. to put litter in the forest or in the park
To drop 2. To test people’s lungs at the doctor’s
To breathe in and out 3. Something that continues or goes on
A leaf-leaves 4. Temperature in any place in different seasons
A plant 5. Something growing in the forests, parks, fields
Environment 6. You can see them in the trees
To last 7. Everything around us
VII.T. And now let’s try to use new words in the following exercise.
T. Name 3 things you can drop
P1 – I can drop litter, paper, bottles.
T. Name 4 things you like in the forest:
P2 – I like leaves, plants, mushrooms and flowers.
T. Name 3 actions from the new list of words:
P3 – to breath, to last, to drop
T. Name 3 words which you use when you take a shower:
P4 – I usually use some water, shampoo, and a soap.
VIII.T Listen to the song and give it a name. Look at the screen and choose right variant. Работа с презентацией. Слайд №3.
T. What do you think, _____________________?
And you__________?
I agree with all of you. As for me I think the name of the song may be “PLEASE STOP”, because our nature is really in danger.
IX.T And now read the song and say who is speaking in the first verse, in the second, the third, the forth and the refrain? The words on the screen will help you. Every verse has 4 variants, you must choose only one. Слайд №4
T. - Who wants to answer?
P1 – The environment is speaking in the first verse
P2 – The plants are speaking in the second verse
P3 - The water is speaking in the third verse
P4 – The animals are speaking in the forth verse
P5 – The people are speaking in the refrain
T. – That’s right!
X.T. – Our grammar rule for today is “The definite article «THE»”, - определенный артикль «THE». Слайд №5.
Некоторые слова из нашей темы относятся к этому правилу: the environment, the atmosphere, the world, the sun, the sky, the Earth. Почему? Потому, что они являются единственными в своем роде. Артикль the употребляется с предметами и понятиями, которые являются единственными в своем роде.
А такие названия планет как Mars [mα:z], Venus [`vi:nǝs] and Jupiter [`dƷu:pitǝ] употребляются без артикля
XI.T – Open your books on page 63. Do ex.2 in your books. Take your pencils, please, and write articles the, a or no article.
Let’s check the exercise. Nastya, read the first sentence ,will you?
_______,please. And now___________? Good boys and girls.
XII.T – So boys and girls, what does the word “environment” mean to you? Use the following model. They are in front of you.
As for me “environment” means ______________ because___________
In my opinion “environment” means __________ because___________
To my mind ________________________________________________
I Think that _________________________________________________
XIII.T – I know you are interesting in different games, don’t you? I would like you to play an unusual game «Пятистишие». Look at the screen. Make a poem on analogy expressing your opinion. Work in pairs. 3-4 minute for you.
T. Are you ready? Who is the first to answer? A good poem. The next, please. It was very nice. It showed your opinion on our topic, in fact.
XIV.T – I enjoyed your active work at the lesson, your fluent English. You made almost no grammar mistake. Here are your marks:
XV. T – Answer the questions.
1. What ecological organizations do you know?
2. What is the aim of ecological organizations?
3. What are the purposes of these organizations?
4. What do people do in these organizations?
5. What do you think makes people join these organizations?
6. What does Greenpeace do?
XVI. T – Fill in the gaps. Sometimes you need a noun and sometimes you need a verb. Use: inform, situate, pollute, organise, , protect.

Our ____________ wants to ______________the environment.
We fight against water and air _____________________.
Are you unhappy with the ecological _____________ in your region?
Send us some _______________about it and we’ll try to help.
XVII. T – Now, please, open your diaries and write down your homework. Page 66 ABC.