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Мені? та??ы асым

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                                                         Саба? жоспары

Саба? та?ырыбы:  What do you eat for breakfast?

Саба? ма?саты: Фунт жайлы білім ?алыптастыру. Та?ам, сусын, жеміс-жидек атауларын естеріне т?сіру.

К?тілетін н?тиже: Фунт жайлы білім ?алыптасады. Та?ам, сусын, жеміс-жидек атауларын естеріне т?сіреді

К?рнекілік : cards, textbook, scales and  active board

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment
  2. Phonetic drill
  3. Checking home task
  4. New material
  5. Exercises
  6. The end of the lesson.
  1. Organization moment.

Good morning pupils

Stand on the circle

Let’s divide into 2 groups

1.food                 2. Drink

11. Phonetic drill.

- Pupils, look at the blackboard. There is a poem. I’ll read, then you must repeat after me all together.


Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play

Listen and repeat.                            

Breakfast-та??ы ас

Dinner-т?скі ас

111. Checking hometask.

- Pupils, what was the home task for today?

- ex 15,p 137 every one read one sentence

1V. The main part of the lesson.

-Now, pupils open your copy-books and write down today’s date and the theme of our lesson. Today’s theme is “What do you eat for breakfast?”


The motto of the lesson is “A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day”

The Kazakh equivalent is “Ерте?гі астан ауыз ти, т?скі асты тастама, кешкі ас?а ?арама”, the aim of the lesson is to introduce pupils with the name of butchers, in order to be healthy we must to eat healthy food regularly.

  Well, we continue our lesson. Look at the blackboard and listen to me

(slide4, 5 pictures and new words)

New words:

Pork [po:k]- шош?а еті

Mutton [mat(?)n]- ?ой еті

Beef [bi:f]- сиыр еті

Sausage [so:sidз]-ш?жы?

Fish [fis]-балы?

Chicken [tsiken]-тауы? еті

V. Exercises.


T: We continue our lesson

  • What do you eat for breakfast? (dinner, supper).
  • I eat ______ for breakfast or I have _________ for breakfast.

( to use names of food in their speech)


T: Pupils, you are so activity today. The next task is a dialogue between Asel and Jenny. You must read and translate it. (Ex 2.p 136).Then I’ll give you cards, you must complete it.                                      (Working with cards)                (?рбір о?ушы жеке орындайды)

Aspen High School                                                  Name: _________________

Name: Asel Bolatkyzy                                              Colour of hair: _______________

Colour of hair: black                                                 Colour of eyes: _______________

Colour of eyes: Brown                                              Height: ______________________

Height: 5 feet                                                            Weight: ______________________

Weight: 105 pounds

                                                                         Weigh [wei]-салмакты ?лшеу

Weight [weit]-салмак

Pound [paund]-фунт

Equal [i:kw(?)l]-те?

Task3. Writing.

T: Open your books at page 137. Ex. 7

How much is it? Math Game

A kilos equals 2,2 pounds.

60 kilos 132 pounds.

10 kilos equals 22 pounds.

T: One pound equals 453 grams

A kilo equals 2,2 pounds.


  • How much do you weight in kilos?
  • I weight ______ kilos.
  • How much do you weight in pounds?
  • I weight _________in pounds.

V. Complete the sentence using some,any

1. I would like  … tea, but would not like … biscuits.

2. Is there   …   sugar? I can`t see  .

3. I usually buy    …    cheese.

4. I don`t buy   …   coffee.

5. We need to buy  …  bread because we haven`t ….

Work by poster

Word box

lemonade     coca-cola            milk              apple   

Pepsi            water                  pizza             oranges

cake             sandwiches         bananas        coffee

salad           tea                       chocolate      hamburgers

match with definition





carrots                                                            fruits



beans                                                               vegetables




V1. The end of the lesson.

Doing test work

1.Зат есімні? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да.

I eat ___________ for breakfast.


b)Cup of coffee

с) Bread and butter

2.Етістікті? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да.

She ___________ a cup of tea for breakfast.




3.Д?рыс жазыл?ан с?зді тап.




c) Weihgt

4.“ Б?зау еті” с?зіні? д?рыс аудармасын тап.




5. Берілген с?йлемні? д?рыс аудармасын к?рсет.

Сен сиыр етін жейсі? бе?

a)Did you eat beef?

b)Do you eat pork?

c)Do you eat beef?

Home task: to describe your breakfast


Count your stars


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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Мені? та??ы асым»

Сабақ жоспары

Сабақ тақырыбы: What do you eat for breakfast?

Сабақ мақсаты: Фунт жайлы білім қалыптастыру. Тағам, сусын, жеміс-жидек атауларын естеріне түсіру.

Күтілетін нәтиже: Фунт жайлы білім қалыптасады. Тағам, сусын, жеміс-жидек атауларын естеріне түсіреді

Көрнекілік : cards, textbook, scales and active board

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  2. Phonetic drill

  3. Checking home task

  4. New material

  5. Exercises

  6. The end of the lesson .

  1. Organization moment.

Good morning pupils

Stand on the circle

Let’s divide into 2 groups

1.food 2. Drink

11. Phonetic drill.

- Pupils, look at the blackboard. There is a poem. I’ll read, then you must repeat after me all together.


Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play

Listen and repeat.

Breakfast-таңғы ас

Dinner-түскі ас

111. Checking hometask.

- Pupils, what was the home task for today?

- ex 15,p 137 every one read one sentence

1V. The main part of the lesson.

-Now, pupils open your copy-books and write down today’s date and the theme of our lesson. Today’s theme is “What do you eat for breakfast?”


The motto of the lesson is “A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day”

The Kazakh equivalent is “Ертеңгі астан ауыз ти, түскі асты тастама, кешкі асқа қарама”, the aim of the lesson is to introduce pupils with the name of butchers, in order to be healthy we must to eat healthy food regularly.

Well, we continue our lesson. Look at the blackboard and listen to me

(slide4, 5 pictures and new words)

New words:

Pork [po:k]- шошқа еті

Mutton [mat(ә)n]- қой еті

Beef [bi:f]- сиыр еті

Sausage [so:sidз]-шұжық

Fish [fis]-балық

Chicken [tsiken]-тауық еті

V. Exercises.


T: We continue our lesson

    • What do you eat for breakfast? (dinner, supper).

    • I eat ______ for breakfast or I have _________ for breakfast.

( to use names of food in their speech)


T: Pupils, you are so activity today. The next task is a dialogue between Asel and Jenny. You must read and translate it. (Ex 2.p 136).Then I’ll give you cards, you must complete it. (Working with cards) (Әрбір оқушы жеке орындайды)

Aspen High School Name: _________________

Name: Asel Bolatkyzy Colour of hair: _______________

Colour of hair: black Colour of eyes: _______________

Colour of eyes: Brown Height: ______________________

Height: 5 feet Weight: ______________________

Weight: 105 pounds

Weigh [wei]-салмакты өлшеу

Weight [weit]-салмак

Pound [paund]-фунт

Equal [i:kw(ә)l]-тең

Task3. Writing.

T: Open your books at page 137. Ex. 7

How much is it? Math Game

A kilos equals 2,2 pounds.

60 kilos 132 pounds.

10 kilos equals 22 pounds.

T: One pound equals 453 grams

A kilo equals 2,2 pounds.


    • How much do you weight in kilos?

    • I weight ______ kilos.

    • How much do you weight in pounds?

    • I weight _________in pounds.

V. Complete the sentence using some,any

1. I would like … tea, but would not like … biscuits.

2. Is there … sugar? I can`t see ...

3. I usually buy … cheese.

4. I don`t buy … coffee.

5. We need to buy … bread because we haven`t … .

Work by poster

Word box

lemonade coca-cola milk apple

Pepsi water pizza oranges

cake sandwiches bananas coffee

salad tea chocolate hamburgers

match with definition





carrots fruits



beans vegetables




V1. The end of the lesson.

Doing test work

1.Зат есімнің дұрыс нұсқасын таңда.

I eat ___________ for breakfast.


b)Cup of coffee

с) Bread and butter

2.Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңда.

She ___________ a cup of tea for breakfast.




3.Дұрыс жазылған сөзді тап.




c) Weihgt

4.“ Бұзау еті” сөзінің дұрыс аудармасын тап.




5. Берілген сөйлемнің дұрыс аудармасын көрсет.

Сен сиыр етін жейсің бе?

a)Did you eat beef?

b)Do you eat pork?

c)Do you eat beef?

Home task: to describe your breakfast


Count your stars


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Мені? та??ы асым

Автор: Курманалиева Гульнур Алмасовна

Дата: 21.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 280500

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