Отработать первичные навыки употребления речевого образца через ряд упражнений
Ожидаемые результаты:
1. Совершенствование произносительных навыков,
2. Употребление лексических единиц по теме “Одежда. Внешность”
3. Знакомство с новым речевым образцом.
Речевой материал - лексика предыдущих уроков.
Раздаточный материал, мультимедийная презентация.
План урока:
Организационный момент. Фонетическая зарядка. Работа с лексикой “В магазине одежды”. Описание картинки и игра “I went to granny” Аудирование. Монологическое высказывание. Игра “Шпионы”. Введение нового речевого образца и отработка его через ряд упражнений. Подведение итогов.
T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to meet you today. It’s rather unusual to have English on
Friday. But I hope that you are glad. We have a lot of work today. We continue speaking
about clothes. We’re going to help the shop-assistant, describe people’s appearance and
even paint. But first of all we should warm up our tongues. And miss Chatter will help us
Однажды ночью разыгралась буря, подул сильный ветер [h] и по крыше застучал дождик [t - d]. Miss Chatter услышалa, как жалобно ухала сова на дереве [au]. На ферме замычала корова [m], загоготали гуси [g] и зарычала собака [r]. Потом пробежал, пофыркивая, ежик [f], [v], два жука сердито переговаривались, а змейки пронзительно свистели [s] .
Miss Chatter забыла закрыть наружную дверь и она захлопала [w]. После той ночи miss Chatter все-таки простудилась и начала кашлять [k] и чихать . Болело горло и она стонала сначала, а потом еще жалобнее . Пришел доктор, удивился , и велел miss Chatter показать горло и сказать. Но у неё так болело горло, что она смогла только произнести [e], затем [i], [i:]. Доктор дал ей горькое лекарство и попросил её не шуметь , а ложиться спать.
T: I’m so nervous today (на доску nervous). Oh, I forgot all the English words. Can you help me? Name all the words with sound: (Слайд 2)
[t] trainers, mittens, coat, raincoat, fur-coat
[d] dress
[au] trousers
t-shirt, shoes, shorts
t-shirt, shirt, skirt
[w] sweater, underwear
T: Great! Well done! Can you help the shop assistant? Look at the picture and make a list of things in her shop. Name all the clothes that you can see. (слайд 3)
5. T: Could you describe the things using colour and size? (слайд 4)
6. T: Do you know another pieces of clothing? I think that the game “I went to granny and I
put on …” will help us. Let’s play it! (слайд 5)
P1: I went to granny and put on my anorak.
P2: I went to granny and put on my boots.
P3: I went to granny and put on my coat.
P4: I went to granny ….
T: Great! I see that you know a lot of words.
Do you know that I have a friend? He sent me his picture, but unfortunately (на доску
unfortunately) it is black and white. Look at it! (слайд 6) What clothes do you think he has
P1: I think he has … on
P2: I think he has …on
Right now you’re going to listen to his description and then, please, paint your pictures
correctly. (Ученики получают черно-белые изображения, которые после
прослушивания текста раскрашивают в разные цвета.)
T: Let’s check your work. Could you describe your pictures? (слайд 7)
My boy has a red hat on. And what about your boy, Kate?
P1: My boy has a red hat on too.
T: My boy has blue jeans on. And what about your boy, Peter?
P2: …….
T: Could you sum up your descriptions and name all the clothes that the boy has on?
P3: ………
T: Your hometask is to read the text and paint the picture. I think it will be interesting for
T: I see that you can understand information. I think you can be good spies. Look around you and choose a person (a boy or a girl) for watching. Describe the way he / she looks and write down your descriptions. You have a piece of paper. Don’t forget to write your name.
(Получив листочки с описаниями школьников, учитель зачитывает некоторые из них, а ученики пытаются отгадать загаданного ученика.)
T: Oh, it’s rather cold here. I’d like to put on something warmer than my blouse. And what can you wear when it is cold?
When it is cold
I can wear
a t-shirt and shorts
When it is sunny
a raincoat and boots
When it is rainy
a fur-coat
When it is frosty and snowy
T: Our friends Smeshariki are going to travel around the world . Say what they may put on
in different weather.
it is
Nuysha can wear
a nice dress
a warm fur-coat
a T-shirt and shorts
13. T: The time is over and our lesson is going to finish. I am satisfied with your work at the lesson. Did you like the lesson?
P1. Yes, we did.
T: Thank you for co- operation. I like your work very much. You are free. Good-bye!
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