3 Стадия вызова Выполнение упражнения (Слайд1) Read and find the odd word -a butterfly, an elephant, a caterpillar, a spider, a ladybird (an animal) - an emu, a parrot, a swallow, a nightingale, a shamrock (a plant) - an elk, a squirrel, a dragonfly, a fox, a hedgehog (an insect) - a robin, a pine, an oak, a birch, a daffodil (a bird) So, the first group is ….insects. the second group is…birds. the third group is…animals. the fourth group is….plants. Can you imagine our life without them? 4 Просмотр видео и определение темы и задач урока (Слайд 2) So, what is the theme of our lesson? (слайд 3) But these living things differ from each other and live in different places. For example, the flora and fauna of our republic differs from Great Britain. Do you know anything about animal and plant species of Ossetia? 5 Презентация «Флора и фауна РСО-Алания 6 Чтение текста и выполнение задания к нему Can you tell me anything about the flora and fauna of the British Isles? So, what will we do at the lesson? (read a text and find out some new information) № ,стр…. Say if the following statements are true or false (Слайд 4) Работа по карточкам: разноуровневые задания (самопроверка по ключам, слайд 5) Give names to each of its 4 parts: 1 Common plants 2 Common animals 3 Common birds 4 the symbols of the country 7 Групповая работа: создание лэпбука «Floral Symbols of the UK»