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Конспект урока английского языка 10 класса "Independent Kazakhstan"

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                              Independent Kazakhstan

                              (Т?уелсіз  ?аза?стан)       

Саба?ты? ма?саты: о?ушыларды? проблемалы? с?ра?тар жайлы ?з беттерінше материалдар іздестіруі, оны жина?тау, ж?йелеп ??гімелеуін да?дыландыру ж?не  Т?уелсіз  ?аза?стан  туралы    білімін   бекіту.

Дамытушылы?ы: саба??а ?ызы?уын, ынтасын, ізденушілігін, белсенділік ?абілеттерін сонымен ?атар с?здік ?орын дамыту.

   Т?рбиелілігі: о?ушыларды? бойына ?з Отанына деген     с?йіспеншілікті

            дамыта отырып, оны  ?астерлеy  міндеті т?р?анын жеткізу.

       Саба? т?рі: бекіту 

       ?дісі: с?ра?-жауап, жеке о?ушымен

П?наралы? байланыс: ?аза? тілі, география, тарих

          К?рнекілігі: суреттер, ?лестірмелер, слайдтар

The procedure of the lesson

І. Organization moment

Good morning dear students!

I am glad to see you again

Sit down, please

Who is on duty? And who is away?

 ІІ. Phonetic drill:    «Astana»

   Glansing  into  the  future

    It sprang up above  the  earth

    The  capital  city  of  Motherland

    That  is  now  called  Astana

III.  Бекіту. Soon  on the 16-th  of  December  we will  celebrate  a  great  holiday  the  Independence  Day  of  Kazakhstan.In 1991 a Declaration   about   the  Independence  of  Kazakhstan  was  adopted. 23 years  have  passed  since  that  date.In  spite  of  being   young  independent  state, Kazakhstan  reached a lot  of  achievements  during  these  23  years.Your home task   was to find  some  more information  about   Kazakhstan. (М??алім дайында?ан  слайдтан   о?ушы  ?зі білетін  м?ліметті ??гімелейді)

1-слайд  State  symbols 

Phariza: The president of  Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev   adopted Constitution of  sovereign Kazakhstan, laws on the   national fag,national  emblem and  national    anthem. 1)The national flag of the country consists of a light blue field at the centre of which there is yellow sun framed by the wings of a flying eagle, also in yellow, with a vertical stripe of national ornamenta­tions near the hoist.2) The text  of  State Anthem of the Republic of  Kazakhstan   was  written  by  Nursultan Nazarbayev and Zhumeken Nazhimedenov  and  music:  Shamshi Kaldayakov  3) The basic elements constituting the Emblem of Kazakhstan are shanrak, winged horse and star.

2-слайд  A  member  of  different  organizations

Zhansaya: Kazakhstan   became a  member  of  different  organizations, such  as   OSCE,UN, CIS  and  the Islamic Cooperation  Organization.Agreements  were  signed on economic, scientific, technical    and  cultural  cooperation  between   Kazakhstan  and  foreign  countries  to develop  all   of  them.One  of  the  organizations  which  was   so  important  for  Kazakhstan’s  develop  is  OSCE. In 2010   Kazakhstan  took  over  OSCE  Chair.

3-слайд   2011 Asian  winter  games.

  Erkanat:  The  next  event  which  was  successful is   2011 Asian  winter  games.It  was  the 7-th game, in  which  Kazakhstan  was  the  host. Kazakhstan   prepared  for this  winter  game  hardly. Lots   of  new  stadiums  with  amazing   designs  were  built. Kazakhstan   won  32  golden,21  silver   and  17  bronze  medals.

4-слайд  "EXPO-2017"

  Akbope:The young Kazakh capital, Astana, won the right to host the international specialized exhibiton "EXPO-2017" in Paris where 103 BIE member states supported its bid.

 Answer  the  questions:

1. Largest cities are:____________________

2. The largest lakes are __________________

3.The climate of the country ______________.

4. Mineral resources are__________________

5.When  was  Akmola   renamed?___________

6.Landmarks  of  Astana__________

7.Wildlife  of  Kazakhstan________

8.Last  sport  events____________

IV. Results.

You’ve worked hard today. Tell me, what new facts have you learnt from the lesson?     Your marks are….

VII.Home task    retelling  the  texts, find  some  more informations

 We are proud of our country  believe in its future

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«Конспект урока английского языка 10 класса "Independent Kazakhstan" »

Independent Kazakhstan

(Тәуелсіз Қазақстан)

10th grade

Сабақтың мақсаты: оқушылардың проблемалық сұрақтар жайлы өз беттерінше материалдар іздестіруі, оны жинақтау, жүйелеп әңгімелеуін дағдыландыру және Тәуелсіз Қазақстан туралы білімін бекіту.

Дамытушылығы: сабаққа қызығуын, ынтасын, ізденушілігін, белсенділік қабілеттерін сонымен қатар сөздік қорын дамыту.

Тәрбиелілігі: оқушылардың бойына өз Отанына деген сүйіспеншілікті

дамыта отырып , оны қастерлеy міндеті тұрғанын жеткізу.

Сабақ түрі: бекіту

Әдісі: сұрақ-жауап, жеке оқушымен

Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, география, тарих

Көрнекілігі: суреттер, үлестірмелер, слайдтар

The procedure of the lesson

І. Organization moment

Good morning dear students!

I am glad to see you again

Sit down, please

Who is on duty? And who is away?

ІІ. Phonetic drill: «Astana»

Glansing into the future

It sprang up above the earth

The capital city of Motherland

That is now called Astana

III. Бекіту. Soon on the 16-th of December we will celebrate a great holiday the Independence Day of Kazakhstan.In 1991 a Declaration about the Independence of Kazakhstan was adopted. 23 years have passed since that date.In spite of being young independent state, Kazakhstan reached a lot of achievements during these 23 years.Your home task was to find some more information about Kazakhstan. (Мұғалім дайындаған слайдтан оқушы өзі білетін мәліметті әңгімелейді)

1-слайд State symbols

Phariza: The president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev adopted Constitution of sovereign Kazakhstan, laws on the national fag,national emblem and national anthem. 1)The national flag of the country consists of a light blue field at the centre of which there is yellow sun framed by the wings of a flying eagle, also in yellow, with a vertical stripe of national ornamenta­tions near the hoist.2) The text of State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan was written by Nursultan Nazarbayev and Zhumeken Nazhimedenov and music: Shamshi Kaldayakov 3) The basic elements constituting the Emblem of Kazakhstan are shanrak, winged horse and star.

2-слайд A member of different organizations

Zhansaya: Kazakhstan became a member of different organizations, such as OSCE,UN, CIS and the Islamic Cooperation Organization.Agreements were signed on economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between Kazakhstan and foreign countries to develop all of them.One of the organizations which was so important for Kazakhstan’s develop is OSCE. In 2010 Kazakhstan took over OSCE Chair.

3-слайд 2011 Asian winter games.

Erkanat: The next event which was successful is 2011 Asian winter games.It was the 7-th game, in which Kazakhstan was the host. Kazakhstan prepared for this winter game hardly. Lots of new stadiums with amazing designs were built. Kazakhstan won 32 golden,21 silver and 17 bronze medals.

4-слайд "EXPO-2017"

Akbope:The young Kazakh capital, Astana, won the right to host the international specialized exhibiton "EXPO-2017" in Paris where 103 BIE member states supported its bid.

Answer the questions:

1. Largest cities are:____________________

2. The largest lakes are __________________

3.The climate of the country ______________.

4. Mineral resources are__________________

5.When was Akmola renamed?___________

6.Landmarks of Astana__________

IV. Results.

You’ve worked hard today. Tell me, what new facts have you learnt from the lesson? Your marks are….

VII.Home task retelling the text, find some more informations

We are proud of our country believe in its future

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Конспект урока английского языка 10 класса "Independent Kazakhstan"

Автор: Аубакирова Алия Батырхановна

Дата: 02.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196053

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