Цели урока:
практическая: развивать умение в чтении и аудировании, и смысловой переработке информации по основе заданий, требующих личной оценки, рассуждения;
образовательная: расширение знаний;
развивающая: развитие языковой догадки, логического мышления;
воспитательная: развивать положительную мотивацию к дальгейшеиу изучению английского языка; воспитать уважение к культуре страны.
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«Lesson: «Happy birthday»»
Lesson plan
The grade: 2
The theme of the lesson:«Happy birthday»
The date:
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: to revise the previous materials, to check up pupils’ memory.
Developing: to develop pupil’s vocabulary, reading, speaking and writing.
Cultural: to raise pupils’ interest to the subject, to develop their communicative skills.
The type of the lesson: new lesson
The methods of the lesson: sing a song, work with pictures, to make up dialogues.
Visual aids: cards, pictures.
Stages of the lesson
I. Introduction.
II. Warm up:
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you
Good morning, my teacher,
I’m glad to see you.
III. Checking up the hometask :
Mother – ана
Father - әке
Sister - әпке
Brother - аға
IV. Presentation: to introduce pupils with new theme.
V. Practice:
Ex-1.p.12. Listen and learn.
Ex-2.p.13. Listen and learn new words.
A cake – торт
A present – сыйлық
A hat – қалпақ
A balloon – шар
A candle - шырақ
Ex-3.p.11. Let’s listen and sing a song
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Anar!
Happy birthday to you!
Work with work book.
Ex-1.p.12. Choose the right answer.
VI. Production: answer the questions
VII. Home work:
Ex-3,5. p.9.
VIII. Assessment: give marks.
IX. Conclusion: The lesson is over. Goodbye!