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Lesson 4. Let's play 1 класс

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Саздинская СШ

Учитель английского языка

Махамбеталиева Бакыт Умирзаковна

The theme of the lesson: Unit 5. Lesson 4. Let’s play

The aims of the lesson:

a) educational:

to explain the new materials, to consolidate   students knowledge concerning

the theme

b) breeding: to increase students  interest to English

c) developing

to develop students abilities and skills in monologue speech through asking and answering questions. Doing of different exercises. To develop the students speaking.

The type of the lesson:  Combined and Revision lesson

The visual aids:  Presentation, cards with pictures, interactive board, toys, balloons.

The methods of the lesson:  Asking and answering, reading and speaking.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

-          Good day, students!

-          How are you?

II. W a r m     u p

III. Checking up the homework

-          Now, students, I’ll ask you already studied materials

-          Let’s review which we past at the lesson

IY. Presentation of the new materials:

N e w    w o r d s

Y. Grammar: Modal verbs: Can/ can’t

YI. Work with book.

Children open your books and listen the CD and translate them.

  1. Work with copybook
  2. Giving up marks
    YII. Giving up homework

    Ex: 3 Colour the spaces with  Gg and Ff green.

Ex: 4 Trace.

YIII. The end of the lesson:

 The lesson is over, you are free, thank you very much, good bye, students!

  1. Giving up marks

    YII. Giving up homework

    1. Make up your own examples to practise grammar material

    2. Ex: 10. Write what subjects you like, what subjects your friend likes, and what he/she good at, and you are good at.

YIII. The end of the lesson:

- The lesson is over, you are free, thank you very much, good bye, students!

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Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Lesson 4. Let's play 1 класс »

Саздинская СШ

Учитель английского языка

Махамбеталиева Бакыт Умирзаковна

The theme of the lesson: Unit 5. Lesson 4. Let’s play

The aims of the lesson:

a) educational:

to explain the new materials, to consolidate   students knowledge concerning

the theme

b) breeding: to increase students  interest to English

c) developing

to develop students abilities and skills in monologue speech through asking and answering questions. Doing of different exercises. To develop the students speaking.

The type of the lesson:  Combined and Revision lesson

The visual aids:  Presentation, cards with pictures, interactive board, toys, balloons .

The methods of the lesson:  Asking and answering, reading and speaking.

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

-          Good day, students!

-          How are you?

II. W a r m     u p

III. Checking up the homework

-          Now, students, I’ll ask you already studied materials

-          Let’s review which we past at the lesson

IY. Presentation of the new materials:

N e w    w o r d s

Y. Grammar: Modal verbs: Can/ can’t

YI. Work with book.

Children open your books and listen the CD and translate them.

  1. Work with copybook

  1. Giving up marks
    YII. Giving up homework

    Ex: 3 Colour the spaces with  Gg and Ff green.

Ex: 4 Trace.

YIII. The end of the lesson:

 The lesson is over, you are free, thank you very much, good bye, students!

  1. Giving up marks

    YII. Giving up homework

    1. Make up your own examples to practise grammar material

    2. Ex: 10. Write what subjects you like, what subjects your friend likes, and what he/she good at, and you are good at.

YIII. The end of the lesson:

- The lesson is over, you are free, thank you very much, good bye, students!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Lesson 4. Let's play 1 класс

Автор: Махамбеталиева Бакыт Умирзаковна

Дата: 20.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203636

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