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Данный материал представлен текстом, охватывающим разные аспекты жизни столицы Красноярского края. Работа с текстом направлена на изучение новых лексических единиц и закрепление грамматических структур английского языка. Разнообразные задания соответствуют разным уровням сложности, самые сложные из заданий - дописать "хвостики" разделительных вопросов и перевод предложений с русского на английский язык.

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Krasnoyarsk is an administrative center of a huge region, which stretches for 4000 kilometers from north to south. Stretched out along the Yenisei banks – one of the biggest rivers of the former USSR, - the Krasnoyarsk region occupies the territory of 2 400 000 square kilometers. This territory could easily house 10 Great Britains or 41/2 Frances. The nature of this region is diverse. This is not surprising: several climatic zones are placed within the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region.

Krasnoyarsk is an ancient Siberian town, founded in 1628 by a small detachment of Cossacks headed by a Moscow noble man A. Dubensky. Within the period of 3 centuries and a half a small border line fortress of Krasniy Yar turned into a big industrial and administrative center of Siberia. One million people representing more than 70 nationalities live in the city now. The city is situated at the cross roads of the Trans-Siberian railway line and the Yenisei – one of the greatest rivers in the world. The leading branches of the Krasnoyarsk industry are metallurgy, heavy engineering and metalworking industry, and chemistry.

Our city is a big scientific and cultural center. A branch of Siberian department of the Russian Academy Sciences was founded here in 1979. In Krasnoyarsk there are some scientific research institutions working in the fields of physics, medicine, forestry and mechanical engineering. The art and cultural life of the city is represented by the opera and ballet house, the Pushkin drama theatre, the theatre of musical comedy, the theater of young spectators, the puppet show theatre, the Krasnoyarsk Symphony Orchestra, the organ hall, the world famous Siberian dance company, the Surikov picture gallery, the regional museums and others.

Krasnoyarsk is situated in a very picturesque and beautiful place. People have a possibility to see Siberian taiga and unique national park «Stolby». The center of the city is on the left bank of the Yenisei River. A lot of cinemas, most theatres, expensive shops, concert halls and schools are there. The sight of the city from the right Yenisei bank is nice in any weather. I like to have a walk along the embankment when it gets dark. There are a lot of illuminations. The Grand concert hall is worth visiting. The chapel stands highest of all the buildings in the city. On the whole I like Krasnoyarsk. There are a lot of interesting places and famous people as well.

Use some grammar structures in formal and informal English according to the model:

Some Grammar Structures in Formal and Informal English



How many kilometers from north to south does the Krasnoyarsk region stretch for?

In what place is Krasnoyarsk situated?

What river is Krasnoyarsk stretched along?

In what bank of the Yenisei River is the center of the city?

What theatres is the art and cultural life of the city represented by?

In what fields do some scientific research institutions work?

Answer the following questions to the text «Krasnoyarsk»:

1. What territory does the Krasnoyarsk region occupy?

2. Why is the nature of this region diverse?

3. When was Krasnoyarsk founded?

4. What stands highest of all the buildings in the city?

5. What national park do people like to visit?

6. What is worth visiting?

7. What are the leading branches of the Krasnoyarsk industry?

8. Why do people like to walk along the embankment?

Complete the «tags» of the interrogative questions:

1. The Krasnoyarsk region stretches for 4000 km. from north to south, … ... ? 2. The Krasnoyarsk region doesn’t occupy the territory of 3000 000 km2, … ... ? 3. This territory could easily house 10 Great Britains or 4½ Frances, … ... ? 4. Several climatic zones are placed within the territory, ... ... ? 5. Krasnoyarsk was founded in 1626, … ... ? 6. A small fortress of Krasniy Yar turned into a big industrial and administrative
center of Siberia, … ... ? 7. The leading branches of the Krasnoyarsk industry are metallurgy, heavy engineering, metalworking engineering and chemistry, … ... ? 8. Our city is a big scientific and cultural center, … ... ? 9. In Krasnoyarsk there are some scientific research institutions working in the field of physics, medicine, forestry and mechanical engineering, … ... ? 10. A branch of Siberian department of the Russian Academy Sciences was
founded here in 1979, … ... ? 11. Krasnoyarsk is situated in a very picturesque and beautiful place, … ... ? 12. People have a possibility to see the Siberian taiga and unique national
park «Stolby», … ... ? 13. The center of the city is on the left bank of the Yenisei River, … ... ? 14. The grand concert hall is worth visiting, … ... ? 15. On the whole I like Krasnoyarsk, … ... ?

Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and words combinations from the text «Krasnoyarsk»! Change their forms if necessary:

  1. Простираться, располагаться –

  1. Отрасль, ветвь, филиал –

  1. Бывший –

  1. Исследовательский –

  1. Занимать, захватывать –

  1. Быть представленным (чем-то) –

  1. Вмещать (в себе) –

  1. Быть расположенным (в) –

  1. Разнообразный –

  1. Живописный –

  1. Несколько –

  1. Возможность –

  1. Древний, античный –

  1. Уникальный –

  1. Благородный –

  1. Гулять –

  1. Научный –

  1. Набережная –

  1. Отрасль, ветвь, филиал –

  1. В общем, в целом

Translate into English:

  1. Красноярск это древний Сибирский город, основанный в 1628 году.

  2. Красноярск расположен на пересечении транссибирской железнодорожной магистрали и Енисея.

  3. Город расположен в очень живописном и красивом месте.

  4. Люди имеют возможность увидеть сибирскую тайгу и уникальный национальный парк «Столбы».

  5. Сейчас в городе живёт один миллион человек, представляющих более 70-ти национальностей.

  6. Филиал Сибирского отделения Российской Академии Наук был открыт здесь в 1979-ом году.

  7. Научно-исследовательские учреждения работают в области физики, медицины, лесного хозяйства и других.

  8. Центр города – на левом берегу реки Енисей.

  9. Художественная и культурная жизнь города представлена театром оперы и балета, Пушкинским драматическим театром, Красноярским симфоническим оркестром, Суриковской картинной галереей и другими.

  10. Стоит посетить Большой Концертный Зал.

  11. Вид города с правого берега Енисея прекрасен в любую погоду.

  12. В целом, я люблю Красноярск!

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the word box:

occupies, stretches, huge, 10, 4½, branch, branches, represented, several, research, situated, scientific, dance, others, regional, along, it, on, grand, possibility, industrial, our, art, cultural, picturesque.

1. Krasnoyarsk is an administrative center of a ______ region, which _____ for 4000 km from north to south. 2. The Krasnoyarsk region ____ the territory of 2 400 000 square kilometers.

3. This territory could easily house ____ Great Britains or ____ Frances. 4. ____ climatic zones are placed within the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region. 5. ____ city is a big ____ and cultural center. 6. The leading ____ of Krasnoyarsk industry are metallurgy, heavy engineering, metalworking industry and chemistry. 7. A ____ of Siberian department of the Russian Academy Sciences was founded here in 1979. 8. In Krasnoyarsk there are some ____ ____ institutions working in the field of physics, medicine, forestry and mechanical engineering. 9. The ____ and ____ life if the city is ____ by the opera and ballet theatre, the world famous Siberian ____ company, the ____ museums and ____. 10. Krasnoyarsk is ____ in a very ____ and beautiful place. 11. People have ____ to see Siberian taiga and unique national park «Stolby». 12. I like to have a walk ____ the embankment when ____ gets dark. 13. The ____ concert hall is worth visiting. 14. ____ the whole I like Krasnoyarsk.


Complete the «tags» of the interrogative questions:

1. The Krasnoyarsk region stretches for 4000 kilometers from north to south, doesn’t it? 2. The Krasnoyarsk region doesn’t occupy the territory of 3000 000 km2, does it? 3. This territory could easily house 10 Great Britains or 4½ Frances, couldn’t it? 4. Several climatic zones are placed within the territory, aren’t they? 5. Krasnoyarsk was founded in 1626, wasn’t it? 6. A small fortress of Krasniy Yar turned into a big industrial and administrative center of Siberia, didn’t it? 7. The leading branches of the Krasnoyarsk industry are metallurgy, heavy engineering, metalworking engineering and chemistry, aren’t they? 8. Our city is a big scientific and cultural center, isn’t it? 9. In Krasnoyarsk there are some scientific research institutions working in the field of physics, medicine, forestry and mechanical engineering, aren’t there? 10. A branch of Siberian department of the Russian Academy Sciences was founded here in 1979, wasn’t it? 11. Krasnoyarsk is situated in a very picturesque and beautiful place, isn’t it? 12. People have a possibility to see the Siberian taiga and unique national park «Stolby», don’t they? 13. The center of the city is on the left bank of the Yenisei River, isn’t it? 14. The grand concert hall is worth visiting, isn’t it? 15. On the whole I like Krasnoyarsk, don’t I?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Прус Галина Радомировна

Дата: 02.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 287001

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