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Краеведческий материал на уроках английского языка

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        В соответствии с нормами и требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта образования введён национально-региональный компонент и в преподавание иностранного языка. Поэтому на своих уроках я использую тексты, позволяющие знакомить учащихся с культурой и историей родного края. После прочтения текста учащимся предлагаются послетекстовые задания, направленные на отработку навыков чтения и  позволяющие проверить понимание прочитанного. Задания творческого характера направлены на формирование навыков устной речи. Задания подобного рода не только обеспечивают школьников  необходимой информацией, расширяя их кругозор, но и стимулируют их выражать собственное мнение. Работы и  материалы,  учащихся я затем также использую на своих уроках. Автором данного текста является выпускница школы Гаврилова Анна. Работа над проектом позволила ей принять участие во Всероссийском конкурсе «Интерактивная карта России» (Наша страна – наше наследие). Я разработала задания к данному тексту.







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«Краеведческий материал на уроках английского языка »

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В соответствии с нормами и требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта образования введён национально-региональный компонент и в преподавание иностранного языка. Поэтому на своих уроках я использую тексты, позволяющие знакомить учащихся с культурой и историей родного края. После прочтения текста учащимся предлагаются послетекстовые задания, направленные на отработку навыков чтения и позволяющие проверить понимание прочитанного. Задания творческого характера(Follow-up) направлены на формирование навыков устной речи. Задания подобного рода не только обеспечивают школьников необходимой информацией, расширяя их кругозор, но и стимулируют их выражать собственное мнение. Работы и материалы, учащихся я затем также использую на своих уроках. Автором данного текста является выпускница школы Гаврилова Анна. Работа над проектом позволила ей принять участие во Всероссийском конкурсе «Интерактивная карта России» (Наша страна – наше наследие). Я разработала задания к данному тексту.

There is a village of Poletayevo not far from the Ural Mountains. It takes you half an hour to get to Chelyabinsk, the capital of the South Ural. Though you can hardly find Poletayevo on the map of Russia it has an interesting history.

There are some legends about it. They say that a landowner Tayev was the first to found the village. So Poletayevo means “Tayev’s field”. Another story tells that it was founded as a Cossacks stanitsa and was named after the first settler. For the first time the village is mentioned in the documents in 1763 and refers to Chelyabinsk fortress. The first Cossacks were intended to serve by Empress Catherine II from Don. Young Cossacks have been sending to Orenburg to protect the southern borders of the Urals.

On the outskirts of the village a great church was built. The ringing of its bells was heard at a distance of 15 kilometers. In 1956 it became the granary, later there was a club for young people. In the 70s only the foundation of the building was left. Married couple Copylovs came to the village in 1986. Natalia vowed to revive the temple. But they only managed to build a chapel. Its building began with the blessing of priest Iov. Savings of disabled spouses and donations of people from nearby villages went for the construction. Just as an old temple it is named after Iowan Predtecha.

The chapel is near the ring- road of Chelyabinsk. Everyone who passes through it can ask for health and God's protection. You can baptize a child and read the burial service. Last year students from our school took part in a social project “A way to a Temple”. They planted flowers around the chapel. The idea of the project belonged to Grekhova Lilia Raulievna, the History teacher.

It’s important to point out that Poletayevo is a railway junction through which the Trans Siberian Railway passes. As experts have proved “it was decided to begin the construction of the Siberian railway line Miass – Chelyabinsk (stretch 94 miles) in 1891”. The first railway station was a small wooden building, but in 1914 a stone one was built and it still exists today. There you can see a memorial board devoted to Morosov strike’s leader P. Moiseyenko.

It’s impossible not to recall the person whose name went down the history of our settlement. It's Vladimir Nikodimovich Dmitriev, Honored teacher of Russia. He has worked in Poletayevskaya School more than 30 years. He is the author of the coat of arms of Sosnovsky Area. In memory of this remarkable man a memorial plaque is in our school.

May be somebody says that Poletayevo is an ordinary village like many others in Russia. But I’m proud of my native land. As I know my ancestors were Cossacks too. I’d like to hope that they also took part in the birth of my village. (Gavrilova Anna, 11 form, 2012, the participant of the All-Russian Contest "Interactive Map of Russia»)1. Vocabulary

a landowner - землевладелец

Cossacks - козаки

to mention - упоминать

the outskirts - окраина

the granary - зернохранилище

to vow - дать обет

to revive a temple – возродить храм

a chapel - часовня

donations - пожертвования

to baptize - крестить

the burial serviceпоминальная служба, отпевание

strike – стачка, забастовка

to recall - вспомнить

the coat of arms - герб

ancestors - предки

2. Geographical and proper names

Poletayevo - Полетаево

Chelyabinsk – Челябинск

Orenburg - Огенбург

the South Ural – Южный Урал

Don - Дон

Sosnovsky Area – Сосновский район

Empress Catherine II – императрица Екатерина вторая

the Trans Siberian Railway – Транс-Сибирская магистраль

P. Moiseyenko – Пётр Моисеенко

Vladimir Nikodimovich Dmitriev – Владимир Дмитриев

3. How much do you know now?

I. Use the information from the text to answer the questions.

1. Who was the founder of Poletayevo?

2. Why did the Empress Catherine II send Cossacks from Don to the Ural?

3. What can you say about a social project “A way to a Temple”?

4. What is the connection between Poletayevo and the Trans-Siberian Railway?

5. What is Vladimir Nikodimovich Dmitriev famous for?

6. Who is the temple named after?

II. Follow-up.

  • Find some information from magazines and newspapers about the chapel.

  • Write down what you know about the teachers of your school.

  • Collect stories from magazines and newspapers about the history of the railway station of Poletayevo.

  • Write the essay “From the history of my school” (120-150 words)

  • Make notes of the events you are going to present in class.

III. Make a list of 3-5 questions you think a foreigner would ask your classmates about the history of Poletayevo.

IV. Say if the statements are true or false.

1. There is a great church on the outskirts of the village Poletayevo.

2. Married couple Copylovs revived the temple.

3. For the first time the village is mentioned in the documents in 1763 and refers to Orenburg fortress.

4. People from nearby villages collected money for the revival of the church.

5. The first railway station was built in 1914 in Poletayevo and it still exists today.

V. Say if you agree or disagree with the statements. Support your opinion with the information from the text.

1. The Empress Catherine II played a great role in the foundation of the settlement.

2. Vladimir Nikodimovich Dmitriev went down in history of Sosnovsky Area.

3. The teachers and students of Poletayevskaya School are proud of their talented teacher.

4. Disabled spouses only managed to build a chapel for their savings.

5. Poletayevo is an ordinary village like many others in Russia.

VI. Choose the best title for the text. Explain your choice.

What does the legend say? The history of my village.

I’m proud of my native land.

VII. Complete the sentences.

1. Cossacks from Don were sent …

2. In 1956 the great church became…

3. The author of a social project “A way to a Temple” was…

4. On the building of the railway station you can see…

5. Vladimir Nikodimovich Dmitriev is the author of …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Краеведческий материал на уроках английского языка

Автор: Гаврилова Елена Викторовна

Дата: 25.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 135594

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