конспект урока по теме "The school day in England"
Конспект урока по теме "The school day in England"
"The school day in Egland " саба? жоспары 6 сынып?а арнал?ан. Б?л жоспарда м??алім жа?а м?тінмен таныстырады. О?ушылармен с?здік ж?мыс ж?рпгізіледі. О?ушылар саба?та ал?ан білімдщерін постер мен ?оргайды. Англияда?ымектеппен о?ушыларвидео роликтен танысып, сол мектеп туралы ??гіме ж?ргізеді.,
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«конспект урока по теме "The school day in England"»
Mangystau oblast
Munaily region
Secondary school №1
Open lesson
“The school day in England”
Teacher: Redova O. S.
Form: 6 “A”
Date: 14.12.2015
2015/2016 school year
Date: 14.12.2015
Form: 6 “A”
Theme: “The school day in England”
Educational – to give information about the typical day at school in Britain.
Developing – to develop pupils’ reading, writing and speaking abilities
Bringing up – to bring up pupils to respect their school
Visual aids: interactive board, book, cards.
The procedure of the lesson
The beginning of the lesson
Talking with duty pupil
Divide the class into three groups
School subjects (Art, English, Maths, History, Biology)
Equipments (pen, ruler, rubber, book, copybook)
Days of the week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday)
Checking up the home task
Answer the questions
The first group’s card
Write 5 vegetables
Write 5 countable nouns
Write 5 uncountable nouns
What’s the popular food in your family?
Some/any explanation of grammar
The second group’s card
Write 5 fruit
Write 5 countable nouns
Write 5 uncountable nouns
What’s your favourite food?
Much/ many explanation of grammar
The thirds group’s card
Write 5 drinks
Write 5 countable nouns
Write 5 uncountable nouns
What Kazakh traditional dishes do you know?
A few/a little explanation of grammar
Phonetic drill
The school has doors that open wide,
And friendly teachers wait inside.
Hurry, hurry, let’s go in,
For soon the lessons will begin.
Books and pencils I will need,
When I start to write and read.
Lots to learn and lots to do,
I like to go to school, don’t you?
The new theme: “The school day at school”
Warm up
Match the pictures and phrases
Stand up!
Don’t write!
Sit down.
Go to page 25.
Close the door.
Turn off your mobile.
Work in pairs.
Look at the blackboard.
New words:
Absent [‘æbsǝnt] жоқ
Normal [‘nɔ:mǝl] қалыпты
Registration[reʤis’treiʃǝn] тіркеу
Canteen [kǝn’ti:n] асхана
Traditional [trǝ’diʃǝnl] дәстүрлі
Notice [‘nǝutis] ескерту
Headmaster [hed’ ma:stǝ] директор (ер адам)
Headmistress [hed’mistris] директор (әйел адам)
Assembly [ǝ’sembli] жиналыс
Reading. Working on the text
The school day in England
The normal school day in England is from nine o’clock to half past three. Pupils must stay at school all the time. The day starts with registration. The class teachers check who is at school and who is absent.
Then there is assembly. The headmaster or headmistress reads out some important notices.
At lunch time some pupils go home for lunch, but most pupils go to the canteen. They can choose traditional or fast food.
The afternoon begins with registration again. School finishes at half past three.
Pupils don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.
Writing. Doing exercises
Exercise 4 page 61. Answer the questions
What time does a school day start?
What do the class teachers check?
What does the headmaster do?
Where do pupils have their lunch?
What time do lessons finish?
Do they study at weekends?
Cheering up
Translate the sentences
1. Англиядағы қалыпты мектеп күні 9.00 – ден 3.15-ке дейін. 2. Күн тіркелуден басталады. 3. Кейін жиналыс болады. 4. Түскі уақытта кейбір оқушылар үйіне кетеді, бірақ көптеген оқушылар асханаға барады. 5. Оқушылар сенбі, жексенбі күндері мектепке бармайды.
The end of the lesson
Giving home task
Compare your school day with the school day in England