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Конспект урока по теме "Путешествие"

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«Конспект урока по теме "Путешествие"»

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 9

Тема: It’s a big world. Start travelling now!

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Цели по содержанию:

Образовательная: создать условия для применения УУД в знакомой и новой учебной ситуациях.

Воспитательная: формировать интерес к культуре, истории и традициям стран изучаемого языка, воспитывать толерантность к иноязычной культуре

содействовать формированию коммуникативных навыков и развитию активности на уроке.

Развивающая: развивать учебно-информационные и коммуникативные умения и навыки, развивать память, наблюдательность, логическое мышление.

Практические задачи урока: развивать умения монологической и диалогической речи по теме "Путешествие", развивать навыки чтения; развивать навыки аудирования по теме "В аэропорту" развивать лексико-грамматические навыки.

Технология: информационно-коммуникационная.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, в группах.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Учебный материал


Действия учащихся

Организационный момент

Введение в языковую среду


T: Good morning, boys and girls!


Постановка цели и задач урока

- Look at the screen and say what is the theme of our lesson!

You all know that travelling is an important part of modern world. And today we will go to travel around the world too.

- Please, look at the board and read the saying. (The world is the book. And those who do not travel read only one page) What do you think about it?

Today we are going to make a plan of our lesson.( speak English, discuss ,work in groups, pack our bags ,listen the announcements, watch video, read the text, present projects )

Вербальные опоры (Слайд 1)


Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя, используя разговорные фразы

Актуализация лексического материала

- Before starting our trip we have a lot to do. Why do you think people travel?

- Why do you like to travel?

- What kinds of transport can you name?

- Which way of travelling do you prefer and why?

Приложение 1 (слайды 2,3)


Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя, используя разговорные фразы

Развитие навыков устной речи

What countries would you like to visit and why?

а) работа в группах

You can see a plan of travelling, a list of basic words and some pictures (a flag and sightseeing) there. Create the presentation of the country that you recommend to visit but do not name the countries, other groups should guess them.

Слайд 4


учащиеся работают в группах, в конверте каждой группы флаг определенной страны и 2-3 достопримечательности, задача каждой группы дополнить план описания путешествия необходимой лексикой, члены других групп не должны видеть иллюстраций

б)- What things do people usually take by travelling?

- Now we are going to pack our bags. Name all the possible things we may need during the trip.

- Choose useful things!


Разные предметы и одежда


Учащиеся перечисляют предметы, которые нужно взять в путешествие.

Один из учащихся выбирает предметы, которые нужны для поездки и называет их.

Развитие навыковаудирования. At the airport.

-You have packed your things and go to the airport , see a lot of people and hear some information. Listen to the airport information and choose the right variant. Open your books at p.79 ex.56 (1b,2b,3d,4a)

Слайд 6


Учащиеся слушают, выполняют задание

Работа с текстом "Moscow"

- Traveling abroad is perfect. But we do not remember about our country. Our country has a rich history, customs, traditions and a lot of cities and towns that you can visit. you will impress of beauty of our motherland. I suggest to visit the capital of our country - Moscow.

a) просмотр видео о Москве

б) работа с текстом "Москва"

- Read and answers the questions .

-Tell about the history of Moscow and Red square (the first group) , about the territory of the Kremlin (the second group), about a cultural life of Moscow (the third group).

Слайд 7,8

Карточки с текстом о Москве

Слайд 9


Учащиеся работают в группах, выступают по теме.


- Let's have a rest! Imagine that you are in Moscow now and are going sightseeing of the capital of our country. Look this video.

Музыкальное видео о Москве

Слайд 10


Учащиеся просматривают видео

Подведение итогов урока

T:Our lesson has ended. I hope you all enjoyed it.

T: Did you like the lesson? What have we done today?

T: Your home task will be to the ex-s 54-55 p.78

- I want to end our lesson reading this proverb: "The world is the book, and those who do not travel

read only one".

Слайд 11, 12,13

2 мин

Приложение 1


Moscow is the capital of Russia. The city was founded in 1147 on the Moskva River by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki. In the 16lh century Tsar Ivan the Terrible made Moscow the capital of the country.

Today Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world. It is a big political, economic and cultural centre of Russia. The total area of Moscow is about nine hundred square kilometres and the population is about eleven million people.

The centre of Moscow is Red Square, which is the most popular sight for tourists. It is a place for parades, demonstrations and meetings. In Red Square there is St. Basil's Cathedral, a masterpiece of Russian architecture, erected in memory of Russia's victory over the Kazan Kingdom in the 16th century. Tourists can see the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in front of the Cathedral. It is the oldest monument in Moscow built in memory of the victory over the Polish invaders. The State History Museum is situated opposite St. Basil's Cathedral. It is one of the biggest museums in Moscow.

On the territory of the Kremlin, which is the heart of Moscow, there are old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Palace of Congress, the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world. The tallest tower, the Spasskaya Tower, is the symbol of the Kremlin. Alexandrovsky Garden with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a memorial to the soldiers who died in World War II.

Moscow is a big cultural centre of Russia. There are a lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, numerous drama and musical theatres, including world famous ones like the Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre.

The city is proud of its museums and art galleries, too. The biggest museum is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Ails, which has one of the world's largest collections of ancient, oriental and classical art. The Tretyakov Gallery is famous all over the world. It has a great collection of works by Russian artists. The Gallery is 150 years old.

Moscow is a large educational centre with a lot of schools, institutes, colleges and universities. The biggest university is Moscow State University named after

Lomonosov which is on the Vorobyovy Hills. Students from over the world come to Moscow to study at this University.

Muscovites are fond of going in for sport, that is why there are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools and sport grounds in the city.

Moscow has large green parks where people walk and spend weekends. The biggest among them are: Gorky Park, Izmailovski Park and Sokolniki Park.

Moscow changes every day. This is a city of contrasts and one should definitely come and visit Moscow.


1.What is Moscow? When was it founded?

2.Who made Moscow the capital of Russia?

3.How many people live in Moscow?

4.What is the centre of Moscow? What can be seen there?

5.What can be found on the territory of the Kremlin?

6.Can you prove that Moscow is a cultural centre?

7.What is the most famous university in Moscow?

8.Are there any parks in Moscow? Can you name them?

Приложение 2

Plan of your performance

1.This country is worth visiting!

2. The flag of this country is ...

3.You can see there a lot of places of interest:

4.You can visit ...

5.The capital of this country is...

6.I like this country and recommend you to visit it!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по теме "Путешествие"

Автор: Хомякова Ирина Михайловна

Дата: 10.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 325258

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