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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Customs and traditions"

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Тема моего урока "Customs and traditions" рассчитан для старших классов или для студентов колледжа.

Тип урока: итоговый урок, как урок совершенствования ЗУН  по  теме.

Задачи: образовательные: совершенствовать навыки и умения, составления диалогов по теме;

развивающие: развивать навыки  использования лексики по теме, развивать умения учебного труда;

воспитательные: прививать интерес и уважение к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Беседа с дежурным:

Answer my questions:

  1. How are you? What is the weather like today? What English traditions do you know?
  2. Do you know any Bashkir traditions?

II. Постановка цели урока:

        Today we are going to speak about English customs and traditions and I want  to clear out what Russian, Bashkir traditions you know.

III. Vocabulary:

  1. English traditions:

Repeat after me!

Christmas Day                                                            Boxing Day

New Year                                                                    Halloween

St. Valentine’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day


Thanksgiving Day

  1. Russian traditions:

The Knowledge Day


The Kretschenskie Frosts


Mothers’ Day

  1. Bashkir traditions:

Goose subbotnik


Crew’s porridge

IV. Checking up the hometask :

  1. Choose the right answer:

1. Christmas in Europe is celebrated on the:

    a)31 December b) 25 December c) 1 January d) 31 January

     2. St. Valentines’ Day is celebrated:

  1. on the 8 March b) on the 14 February c) on the 1 May d) on the 4 June

     3. Favorite presents for St. Valentine’s Day are:

         a) candies b) flowers c) toys d) pets

     4. Children believe that … brings eggs for them on Easter:

         a) Santa Claus b) rabbit c) their parents d) their friends

      5. People usually make promises for :

          a) Christmas b) birthday c) New Year d) Easter

     2. Retelling of the text. (Учащиеся рассказывают о праздниках и традициях       

  • ).

   V. It’s time to dramatize your dialogues. You are to speak  about                                                  English, Russian and Bashkir traditions in pairs.

                a)-Good afternoon, Misha!

-Good afternoon, Pete! How are you!

- Oh, I am fine, thank you. And you?

-I am not so good.

What’s happened to you?

- Well, I was at the celebration of Maslenitsa. The weather was cold and I got cold there.

                     -Oh, I see! And when do you celebrate Maslenitsa? What kind of   holi-

                       day is it?

                      -We celebrate it at the end of February to say farewell to winter.

                      -How do you celebrate it?

                      - Well, we cook pancakes, sing songs, dance, have fun.

                      -How I wish I were there!

                       -Don’t  worry! We are still celebrating it. I’ll take you to the holiday

                       next Saturday.

  1. – Hello, Marat! How are you?
  • Hello, Mike! Everything is O’K. Thank you. When did you come to Russia ?
  • 2 days ago. I am staying with the Petrovs.
  • Oh, I want to invite you to our house soon,  we’ll celebrate a great holiday, Sabantui.
  • I have heard something about this holiday, but I don’t know exactly
  • what it is.
  • This holiday is very popular not only in Bashkortostan, but in Russia too. It is celebrated after finishing the ploughing  works.
  • So, it is celebrated in the countryside.
  • No, you are wrong. The citizens also celebrate it. We gather on the squares, held a lot of contests. In the villages we held horse races, climbing up the poles, dancing and singing songs. Participants get prizes.
  • Your story was very interesting, thank you. Now I know something about Bashkir traditions.
  1. –How do you do?

-How do you do?

-I am glad to meet you.

-Me too.

-Where did you come from?

-From England.

-Do you know that this year is the Year of Culture? Our culture activities

have been in Britain with a culture program.

                I want to know something about  English traditions. How do you  cele-     

                 brate Christmas Day?

                - We celebrate it on the 25 th of December. It is a religious holiday.

                - And what is more popular: Christmas or New Year?

                - In Russia we eat a lot of meals on the New Year. W hat do you prepare     

                  for Christmas?

  • A traditional meal is a turkey. We don’t eat so much as in Russia.
  • I want to invite you to Russia to celebrate the New Year.
  • Teacher:

VI: It’s time to finish our lesson. You worked very hard at the lesson.

I want to give you only good marks for your answers. Your hometask

will be to make a short story about one of the traditions.

С помощью беседы учащиеся обмениваются своими знаниями о традициях и культурах изучаемого языка, сопоставляют башкирские и английские праздники.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Customs and traditions"»

Тема урока: Customs and traditions

Тип урока: итоговый урок, как урок совершенствования ЗУН по теме.

Задачи: образовательные: совершенствовать навыки и умения, составления диалогов по теме;

развивающие: развивать навыки использования лексики по теме, развивать умения учебного труда;

воспитательные: прививать интерес и уважение к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.

Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерная презентация, слайды.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

Беседа с дежурным:

Answer my questions:

  1. How are you? What is the weather like today? What English traditions do you know?

  2. Do you know any Bashkir traditions?

II. Постановка цели урока:

Today we are going to speak about English customs and traditions and I want to clear out what Russian, Bashkir traditions you know.

III. Vocabulary:

  1. English traditions:

Repeat after me!

Christmas Day Boxing Day

New Year Halloween

St. Valentine’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day


Thanksgiving Day

  1. Russian traditions:

The Knowledge Day


The Kretschenskie Frosts


Mothers’ Day

  1. Bashkir traditions:

Goose subbotnik


Crew’s porridge

IV. Checking up the hometask :

  1. Choose the right answer:

1. Christmas in Europe is celebrated on the:

a)31 December b) 25 December c) 1 January d) 31 January

2 . St. Valentines’ Day is celebrated:

  1. on the 8 March b) on the 14 February c) on the 1 May d) on the 4 June

3. Favorite presents for St. Valentine’s Day are:

a) candies b) flowers c) toys d) pets

4. Children believe that … brings eggs for them on Easter:

a) Santa Claus b) rabbit c) their parents d) their friends

5. People usually make promises for :

a) Christmas b) birthday c) New Year d) Easter

2. Retelling of the text. (Учащиеся рассказывают о праздниках и традициях

Великобритании) .

V. It’s time to dramatize your dialogues. You are to speak about English, Russian and Bashkir traditions in pairs.

a)-Good afternoon, Misha!

-Good afternoon, Pete! How are you!

- Oh, I am fine, thank you. And you?

-I am not so good.

What’s happened to you?

- Well, I was at the celebration of Maslenitsa. The weather was cold and I got cold there.

-Oh, I see! And when do you celebrate Maslenitsa? What kind of holi-

day is it?

-We celebrate it at the end of February to say farewell to winter.

-How do you celebrate it?

- Well, we cook pancakes, sing songs, dance, have fun.

-How I wish I were there!

-Don’t worry! We are still celebrating it. I’ll take you to the holiday

next Saturday.

  1. – Hello, Marat! How are you?

  • Hello, Mike! Everything is O’K. Thank you . When did you come to Russia ?

  • 2 days ago . I am staying with the Petrovs.

  • Oh, I want to invite you to our house soon , we’ll celebrate a great holiday , Sabantui .

  • I have heard something about this holiday, but I don’t know exactly

  • what it is.

  • This holiday is very popular not only in Bashkortostan, but in Russia too. It is celebrated after finishing the ploughing works.

  • So, it is celebrated in the countryside.

  • No, you are wrong. The citizens also celebrate it . We gather on the squares, held a lot of contests. In the villages we held horse races, climbing up the poles, dancing and singing songs. Participants get prizes .

  • Your story was very interesting, thank you. Now I know something about Bashkir traditions .

  1. –How do you do?

-How do you do?

-I am glad to meet you.

-Me too.

-Where did you come from?

-From England.

-Do you know that this year is the Year of Culture? Our culture activities

have been in Britain with a culture program .

I want to know something about English traditions. How do you cele-

brate Christmas Day?

- We celebrate it on the 25 th of December. It is a religious holiday.

- And what is more popular: Christmas or New Year?

- In Russia we eat a lot of meals on the New Year. W hat do you prepare

for Christmas?

  • A traditional meal is a turkey. We don’t eat so much as in Russia.

  • I want to invite you to Russia to celebrate the New Year.

  • Teacher:

VI: It’s time to finish our lesson. You worked very hard at the lesson.

I want to give you only good marks for your answers. Your hometask

will be to make a short story about one of the traditions.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Customs and traditions"

Автор: Газизова Василя Мухаматнуровна

Дата: 14.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293487

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