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Конспект урока на тему "Окружающая среда"

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Урок на тему "Окружающая среда". 

Класс: 7

Цель: Беседа о проблемах окружающей среды Казахстана. Развивать навыки говорения, аудирования. прививить любовь учеников к окружающей среде.

урок состоит из врсьми этапов: Орг. момент, речевая зарядка, мозговой штурм, работа с текстом, группавая работа, творческиая работа, оценивания, домашнего задания, рефлексии

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Date: The 22nd of January Grade: 7

Theme of the lesson: “Environment”

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: Talking about protecting the environment and saving the nature;

Developing: Developing students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, enriching students’ vocabulary;

Bringing-up: Bringing up the students to become environmentally educated person and take care of living and non-living things.

The methods of the lesson: question - answers, training.

The type of the lesson: introduce of new materials.

The visual aids: computer, pictures.

Inter - subject connection: Geography, biology, Kazakh

Сабақтың барысы.

I. Organization moment:

a) Greeting.

b) Talk to duty.

c) Talk about absents, etc.

T: Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. Glad to see you. How are you? You are going to have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests. Let’s greet them.

Now let’s make a circle and greet each other. Say your best wishes. I wish you good luck! Thank you! Take your seats, please.

ІІ. Warm up activity.

Read the poem

  1. Brainstorming.

Now look at the blackboard, please. What associations do you have when you hear the word “Environment”?

Cl.: ecology, to protect the environment, pollution, water, air, land, problems, rubbish, plants, animals, danger, to throw litter, flora, fauna.

T: Right you are.


ІV. Мәтінмен жұмыс.

Your task is to read the text individually and then to retell it to each other in pairs.

After that you will make up dialogues about your activities to protect the

  1. Environment [in’vaiәrәnmәnt] – қоршаған орта

  2. Pollute [pə’lju:t] - ластау

  3. To trash [trəes] - қоқыс

  4. Destroy [dis’trəi] – қирату, құлату, жою

  5. Wildlife [waildlife] – дала табиғаты

  6. To affect [ə’fect] – әсер ету

  7. Save [seiv] – сақтап қалу

  8. Nature [’neɪtʃər] - табиғат

  9. To protect [prə’tect] - қорғау

  10. Damage [dəemidз] – зиян келтіру

  11. Industrialization [ɪn‚dʌstrɪələ’zeɪʃən] - индустриялизация

  12. Threat [Ɵret] – қауіп-қатер

  13. Threaten [’Ɵretən] - қорқыту

  14.  deprive [dɪ’praɪv]  - шығарып тастау

The Problem of Ecology

Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays: land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The things we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories..

Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.

Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.

International cooperation of scientists in environmental protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.

 V. Group work.

1. Шығармашылық жұмыс кластер жасау:

«Бізді қоршаған ортаның экологиялық проблемалары»

2. Оқушылар суреттерді алып топқа бөлінеді,:

« Біздің ауылымыздың ластануы» және «Біз әлеміміздің тазалығы үшін».

T: Now you will make a poster about environmental problems in our country and make a presentation of your work in groups.(The 1-st group tells about our wonderful place. The 2-nd group- about pollution in our place.)

3. Revision of grammar: Modal verb “Should”.

T: We should save our nature!

What does modal verb “should” express?

P: It expresses advice.

T: Right you are: it expresses mild obligation or advice.

Can you give examples? Open your exercise books and do it in written form.

4. Find a letter.

I group II group

E_vir_nme_t A_fe_t

Po_lu_e P_ot_ct

D_str_y Ec_lo_y

Wi_dl_fe W_r_d

5. Choose the right answer

  1. The Aral sea was … lake in the world

  1. The first largest

  2. The fourth largest

  3. The fifth largest

2. The Aral sea was the home to 24 spices of.

  1. Fish

  2. Birds

  3. Reptiles

3. The Aral sea is one of disasters of

  1. The world

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

4. The air pollution and the water pollution case serious

  1. Trade problems

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

VI. Evaluation.

Pupils give marks to each other. If pupils from Group 2 think that Group1 has worked very well they raise red circles, if they don’t think so they raise yellow ones.

VII. Homework: to write an essay “ Ecological problems of our town”

VIII. Reflection.

I know

I want know

I learned

Просмотр содержимого документа

  1. Environment [in’vaiәrәnmәnt] – қоршаған орта

  2. Pollute [pə’lju:t] - ластау

  3. To trash [trəes] - қоқыс

  4. Destroy [dis’trəi] – қирату, құлату, жою

  5. Wildlife [waildlife] – дала табиғаты

  6. To affect [ə’fect] – әсер ету

  7. Save [seiv] – сақтап қалу

  8. Nature [’neɪtʃər] - табиғат

  9. To protect [prə’tect] - қорғау

  10. Damage [dəemidз] – зиян келтіру

  11. Industrialization [ɪn‚dʌstrɪələ’zeɪʃən] - индустриялизация

  12. Threat [Ɵret] – қауіп-қатер

  13. Threaten [’Ɵretən] - қорқыту

  14.  deprive [dɪ’praɪv]  - шығарып тастау

The Problem of Ecology

Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays: land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The things we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories..

Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.

Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.

International cooperation of scientists in environmental protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.

Find a letter





Choose the right answer

  1. The Aral sea was … lake in the world

  1. The first largest

  2. The fourth largest

  3. The fifth largest

2. The Aral sea was the home to 24 spices of.

  1. Fish

  2. Birds

  3. Reptiles

3. The Aral sea is one of disasters of

  1. The world

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

4. The air pollution and the water pollution case serious

  1. Trade problems

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

Find a letter





Choose the right answer

  1. The Aral sea was … lake in the world

  1. The first largest

  2. The fourth largest

  3. The fifth largest

2. The Aral sea was the home to 24 spices of.

  1. Fish

  2. Birds

  3. Reptiles

3. The Aral sea is one of disasters of

  1. The world

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

4. The air pollution and the water pollution case serious

  1. Trade problems

  2. Health problems

  3. Traveling problems

I know

I want know

I learned

I know

I want know

I learned

I know

I want know

I learned

ecology, to protect the environment, pollution, water, air, land, problems, rubbish, plants, animals, danger, to throw litter, flora, fauna.

Просмотр содержимого презентации

The 22 th of January  Environment protection Қоршаған ортаны қорғау

The 22 th of January

Environment protection

Қоршаған ортаны қорғау

Warm-up The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky. The sailing moon that’s sailing by. The rain and dew and snow lakes white. The flowers sweet of birds, wind whispering . The autumn leaves, the birds of spring. Such lovely things to hear and see. Belong to you, belong to me. Күн, ағаштар, шөптер мен аспан Қалқыған ай қалқиды Жаңбыр мен шықтар ақ көлдер мен қарлар Гүлдер, әдемі құстар, желдің сыбдыры, Күздегі жапырақтар, көктемгі құстар Әдемі заттарды, естуі мен көруі Сіздерге арналады, мағанда арналады


The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky.

The sailing moon that’s sailing by.

The rain and dew and snow lakes white.

The flowers sweet of birds, wind whispering .

The autumn leaves, the birds of spring.

Such lovely things to hear and see.

Belong to you, belong to me.

Күн, ағаштар, шөптер мен аспан

Қалқыған ай қалқиды

Жаңбыр мен шықтар ақ көлдер мен қарлар

Гүлдер, әдемі құстар, желдің сыбдыры,

Күздегі жапырақтар, көктемгі құстар

Әдемі заттарды, естуі мен көруі

Сіздерге арналады, мағанда арналады

New words

New words

  • Environment [in’vai ә r ә nm ә nt] – қоршаған орта
  • Pollute [pə’lju:t] - ластау
  • To trash [trəes] - қоқыс
  • Destroy [dis’trəi] – қирату, құлату, жою
  • Wildlife [waildlife] – дала табиғаты
  • To affect [ə’fect] – әсер ету
  • Save [seiv] – сақтап қалу
  • Nature [’neɪtʃər] - табиғат
  • To protect [prə’tect] - қорғау
  • Damage [dəemid з ] – зиян келтіру
  • Industrialization [ɪn‚dʌstrɪələ’zeɪʃən] - индустриялизация
  • Threat [Ɵret] – қауіп-қатер
  • Threaten [’Ɵretən] - қорқыту
  •   deprive [dɪ’praɪv]  - шығарып тастау
The Problem of Ecology  Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays: land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The things we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories..  Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life. Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.  International cooperation of scientists in environmental protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.

The Problem of Ecology

Many people are concerned about ecology today because it is of vital importance for humanity. Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays: land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The things we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories..

Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.

Pollution deprives people of fresh air, clear water and healthy food. The examples are numerous: the waters of the Aral Sea are polluted and it became much less than some years ago, the Caspian sea becomes smaller too, people from Semey suffer from radioactivity.

International cooperation of scientists in environmental protection has already begun its work. People demand to stop bomb testing and arms race. They want to protect their future.

E_vir_nme_t A_fe_t Po_lu_e P_ot_ct D_str_y Ec_lo_y Wi_dl_fe W_r_d o n f c n r l t e g e o o o l i l

E_vir_nme_t A_fe_t

Po_lu_e P_ot_ct

D_str_y Ec_lo_y

Wi_dl_fe W_r_d


















The home work task. Ecological problems in our region. To write essay on theme our region. Your marks are. The end of the lesson.

The home work task.

Ecological problems in our region.

To write essay on theme our region.

Your marks are.

The end of the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Конспект урока на тему "Окружающая среда"

Автор: Аккукаева Дина Сарсенбаевна

Дата: 26.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 283364

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