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Конспект урока на тему "Work"

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Form: 10 A

Date: 22/04/2016

The theme:WORK

This lesson:



45 min

The aim:

To improve the students’ skills in speaking about the theme


  1. To present new information
  2. To develop memory, mention
  3. To improve speaking skills
  4. To bring up responsibility for  the future profession




Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


Equipment and visual aids

1 min

2 min

5 min

10 min

1 min

11 min

8 min

2 min

2 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

  1. Organization moment
  1. Defining of the lesson’s theme
  1. Checking up the home task
  1. Listening and speaking
  1. Brake
  1. Quiz “Finding your perfect job…”
  1. Writing and speaking

“The way of careerist”

  1. Conclusion
  1. Reflection
  1. Setting the home task
  1. Giving marks
  1. Ending

I greet students and make a dialogue about the date, day of the week, their mood.

  1. I present to the students cards with proverbs and their translations and ask to match them
  2. Then I ask to define the theme of the lesson

- Your home task was to learn the idioms. Please, translate them.

- Now, I’d like to check up your understanding of their mining.

a) I give them cards with idioms and synonyms.

b) Then I present them the points and right answers.

  1. I ask them the questions
  2. Then I show them the video “Work in Britain” two times
  3. I ask the questions again

Sing a song all together

- If you want to know what sort of work you want to do, answer the questions in this quiz. Your answers will tell you the sort of job that is best for you.

-Do you agree with the result?

I divide them into 2 groups, give and explain the task. Answer the questions if the students have.

I ask them to tell what profession they have chosen and what skills and abilities they must have or improve

-Please, tell me what new information have you known at this lesson? Is it useful for you? Do you like the lesson or dislike? Why?

p.207 ex.6 read the text and answer the questions

I give the marks for the work

-The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!

They greet me and answer for my questions

  1. They look, read and match
  2. They give their ideas about the theme of the lesson
  1. They translate the idioms.
  2. Then they match the idioms and synonyms.
  3. They check up themselves
  1. They listen and translate them
  2. They watch the video
  3. They answer the questions and describe the video.
  1. Students have to read statements carefully and then put a circle round A, B or C (True or False)
  2. Count the scores
  3. Find out the perfect job in the list of professions.

Students discuss and draw a poster “The way of careerist”. Then they present their poster.

They tell their opinion

They answer the questions

They write down the task

Dialogue speech

Critical thinking


Dialogue speech


Critical thinking

Work in groups

Dialogue speech

Cards with proverbs

Cards with idioms and synonyms.

Interactive board.

Interactive board

Interactive board

Cards with statements

Paper, markers

Приложение 1

A good workman is known by his chips

As is the workman, so is the work

He that will not work, shall not eat

He works best who knows his trade

Хорошего работника видно по его работе

Какой работник, такая и работа

Кто не работает, тот не ест

Дело мастера боится

Приложение 2



1. at random

a) do have no money at all

2. be about to

b be responsible for

3. be all in

c) fulfill

4. be broke

d) be able to

5. be in charge of

e) earn money to provide for life

6. carry out

f) well before

7. fell up to

g) without order

8. in advance

h) be logical

9. make a living

i) ) ready (to)

10. make sense

j) be extremely tired

1___  2___  3___  4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10____




1. at random

a) do have no money at all

2. be about to

b be responsible for

3. be all in

c) fulfill

4. be broke

d) be able to

5. be in charge of

e) earn money to provide for life

6. carry out

f) well before

7. fell up to

g) without order

8. in advance

h) be logical

9. make a living

i) ) ready (to)

10. make sense

j) be extremely tired

1___  2___  3___  4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10____



“Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

We were victims of the night:

The chemical, physical kryptonite

Help us through the bass

And the fading light

Oh, we were born to get together, born to get together

She took my arm I don’t how it happened

We took the floor and she said…

“Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

A backless dress and some beat up sneaks

My disco-tech, Juliet, teenage dream

I felt in my chest as she looked at me

I knew we were born to be together, born to be together

She took my arm I don’t how it happened

We took the floor and she said…

“Oh, don’t you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

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«Конспект урока на тему "Work"»



Form: 10 A

Date: 22/04/2016

The theme:


This lesson:



45 min

The aim:

To improve the students’ skills in speaking about the theme


  1. To present new information

  2. To develop memory, mention

  3. To improve speaking skills

  4. To bring up responsibility for the future profession




Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


Equipment and visual aids

1 min

2 min

5 min

10 min

1 min

11 min

8 min

2 min

2 min

1 min

1 min

1 min

  1. Organization moment

  1. Defining of the lesson’s theme

  1. Checking up the home task

  1. Listening and speaking

  1. Brake

  1. Quiz “Finding your perfect job…”

  1. Writing and speaking

“The way of careerist”

  1. Conclusion

  1. Reflection

  1. Setting the home task

  1. Giving marks

  1. Ending

I greet students and make a dialogue about the date, day of the week, their mood.

  1. I present to the students cards with proverbs and their translations and ask to match them

  2. Then I ask to define the theme of the lesson

- Your home task was to learn the idioms. Please, translate them.

- Now, I’d like to check up your understanding of their mining.

a) I give them cards with idioms and synonyms.

b) Then I present them the points and right answers.

  1. I ask them the questions

  2. Then I show them the video “Work in Britain” two times

  3. I ask the questions again

Sing a song all together

- If you want to know what sort of work you want to do, answer the questions in this quiz. Your answers will tell you the sort of job that is best for you.

-Do you agree with the result?

I divide them into 2 groups, give and explain the task. Answer the questions if the students have.

I ask them to tell what profession they have chosen and what skills and abilities they must have or improve

-Please, tell me what new information have you known at this lesson? Is it useful for you? Do you like the lesson or dislike? Why?

p.207 ex.6 read the text and answer the questions

I give the marks for the work

-The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!

They greet me and answer for my questions

  1. They look, read and match

  2. They give their ideas about the theme of the lesson

  1. They translate the idioms.

  2. Then they match the idioms and synonyms.

  3. They check up themselves

  1. They listen and translate them

  2. They watch the video

  3. They answer the questions and describe the video.

  1. Students have to read statements carefully and then put a circle round A, B or C (True or False)

  2. Count the scores

  3. Find out the perfect job in the list of professions.

Students discuss and draw a poster “The way of careerist”. Then they present their poster.

They tell their opinion

They answer the questions

They write down the task

Dialogue speech

Critical thinking


Dialogue speech


Critical thinking

Work in groups

Dialogue speech

Cards with proverbs

Cards with idioms and synonyms.

Interactive board.

Interactive board

Interactive board

Cards with statements

Paper, markers

Приложение 1

A good workman is known by his chips

As is the workman, so is the work

He that will not work, shall not eat

He works best who knows his trade

Хорошего работника видно по его работе

Какой работник, такая и работа

Кто не работает, тот не ест

Дело мастера боится

Приложение 2



1. at random

a) do have no money at all

2. be about to

b be responsible for

3. be all in

c) fulfill

4. be broke

d) be able to

5. be in charge of

e) earn money to provide for life

6. carry out

f) well before

7. fell up to

g) without order

8. in advance

h) be logical

9. make a living

i) ) ready (to)

10. make sense

j) be extremely tired

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10____




1. at random

a) do have no money at all

2. be about to

b be responsible for

3. be all in

c) fulfill

4. be broke

d) be able to

5. be in charge of

e) earn money to provide for life

6. carry out

f) well before

7. fell up to

g) without order

8. in advance

h) be logical

9. make a living

i) ) ready (to)

10. make sense

j) be extremely tired

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10____



“Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

We were victims of the night:

The chemical, physical kryptonite

Help us through the bass

And the fading light

Oh, we were born to get together, born to get together

She took my arm I don’t how it happened

We took the floor and she said…

“Oh, don’t you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

A backless dress and some beat up sneaks

My disco-tech, Juliet, teenage dream

I felt in my chest as she looked at me

I knew we were born to be together, born to be together

She took my arm I don’t how it happened

We took the floor and she said…

“Oh, don’t you dare look back

Just keep your eyes on me”

I said “You’re holding back”

She said “Shut up and dance with me”

This woman is my destiny

She said, ooh, “Shut up and dance with me”

Work in groups

Defining of the lesson’s theme

Presentation of the poster “The way of careerist”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока на тему "Work"

Автор: Бажаева Асель Калкеновна

Дата: 16.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 380079

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