Организационный этап | Ознакомить учащихся с целью и задачами урока | 1 минута | -Good morning boys and girls. Sit down, please. How are you today? -I am fine. Today we are going to revise all the material from our previous lessons. Yesterday I found an English newspaper (учитель показывает учащимся газету на английском языке). There is some information that English students of your age are going to visit Petrozavodsk and they can also visit our school. -What do you think? Are they interested in our school subjects? - O`k. Let`s have a repetition today! What can we show? | -Good morning teacher. -We are fine, thank you and how are you? -Yes, they are. | На доске: The 15th of February. |
Актуализация лексических навыков по темам «Животные», «Числа» | Вспомнить ранее изученную лексику. | 9 минут | - Do you like to count? (урок математики) Let`s show our friends how we count here, in Russia. (Ученики считают до 10, загибая пальцы в кулак) -Do you like animals? Excellent! (урок окружающего мира) -Look at the blackboard. Here are a few pictures of different animals. Your task is to name me the animals that you like. Eva, will you please go to the blackboard. You will show us the animals which your classmates say they like. Roma, what animals do you like? Thank you, Roma. Zhenya, what about you? Open your work-books p. 27 ex.3. Here is a table. Your task is to listen to the recording and to fill in the table. (слушают запись, какие и сколько животных есть на ферме у Джима, и заполняют таблицу). - Let’s check. Alyona, how many pigs does John have? Use the example from the blackboard to answer. - Sveta, how many cocks does he have? - Vanya, how many cows does he have? Than you very much! I think our friends from England will like this lesson. | - Yes, we do! - Yes, we do! Roma: I like tigers, cats and lions. (Алёна показывает все названные картинке на доске) Zhenya: I like dogs, parrots and crocodiles. -Alyona: John has got 4 pigs. Sveta: John has got 7 cocks. -Vanya: He has got 3 cows. | На доске изображения различных животныхю На доске: John has got __ pigs. |
Контроль сформированнности навыков | Повторить алфавит, развивать умения работы в парах. | 7 минут | -Do you have the lessons of music at school? -Do you like to sing? Very well! Let’s sing the ABC then. So our friends will see that we know the letters. (урок музыки: песня ABC) - Excellent! We also write the dictations on the lessons of writing. I will dictate you the letters you will write them down. | -Yes, we do. -Yes, we do. Students are singing. Students are writing the dictation. (затем осуществляется проверка в парах: учащиеся обмениваются своими работами и выставляют отметки) | |
Развитие умений говорения по теме «Знакомство» | | 3 минуты | Oh! It’s a break! Do you want to talk to our English guests? (перемена: диалог- знакомство) Alyona and Eva go to the blackboard. Alyona you will be an English guest. Thank you, girls! Good job! | -Yes, we do! Alyona: Hi. What`s your name? Eva: Hello. My name is Eva, and what`s your name? Alyona: I am Alyona. Can you dance? Eva: Yes, I can. Can you play table tennis? Alyona: Yes, I can. Do you like dogs? Eva: Yes, I do. And what about you? Alyona: I like dogs too. | |
| | | The last lesson we are going to have is ART. Do you like to draw pictures? Sveta, will you please tell us what pencils have you got? Zhenya, what about you? I will give you the pictures, you should paint them. Listen to me: Я рисую твой портрет: губки будут цвета- red. Глазки будут цвета- blue- этот цвет я так люблю. Волосы раскрась скорей – серебристым цветом- grey. И про щечки не забудь- pink используй ты чуть-чуть. (такую же картинку позже разукрашивает ученик у доски в качестве проверки). | Yes, we do! Sveta: I have got a red pencil, a blue pencil, a brown pencil, a black pencil, a pink pencil. Zhenya: I have got a red pencil, an orange pencil, a black pencil, a green pencil. Students are painting. | |