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Конспект урока английского языка по теме " Travel and holidays"

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Конспект урока " Travel and holidays".  10 класс

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме " Travel and holidays"»



1 Travel essentials

Work in pairs. Which of the items below would you take with you on a camping, beach or sightseeing holiday?

a backpack ,a beach towel ,a first-aid kit ,a guidebook ,a kite, a penknife, a plug adapter, a sleeping bag, a snorkel ,a torch ,flip-flops, sun cream

A camping holiday:

A beach holiday:

A sightseeing trip:

2 Synonyms for ‘trip/journey’

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

  1. a voyage a journey on a ship for pleasure

  2. a treck a trip for pleasure or education which usually lasts less than a day

  3. a cruise a journey or trip for pleasure in which you visit different places

  4. a tour an organized journey by a group of people for a particular purpose

  5. an expedition a long journey, especially by ship

  6. an outing a long walk in the mountains or countryside

Now complete the sentences with words from above:

  1. We are going on an to Mount Everest next year.

  2. Travis was exhausted after the in the forest.

  3. James and Maria spent their honeymoon on a Caribbean .

  4. Dianne’s children are going on a school to the British Museum.

  5. Columbus’ most famous took place in 1492 when he discovered the Americas.

  6. Mario took us on a guided of Rome.

3 Travel collocations

Complete the collocations. Use a dictionary where necessary.

1. pitch a few phrases →to learn some phrases while on holiday

2. get a holiday →to end a holiday earlier than planned

3. exchange a sun tan →to become darker because of the sun

4. pick up a tent →to put up/fix a tent

5. get jet lag →to feel tired after a long journey by plane

6. cut short money →to change money from one currency into another

7. suffer from ripped-off →to pay too much for something

Choose three collocations each and give a true sentence about yourself for each phrase.

4 Adjectives

In pairs, study the sentences and complete the definitions below with the underlined adjectives.

1. Paul always brings back tacky souvenirs from his trips abroad.

2. It’s much cheaper to travel with a no-frills airline.

3. I don’t like package holidays. I prefer to discover things by myself.

4. On my way to Miami, I had a brief stopover in Lisbon.

5. The view from the hotel room was absolutely breathtaking.

6. Jamaica has a thriving tourism industry. The country’s economy depends on it.

7. It was a bumpy ride to the mountain resort. We really needed an off-road vehicle.

8. If you search online, you can find some hotels with decent prices.

1. (adj.): acceptable, not too expensive

2. (adj.): of cheap quality

3. (adj.): developing, successful

4. (adj.): short

5. (adj.): not smooth

6. (adj.): basic, without extras

7. (adj.): with everything arranged by the travel company

8. (adj.): extremely beautiful

5 Talking point

In pairs or groups, discuss any of the following questions:

1. Do you like package holidays or do you prefer to go ‘off the beaten track’? Why?

2. Do you try to pick up the local language when you are on holiday?

3. Describe a memorable holiday or trip. Try to use words from this lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока английского языка по теме " Travel and holidays"

Автор: Жакова Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 11.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 425228

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