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Конспект урока в 8 классе по теме: "Библиотека. Правила поведения в библиотеке"

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Открытый урок в 8 классе «А» по теме «Library rules».

по УМК Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю “Happy English. Ru”для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Раздел 5. Средства массовой информации.


Библиотека. Правила пользования библиотекой. (Использование системно-деятельностого подхода в обучении и технологии критического мышления, который соответствует требованиям ФГОС нового поколения)


Цели урока:  by the end of the lessons students will be able:

  •    to speak  and write about the library and library rules;
  •    to talk about Short loan Collection;
  •    to understand the presentation
  •  to make your article about library rules in our newspaper.

Задачи урока: to learn new words;

                         to revise knowledge about library;

                         to do exercises

Оборудование:  компьютерная презентация с видами библиотеки, таблицы, магнитофон, компьютер, проектор.

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«Конспект урока в 8 классе по теме: "Библиотека. Правила поведения в библиотеке"»

Открытый урок в 8 классе «А» по теме «Library rules».

по УМК Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю “Happy English. Ru”для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Раздел 5. Средства массовой информации.


Библиотека. Правила пользования библиотекой. (Использование системно-деятельностого подхода в обучении и технологии критического мышления, который соответствует требованиям ФГОС нового поколения)

Цели урока: by the end of the lessons students will be able:

  • to speak and write about the library and library rules;

  • to talk about Short loan Collection;

  • to understand the presentation

  • to make your article about library rules in our newspaper.

Задачи урока: to learn new words;

to revise knowledge about library;

to do exercises

Оборудование: компьютерная презентация с видами библиотеки, таблицы, магнитофон, компьютер, проектор.

Ход урока.

  1. Начало урока. Определение темы урока.

Warm up. (на доске развешены плакаты с правилами поведения в библиотеке и правилами обращения с книгами на русском и английском языке, которые помогут учащимся определить цели и задачи урока )

T. Look at the blackboard, please and guess WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TALK ABOUT?

Ss. About books,

About library,

About library rules.

T. You are right. The topic of our lesson is “libraries and library rules”. We are going to talk about books, libraries and library rules.

Look at your desk. You can see your self- assessment list and mark your level reached at that moment, at the beginning of the lesson. (Лист оценки достижений)

Self - assessment

Description of achievements

Level reached




Excellent (5)









I can read and understand

  • Information about libraries in different countries

  • Information about Library rules

I can listen and understand

  • Information about libraries

I can

  • Speak about libraries in different countries

  • Speak about Library rules

  • Express my opinion about library

  • Ask questions about library

  • Say what I know about library

I can write down information about library

I know and can use Passive Voice

I think my mark is

My teacher`s mark is

2. Целеполагание.

T. So what do you think WHAT THE AIM OF OUR LESSON IS? And what are we going to do during our lesson?

Ss. To learn to speak about library.

To get new information.

To talk about library.

To learn new words.

To listen to the text.

To know the library rules.

T. Yes, the aim of our lesson is to speak about library and make your article about library rules in our school newspaper.

- But why do many people go to the library?

Ss. Because they like reading.

Because they like to go the library.

Because they can`t buy newspapers and magazines, they are expensive.

They can borrow books and magazines from the library.

  1. Практическая часть урока.

T. Right. Let`s go to the library too. What kinds of libraries do you know?

Ss.- public library,

City library, technical library,

School library,

State library.

Home library

T. Right. First of all we visit the Russian State Library.

  1. SS. You are going to see the presentation and answer the questions. (о Российской государственной библиотеке)

You have the questions and answers on your desks. Match them. Work in groups. You have




  1. What do you know about the Russian State Library?

  2. When was it founded?

  3. What name did the library have?

  4. What can you see in the library?

  5. Who was the founder of this library?

  6. Have you ever been to this library?

  1. It is the largest library in Europe.

  2. It is the second largest library in the world.

  3. It was the first public library in Russia.

  4. It was named the Rumyantsev library.

  5. It was renamed after Lenin in 1924.

  6. The library was founded in 1862.

  7. It was founded by Count Nicolai Rumyantsev.

  8. We can see thousands of ancient manuscripts.

  9. We can see unique documents there.

  10. We can see many readers in it.

  11. In 1992 it became the Russian State Library.

  12. Yes, I have./ No, I haven`t.

Very well. Now I `d like you to tell us what you have known about the Russian State Library. (Спросить 2 ученика)

T. OK. But I think you have been to our city library, the library №5

What have you seen there?

SS. – a lot of books; A lot of magazines.

A lot of newspapers; Many readers.

T. Well. And what library can you visit every day without leaving school?

SS. Our school library.

T. But do you know the librarian`s name?

SS. Her name is Любовь Ивановна.

T. Nice. Let’s open your S.B/ ON PAGE 116 EX.3 Find information about SHORT LOAN COLLECTION.

Now discuss in pairs your visit to the library. There is all necessary information on your desks. Then summarise your talking. You have _7__ minutes.



  1. How often do you visit our school library?

I go to the library:

– once a week,

-Once a month,

-Every day,

-When I have home tasks in literature.

  1. What is there in the school library?

There are:

- a lot of book.

- A lot of magazines.

- A lot of newspapers.

- Many readers.

  1. What can you do in this library?

I can:

-read books

- read newspapers

- read magazines

- borrow books and magazines

- return books and textbooks

  1. Is there a SHORT LOAN COLLECTION room in the school library?

There is a Short Loan Collection room in the school library.

  1. What is special in a SHORT LOAN COLLECTION?

There are books we can`t borrow for a long time. They are encyclopedias and reference books. They are available in a Short Loan Collection room only.

  1. How long can you keep the books from the library?

The students can keep the textbooks for a year and other books for two weeks.

  1. Do you have to pay any fines to the library?

We don`t have to pay any fines to the library.

T. OK, your time is over. I want you to report your talkings.

SS.( give a report)

T. OK. We have talked, listened, read about different libraries. But all of them have something similar. What is it?

SS. (give their examples.) Library rules. Let’s make your article about library rules in our newspaper. You’ve got 8 minutes.

Т. Yes. You are right. There are rules we have to follow while visiting any library. One group think about what we should do in the library, the second one about what we shouldn`t do in the library? The third group rules for the library. You may use information from your textbooks on p. 118 (На выполнение работы в группах отводится 5-7 минут.)

Now introduce your article about library rules in our newspaper.

SS. (2 ученика зачитывают свои правила.)

T. Well done. I hope all of us will follow these rules.

Your homework is ex. A p. 120, 14

Рефлексия: НА ДОСКЕ

  1. Today at the lesson I have learnt …

  2. Now I know how to …

  3. Now I can explain the rules …

  4. I will use these rules …

  5. It was … to work in our groups.

T. Our lesson is going to the end. Now look at your self- assessment list again and mark your level reached by the end of the lesson. Do you have any progress? Is it positive or negative? And give you your one mark.

Self - assessment

Description of achievements

Level reached




Excellent (5)









I can read and understand

  • Information about libraries in different countries

  • Information about Library rules

I can listen and understand

  • Information about libraries

I can

  • Speak about libraries in different countries

  • Speak about Library rules

  • Express my opinion about library

  • Ask questions about library

  • Say what I know about library

I can write down information about library

I know and can use Passive Voice

I think my mark is

My teacher`s mark is


  1. УМК “Happy English. Ru”для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю. – Обнинск: Титул, 2009.

  2. Учебник английского языка для 8 класса. Кузовлев В.П. и др.

  3. Правила поведения в библиотеке.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока в 8 классе по теме: "Библиотека. Правила поведения в библиотеке"

Автор: Шаповалова Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 28.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 284342

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