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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Watching TV".

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The theme:  “Watching TV?”

The aim: а) О?ушылармен ?ткен саба?ты ?айталай отырып, ойларын  тияна?тау, а?ылшын тілінде еркін с?йлеуге ?йрету.

в) О?ушыларды? а?ыл-ойын, жазбаша с?йлеу тілін, сауаттылы?ын, ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру.

с) О?ушыларды та?пырлы??а, сенімділікке, ?лкендерге к?мектесуге т?рбиелеу.

Visual aids: cards, book, slide and new words.

Type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1.  Organization moment.
    • Good morning pupils?
    • Good morning teacher!
    • Sit down please! Who is on duty today? a
    • I’m on duty today.
    • Who is absent?
    • All are present!
    • Thank you, sit down please!


  1. Check – up.
  • What was your home task for today?
  • Home work: Exercise 15 page 40
  • Well! Who is ready? Who wants?
  • May I….
  • Well. You are! Begin!
  1. New theme
  • Well. Today we have a new theme: “Watching TV”



  1. Warming – up.


Exercise 1 a) Match each type of programmer on the left with the correct item on the right.

  1. News                       5. Information about what is happening in the world
  2. Quiz – shows          3. People try to win prizes by answering questions.
  3. Soap operas            8.  Story of the daily life of a family
  4. Travel films            2. Life in different countries
  5. Comedies                6. Jokes and funny situations
  6. Sport                       1. Football, boxing, swimming 
  7. Educational             7.  Information for pupils and programmer students.
  8. Nature                     4.  Animals, birds, fish, flowers, plants etc.

Match each type of programmer on the left with the correct item on right.

  1. News                        1. Football, boxing, swimming 
  2. Quiz – shows           2. Life in different countries
  3.  Soap operas            3. People try to win prizes by answering


  1. Travel films            4.  Animals, birds, fish, flowers, plants etc.
  2. Comedies                5. Information about what is happening in the


  1. Sport                       6. Jokes and funny situations
  2. Educational             7.  Information for pupils and programmer


  1. Nature films8.  Story of the daily life of a family


Using the following words speak about programmer you like.

Relaxing exciting                             amusing

Useful                                    interesting                         boring

Exercise 2 Read the dialogue.

Ann: How do you feel about watching TV?

Bob: I think watching video is a waste of time. There are more enjoyable and interesting things you can do.

Ann: Such as?

Bob: Such as meeting friends, reading a book, listening to music, going to the theatre. What do you think?

Ann: I thin videos are not bad. Sometimes they can be interesting and useful, too.

Exercise 4 Talk to your friend. Ask questions:


Exercise 6 Discussion. These people are speaking about videos. Do these people think video is Good or Bad? Write [G] or [B]. Compare with your partner.





  1. Home work.
  • Very well pupil’s. Home work: Ex 7 page 44. Learn by heart new words.
  1. Marking – up.
  • Well pupils! You are very active today. Your marks….



  1. Conclusion.
  • Very well! All are stand up please! The lesson is over! Good bye!
  • Good bye!





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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "Watching TV".

Автор: Кдырбаева Зульфия Оразбаевна.

Дата: 06.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 197687

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