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Конспект урока на тему "Professions"

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Тема: «Professions»

(урок английского языка в 5 классе)

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков учащихся


  • создать ситуацию «Знакомство»;
  • актуализировать знание лексики по темам «О себе», «Семья», «Животные», «Черты характера», «Профессии»;
  • познакомить с особенностями некоторых профессий;
  • развивать память  и логическое мышление;

·        развивать критическое мышление в процессе работы с текстом, учить давать оценку, высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;

·        развивать  творчество, фантазию, воображение;

·        воспитывать  толерантность и  культуру общения;

·        воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как средству общения.

Обеспечение урока: сигнальные карточки «Fine», «OK», «So-So», воздушные шары с надписями «Name», «Age», «Family», «Traits of Character»,  мультимедийная презентация по теме урока.

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«Конспект урока на тему "Professions" »

Тема: «Professions»

(урок английского языка в 5 классе)

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков учащихся


  • создать ситуацию «Знакомство»;

  • актуализировать знание лексики по темам «О себе», «Семья», «Животные», «Черты характера», «Профессии»;

  • познакомить с особенностями некоторых профессий;

  • развивать память и логическое мышление;

  • развивать критическое мышление в процессе работы с текстом, учить давать оценку, высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;

  • развивать творчество, фантазию, воображение;

  • воспитывать толерантность и культуру общения;

  • воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку как средству общения.

Обеспечение урока: сигнальные карточки «Fine», «OK», «So-So», воздушные шары с надписями «Name», «Age», «Family», «Traits of Character», мультимедийная презентация по теме урока.



I. Warm-up

O.N.: Good morning, pupils! Take your seats. Today we have a very unusual and interesting lesson. And the first unusual thing in it is two teachers. My name is Olga Nikolaevna.

M. V.: And my name is Margarita Valeryevna, We are your English teachers today.

приветствуют учителей, садятся

O. N.: We are glad to see you. We see that you are ready for the lesson. We hope you will be attentive and active. And at the beginning of the lesson we want to know your mood. How are you? There are cards of different colours on your desks. Red card means “FINE”, green card means “OK”, blue card means “SO-SO”. Now show us your cards.

показывают карточки в соответствии с их настроением.

O. N.: We see. As for me I’m fine today but I’m excited a little. And how are you, Margarita Valeryevna?

M. V.: I am fine, thank you.

O. N.: And how are you, ….

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос “How are you?”, используя опору

O. N.: We are glad you are fine and ok. And now let’s meet each other.

M.V.: Look! We have some balloons. What colour is it? Do you like the balloons? Would you like to have one of them? Which one? What colour?

These balloons are not usual. You can find words on the balloons. Read them.

If I take the balloon with the word “NAME” I say “My name is M. V. I am a student now. My future job is a teacher of English”

If I take the balloon with the word “AGE” I say “I am 19”

If I take the balloon with the word

«FAMILY» I say “ I have a ...”

If I take the balloon with the word

“Characteristics\ Traits of character” I say “I am kind and jolly”

Now let`s play the game “Rolling balls”

While the music playing you pass the balloons. When the music stops, you give information according to the word on the balloon. Clear?

Let`s start.

Very good. Thank you. That`s enough.

на шарике "Age"- цифры, «Family» - mother, father и т. д. «Name» - имена...) Учащиеся читают и переводят надписи на шариках

играют в игру и рассказывают о себе

O.N.: We continue our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Why is he/she absent? What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Imagine that you are a radio announcer. Make up the weather forecast for today, please.

Use the scheme which you can see on the screen.

Tell us about the weather in Kurgan, the temperature etc. Say if it is snowy or windy today, if it is cloudy or sunny, if it is warm or cold.

It is good that the weather fine today. We need fine weather we are to travel to the world of jobs. You’ll meet people of different professions there. You will listen to their stories and talk with them, read the text about the jobs. The aim of our lesson is to improve your English and help you to choose your future job.

отвечают на вопросы учителя, делают прогноз погоды.

II. Phonetic exercise

M. V.: Let`s begin to improve our English. Let us do a phonetic exercise. Now look at the screen - you see the poem.

What is the title?

Listen to me and repeat it after me.

Act out the dialogue.

At the end of the lesson you will answer the question “What are you going to be”

читают название стихотворения; повторяют стихотворение за учителем; разыгрывают диалог

III. Lexical exercise

O.N.: Pupils, there are many jobs in the world. What jobs do you remember?

People of different jobs must have different traits of character. Pupils, let's remember the English adjectives.

Look at the screen: repeat the words after me.

Now describe the children.

Now I want you to play a new game. It is called “Snow ball”. Be active and try to remember as many English adjectives which mean traits of character as you can. The winner will get the prize. Let's start.

…. name one trait of character.

…. repeat the adjective and add your own.

…. repeat two adjectives and add your own и т. д.

The winner is ….. Take the prize. Open the box. Read.

Let’s begin our trip. All together pronounce magic phrase!

IV. Trip to the World of Professions

Звучит песня

называют профессии

повторяют прилагательные за учителем

по очереди называют прилагательные, описывая черты детей

играют в игру “Snow ball”

произносят фразу “Let's go!” все вместе

ученики поют песню с учителем

O.N.: Oh! Where are we? What is this?



M.V.(в образе фермера): Hello, dear boys and girls! Glad to meet you. How are you?

“Dear friends, I am a farmer. My name is Mac Donald. Listen to my story.

When I was a child I liked a village, animals, fields and fresh air. So I made up my mind to be a farmer. Now I have a large farm. I have such animals as a house, a cow, a dog, a cat, a hen and a cock, а goat and a goose. I also have a dream to buy a pig.

It is hard to live alone on a farm. So I have a family. The members of my family are my wife Mary, three sons Larry, Nick and Ted and my beloved daughter Ann. They help me to take care about the animals and to work in the field. I`m happy to be a farmer!!! And I do not want to live in the city. I have a good family and a favourite work! I am always with nature and I don`t see violence of people. Farmer is the best profession for me.”

(спотыкается, забывает все)


  • What is my name?

  • What is my profession?

  • Have I got animals? What animals?

  • I Know only that I have a dream, help me to remember it!

  • Is it hard to work alone in a farm?

  • Have I got a family?

  • Do they help me in a farm?

  • Do I like my job and profession?

Dear boys and girls, thank you for your work!!! You worked well and helped me to remember some facts about myself. I think you are tired a little. Let`s have a rest!


Clap, clap, clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Nod, nod, nod your heads,
Nod your heads together,
Dance, dance, dance a dance
Dance a dance together.

I see that you are active and strong enough to continue your trip. I want to present you a ticket to the concert of a young British singer Daisy. You can meet her and have a talk with her. Good luck and Good bye!


O.N.: Do you like the farmer? What is he like? Describe him. Name his traits.

The farmer presented us a ticket to the concert. Do you want to meet with the singer?

That’s OK. But first let`s read about people who protect the stars. How are they called?

Reading the text make the following notes in it:

«V» - I think, that…….

« + » - I didn’t know that….

" ? "– I haven’t understood. I have some questions.

-Now tell me what you knew about the job, what information is new for you.

-Let’s answer the questions – what haven’t you understood.

- Now I want you to agree or disagree with some statements.

Утверждения учителя:

1. All people need to have a bodyguard.

2. Politicians in almost all countries art guarded by bodyguards.

3. Important business people and rock stars never have bodyguards to protect them.

4. A bodyguard is not a dangerous job.

5. Some bodyguards wear bullet-proof vests.

You worked well and you may have a talk with the young British singer Daisy… .

слушают текст для аудирования

отвечают на вопросы «фермера»

делают зарядку

называют черты характера фермера

отвечают на вопрос


Учащиеся читают текст и делают пометки в тексте: «V» , « + », « ? »


Отвечают на вопросы учителя, cами задают вопросы

1.I disagree with you. Some people need to have a bodyguard.

2. I agree with you. Politicians in almost all countries are guarded by bodyguards.

3. I disagree with you. Important business people and rock stars may have bodyguards to protect them.

4. I disagree with you. A bodyguard is a dangerous job.

5. I agree with you. Some bodyguards wear bulletproof vests.


M.V.: Singer: Hello! How are you?

You may ask me about my life and job. I am ready to answer your questions.

Singer: Thank you for your questions! I want to present you my song. Do you want to listen to it?

Исполнение песни

- Good bye!

Задают вопросы певице

Слушают песню “One way ticket”

Возвращение из поездки

V. Summarizing

O. N.: Do you like the singer? What is she like? Let us say thank you to Daisy.

-Was your trip to the World of Jobs interesting?

 -People of what jobs have you met during the trip?

-What other jobs do you know?

-What are your parents’ jobs?

-What are you going to be? Why?

I’m pleased with your work. Thank you. Your marks are …

Your homework for the next lesson will be to retell about your future job.


 M. V.: Let`s make a conclusion. What emotions do you feel now? Why?

Use the words and phrases from the screen.

O.N.: It's time to say «good-bye». Will you stand up?


Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Try to come

In time to school.

- Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!

Отвечают на вопросы учителя

My mother is a … .

My father is a… .

I am going to be a…

I shall be a … .

+ I feel…( satisfaction , proud, happiness, joy, success, surprise) because I …(was not bored; worked hard; answered properly; was active, emotional; fulfilled the task;

received a good mark).

- I feel… (unsatisfaction, boredom, sadness, irritation) because I …(was bored; worked hard ; didn’t relax).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспект урока на тему "Professions"

Автор: Жамойда Ольга Николаевна

Дата: 10.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 200031

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