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Конспект урока на тему "My plans for Future"

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:        «Му Plans for Future»

Сыныбы: 8

Саба?ты? ма?саты:

  1. О?ушыларды «Му Plans for Future» та?ырыбын, болаша??а жоспарлары жайлы еркін айтып, ??гімелей білуге т?селдіру. «Real Conditional, Unreal Conditional, Future Indefinite» та?ырыптарын, ?олданылу ережелерін д?рыс пайдалану?а ?йрету.
  2.  О?ушыларды е?бек с?йгіштікке, армандау?а ж?не сол арман?а жетуге талпына білуге т?рбиелеу.
  3. О?ушыларды? еркін с?йлеу, ойлау, есте са?тау ?абілеттерін арттыру. С?здік ?орын ке?ейту.

Саба?ты? барысы:

  1. ?йымдастыру кезе?і

 - Good morning, boys and girls!

 - How are you?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent?

  1. Phonetic drill
  2. Checking the home work

-Read the text, retell the text, page 181.

-Answer the questions (page 180)

  1. Негізгі кезе?
  1. Complete the sentences:
  1. You will enjoy yourself if you ( Италия?а барса?дар).
  2. Ask him if he ( Италия?а барады).
  3. I don’t know when he ( Лондоннан келеді).
  4. I’ll phone to him when he ( Лондон?а келгенде).
  5. I’ll  talk to him if I ( Б?гін оны к?рсем).
  6. I’m not sure if I ( Б?гін оны к?ремін).
  7. If air pollution gets worse ( Ешкім демала алмайды).
  8. If Daniel trains hard ( Ол келесі жылы же?еді).
  9. I will not get up at 5 in the morning if I ( ?азір ?йы?тамасам).
  1. Read the text on page 181 ”Му Plans for Future”.
  2. Answer the following questions:

What do you want no be in Future?

What do you know about your future profession?

Is this profession new or old?

What do you need to get this profession?

What do think about new professions in our life?

Is education or training necessary to be successful in life?

4. -Exercise 6, page 181

        1. My sister would come to see me

a) if he had had enough money at that moment

       2. He would have bought the book

b) if she were not busy today

       3. Patty’s dreams would probably have come true 

c) if he hadn’t made so many grammar mistakes

  1. He would have passed the exam


d) if we care about the environment

  1. We shall save our Planet


e) if the jug of milk hadn’t fallen on the road.

 5.  “My Dream”

Make up sentences putting the words in the right order.

1.   a. had    b. photo c. if  d. a  e.    f. camera   g. I  h. take  i. a j. would

2.   a. find 

      b. I’ll

      c. it

      d. book

      e. you

      f. if

      g. the

      h. I

            i. give

            j. to

7. – Let’s talk about your summer holiday

-Look at the pictures and make sentences

8. Comment on the situations. Use conditionals with “would”.

My friend can’t come to my birthday party because he is ill.

  1. I can’t write to my friend because I’m very busy.
  2. You can’t play football because you have hurt your leg.
  3. Omar saw an interesting book at the bookshop, but he didn’t buy it because he didn’t have enough money.
  4. Patty was unhappy because her dreams did not come true.

?орытындылау кезе?і

  • What theme we have had today?
  • Did you like our lesson?
  • Why?

?йге тапсырма беру.

Home task:

  • Write a composition “My Plans for Future”
  • Ex.2. p. 182 ( Say in English)
  1. Ба?алау

- The lesson is over, good-bye children.

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«конспект урока на тему "My plans for Future"»

Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Му Plans for Future»

Сыныбы: 8

Сабақтың мақсаты:

  1. Оқушыларды «Му Plans for Future» тақырыбын, болашаққа жоспарлары жайлы еркін айтып, әңгімелей білуге төселдіру. «Real Conditional, Unreal Conditional, Future Indefinite» тақырыптарын, қолданылу ережелерін дұрыс пайдалануға үйрету.

  2. Оқушыларды еңбек сүйгіштікке, армандауға және сол арманға жетуге талпына білуге тәрбиелеу.

  3. Оқушылардың еркін сөйлеу, ойлау, есте сақтау қабілеттерін арттыру. Сөздік қорын кеңейту.

Сабақтың барысы:

  1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

- Good morning, boys and girls!

- How are you?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent?

  1. Phonetic drill

  2. Checking the home work

-Read the text, retell the text, page 181.

-Answer the questions (page 180)

  1. Негізгі кезең

  1. Complete the sentences:

  1. You will enjoy yourself if you ( Италияға барсаңдар).

  2. Ask him if he ( Италияға барады).

  3. I don’t know when he ( Лондоннан келеді).

  4. I’ll phone to him when he ( Лондонға келгенде).

  5. I’ll talk to him if I ( Бүгін оны көрсем).

  6. I’m not sure if I ( Бүгін оны көремін).

  7. If air pollution gets worse ( Ешкім демала алмайды).

  8. If Daniel trains hard ( Ол келесі жылы жеңеді).

  9. I will not get up at 5 in the morning if I ( Қазір ұйықтамасам).

  1. Read the text on page 181 ”Му Plans for Future”.

  2. Answer the following questions:

What do you want no be in Future?

What do you know about your future profession?

Is this profession new or old?

What do you need to get this profession?

What do think about new professions in our life?

Is education or training necessary to be successful in life?

4. -Exercise 6, page 181

1. My sister would come to see me

a) if he had had enough money at that moment

2. He would have bought the book

b) if she were not busy today

3. Patty’s dreams would probably have come true

c) if he hadn’t made so many grammar mistakes

  1. He would have passed the exam

d) if we care about the environment

  1. We shall save our Planet

e) if the jug of milk hadn’t fallen on the road.

5. “My Dream”

Make up sentences putting the words in the right order.

1. a. had b. photo c. if d. a e. f. camera g. I h. take i. a j. would

2. a. find

b. I’ll

c. it

d. book

e. you

f. if

g. the

h. I

i. give

j. to

7. – Let’s talk about your summer holiday

-Look at the pictures and make sentences

8. Comment on the situations. Use conditionals with “would”.

My friend can’t come to my birthday party because he is ill.

    1. I can’t write to my friend because I’m very busy.

    2. You can’t play football because you have hurt your leg.

    3. Omar saw an interesting book at the bookshop, but he didn’t buy it because he didn’t have enough money.

    4. Patty was unhappy because her dreams did not come true.

Қорытындылау кезеңі

  • What theme we have had today?

  • Did you like our lesson?

  • Why?

Үйге тапсырма беру.

Home task:

  • Write a composition “My Plans for Future”

  • Ex.2. p. 182 ( Say in English)

  1. Бағалау

- The lesson is over, good-bye children.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

конспект урока на тему "My plans for Future"

Автор: Кусаинова Назым Елюкановна

Дата: 14.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 253182

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