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Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Australia"

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Конспект урока по книге Аяпова 6 класс для русских классов. Главная цель- расширить знание об Австралии, показать виды спорта,традиций,культуру и т.д. показать на карте положение и климат Австралий. Первый организационный момент.Ознакомить с новыми словами, записать в словари, повторить хором и индивидуально. Прочитать самоц текст, затем по цыпочке и по одному. Работа по тексту,правильно или нет. Вопросы по тексту. В конце урока,чтобы заключительная часть была интересной, я взяла игру "Кубики". Ученик выходит на доску и бросает на парту кубик. На кубик есть цифры, и какая цифра выпадает,и ученик отвечает на вопрос под номером. по данному игре можно узнать поняли ли ученики текст и что они узнали про Австралию. Оцениваем учеников, даем домашнее задание, и прощаемся до следующего урока.

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«Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Australia"»

The outline of the lesson plan

Date: 4.03.2015

Subject: English

Form: 6 “Б”

Theme: Australia.

The form of the lesson: traditional

The type of the lesson: new lesson

The aims of the lesson: by the end of the lesson pupils should know about Australia.

The objectives of the lesson:

  1. Educational

Vocabulary topics:

– continent, government, dry, etc.

  1. Upbringing:

  • To extend pupils’ knowledge about Australia.

  1. Developing:

  • To develop pupils’ imagination and extend their vocabulary stock and grammar;

  • To develop listening, reading, speaking, writing, habits and oral speech;

  • To develop pupils’ polylingual and polycultural identity.

  1. Communicative:

  • Talking about Australia in pairs and in subgroups

Inter – subject connection: Russian, English, practical grammar, pedagogic,geography .

Methods of teaching: exercises, instruction, demonstration, practice, explanation

The equipment of the lesson:

  • Visual aids: new words, pictures, cards, slides.

  • Technical means: interactive board

Literature: English text-book for the 6th form by T.A. Ayapova Алматы


Internet recourses: www.mugalim.kz, www.enjoyenglish, etc.

The procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupils’ activity

I. Introduction

II. Vocabulary presentation

III. Reading

  1. VI. Conclusion

  1. Giving home task

  1. Evaluation

1. Greeting:

- Good afternoon boys and girls!

- Sit down please.

2. Talking about duty?

- Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

- What day is it today?

- Who is absent today?

3. Checking up of the home task:

- OK. Very nice! What was your home task?

- Are you ready boys and girls?

- Who wants to answer?

- Ok. Let me have a look at your copybooks.

The theme of our lesson is Australia. Today we shall read and introduce with new words and talk about Australia.

- Ok, boys and girls, look at the blackboard there are some new words. Listen to me and repeat after me, please.

Land - земля

Country - страна

Old - старый

Dry - сухой

Different - различный

Government - правительство

Continent - континент

Read and translate the following text into Russian language.

Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world. It is the sixth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It’s located to the south of Equator , between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Australia is the flattest continent after Antarctica. It is also the world’s driest continent.

There are six different states in Australia: Western Australia, Queensland. New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. There are also two territories: Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory. Each Australian state has its own government and its own capital city. The state capitals are: Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide Australia is a very urban. About 70 per cent of the population lives in the 10 largest cities. Australia’s national day on 26 January. Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is not the biggest city. Australia’s official language is English.

True (T) or false (F) ?

1. Sydney is the capital of Australia.(F)

2. Australia is one of the oldest lands in the world.(T)

3. It’s located to the south of Equator(T)

4. It is the seventh largest country in the world.(F)

5. Australia’s national day on 15 January.(F)

6. There are six different states in Australia.(T)

А теперь давайте послушаем гимн Австралии.

Сегодняшняя тема всем была понятна? Все поняли? Есть какие-нибудь вопросы?


1.What is the official name of Australia?

2.What is the capital of Australia?

3.Where is Australia located?

4. Australian’s national day - …

5.Name six different states in Australia.

6.Name two territories.

Open your diaries and write down the home task:

Выучить новые слова и привести 1

10 примеров косвенной речи.

- So, boys and girls I’ll give you marks. I want to evaluate your activities.

P1 – you are the best, who works hard today. Your English is good and I put you excellent.

P2 – you want to work industries, but you have some mistakes. I put you good mark.


- Stand up! The lesson is over!

- Good bye boys and girls!

Good afternoon teacher!

- I’m on duty today

- Today is the fifth of March.

- Today is Wednesday.

- All are present.

- Good Bye teacher!

Teacher:_______Bolatova B.A

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока английского языка по теме "Australia"

Автор: Болатова Айя Болатовна

Дата: 29.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311924

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