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Конспект урока английский

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Form 2                                   Lesson 1                                 Date:

The theme of the lesson:                   Greeting

The aim of the lesson:           To teach students to greet each other and introduce themselves in English.

 To promote students ' interest in studying the subject.

 To develop skills of speaking.

                                               To review alphabets and colors, to count from 1 to 12

Visual aids:                            cards with alphabets, colors, numbers, CD # 2,3

Vocabulary:                           big, small, letters

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment:          Greeting

                                               Hello, children! Hello, teacher!

                                               My name is Nazym. (Introduce myself) Let’s introduce. Asking their

                                               names. What’s your name?

Open your books on page 3. Let’s introduce new persons of the book. Look at the pictures. Who are they? They are Miss Blue, Ademy, Bobby, and Ted bear.

Ex 1, p 4. Let’s repeat alphabets. Look at these letters, which are big letters? Which are small?

            T: Say the big letters:

            Pl: A,C,D,F,G,H,I,J,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X.

            T: Say the small letters:

            Pl: b,e,k,o,z

OK, which letters gave same sounds, let’s write the board.

[ei] – Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk

            [i:] – Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Gg, Pp, Tt, Vv

            [e] –Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz

            [ju:] – Qq, Uu, Ww

            [ou] – Oo

            [ai] – Ii, Yy

            [?] – Rr

Repeat the letters again.

Ex 2, p. 4 (CD #2)Listen and sing

            Let’s sing the ABC.

            Let’s sing the ABC.

           Let’s sing the ABC.

          One, two, three.

              ABC DEF

             GHI JKL

             MNOP QRST

             UVW XYZ.

            Let’s sing the ABC.

            Let’s sing the ABC.

           Let’s sing the ABC.

           One, two, three.

Ex. 3, p. 5 Colours.

Say all colors. T: What is your favorite colour? P: blue, yellow….

Ask them What is this? What colour is this?

T: What’s this?

P: Tiger

T: What colour is tiger?

P: Black and orange.

Look at the Ex. 1 and say the yellow letters. P: C,N,Y

Say the blue letters. P: e,p

Ex. 4, p 6 Numbers

Let’s count numbers and say their colours. Number 1 is red, number 2 is orange.

Asking What colour is number 3? Pupils answering. Look at the board I’ll write and you’ll say

(5+5=) Pupils say (five and five is ten).

Ex. 5, p. 7 (CD# 3)Listen and sing

One brown car.                      Seven grey robots.

Two black guitars.                  Eight yellow dombras.

Three pink dolls.                     Nine indigo kites.

Four orange balls.                 Nine purple bikes.

Five blue planes.                    Eleven red bricks.

Six green trains.                      Twelve white sticks

 Conclusion: Playing games for checking “What is missing?”

Home task: Open your Work books,

Ex. 1, p. 3 Write, point and say the letters.

Ex. 2, p. 3 Look at the pictures and write their names.

OK, the lesson is over. Good buy children.

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«Конспект урока английский »

Form 2 Lesson 1 Date:

The theme of the lesson: Greeting

The aim of the lesson: To teach students to greet each other and introduce themselves in English.

To promote students ' interest in studying the subject.

To develop skills of speaking.

To review alphabets and colors, to count from 1 to 12

Visual aids: cards with alphabets, colors, numbers, CD # 2,3

Vocabulary: big, small, letters

The procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment: Greeting

Hello, children! Hello, teacher!

My name is Nazym. (Introduce myself) Let’s introduce. Asking their

names. What’s your name?

Open your books on page 3. Let’s introduce new persons of the book. Look at the pictures. Who are they? They are Miss Blue, Ademy, Bobby, and Ted bear.

Ex 1, p 4. Let’s repeat alphabets. Look at these letters, which are big letters? Which are small?

T: Say the big letters:

Pl: A,C,D,F,G,H,I,J,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X.

T: Say the small letters:

Pl: b,e,k,o,z

OK, which letters gave same sounds, let’s write the board.

[ei] – Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk

[i:] – Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Gg, Pp, Tt, Vv

[e] –Ff, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz

[ju:] – Qq, Uu, Ww

[ou] – Oo

[ai] – Ii, Yy

[ʌ] – Rr

Repeat the letters again.

Ex 2, p. 4 (CD #2)Listen and sing

Let’s sing the ABC.

Let’s sing the ABC.

Let’s sing the ABC.

One, two, three.





Let’s sing the ABC.

Let’s sing the ABC.

Let’s sing the ABC.

One, two, three.

Ex. 3, p. 5 Colours.

Say all colors. T: What is your favorite colour? P: blue, yellow….

Ask them What is this? What colour is this?

T: What’s this?

P: Tiger

T: What colour is tiger?

P: Black and orange.

Look at the Ex. 1 and say the yellow letters. P: C,N,Y

Say the blue letters. P: e,p

Ex. 4, p 6 Numbers

Let’s count numbers and say their colours. Number 1 is red, number 2 is orange.

Asking What colour is number 3? Pupils answering. Look at the board I’ll write and you’ll say

(5+5=) Pupils say (five and five is ten).

Ex. 5, p. 7 (CD# 3)Listen and sing

One brown car. Seven grey robots.

Two black guitars. Eight yellow dombras.

Three pink dolls. Nine indigo kites.

Four orange balls. Nine purple bikes.

Five blue planes. Eleven red bricks.

Six green trains. Twelve white sticks

Conclusion: Playing games for checking “What is missing?”

Home task: Open your Work books,

Ex. 1, p. 3 Write, point and say the letters.

Ex. 2, p. 3 Look at the pictures and write their names.

OK, the lesson is over. Good buy children.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Конспект урока английский

Автор: Есентаева Назым Толетаевна

Дата: 03.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 196675

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