Оргмомент, сообщение целей урока.
- Good morning, boys and girls, sit down, please. I’m glad to see you here and we are glad to see our guests.
- Today at the lesson we are going to speak about different hobbies and to listen about your hobbies, and we’ll discuss the text about a famous man in the world of cartoons Walt Disney.
- How are you today?
- Are you ready for the lesson?
- Are you ready to work?
- Are you ready to speak?
- Речевая зарядка (повторение изученных ЛЕ)
- Let’s begin with the quiz on the topic “Hobbies”. Listen to the sentences and guess the words.
- A long story with many characters (a novel)
- A famous American cartoon maker (W.Disney)
- A place where we see films (a cinema)
- Films about famous people, real life, nature, animals (documentary)
- A funny film (a comedy)
- People at the cinema, theatre, in the classroom (audience)
- 15 minutes (a quarter)
- A show at the theatre (a performance)
- The thing people like to do in free time (a hobby)
- A person who is a good professional (a specialist)
- A person who collects smth (a collector)
- A place where the actors play (a theatre, a stage)
- The best seats at the theatre are (in the stalls)
- A place where we can take books (a library)
- People collect these things, you can put it on your jacket, shirt, sweater (a badge)
(за правильный ответ учащиеся получают фишку)
- Thank you for your answers, I hope you liked the quiz.
3. Работа с лексикой по теме “Hobbies”, составление предложений.
- What hobbies do you know?
- Take the cards with the words on the topic “Hobbies”. There are many different hobbies and now group the words according to the hobbies.
- Put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 near the words.
novel fiction
screen feature film
badges the stalls
performance stamps
Read the words on the topic “Collecting”, “Reading”, “Going to the cinema”, “Going to the theatre”.
Make your sentences with these words (ученики составляют свои предложения с ЛЕ)
4. Работа по теме “Hobbies”
- Now we are going to read our oral topic “Hobbies” and to discuss the hobbies people like to do.
Чтение текста
- Let’s do different tasks
1. Translate the expressions from Russian into English
-свободное время, коллекционирование марок, занятия спортом и др.
2. Answer the questions
1. What can you see at the theatre?
2. Where are the best seats?
3. Where do you visit theatres?
4. What kinds of films do you know?
5. What films do you like?
6. What is the role of films?
7. What hobby is useful for pupils?
8. What do books give us?
3. Make up the sentences
-Thank you, you see that all hobbies are interesting and useful. Now let’s listen to your short stories about your hobbies.
4. Высказывания учащихся по теме “My Hobby”.
- I am fond of collecting toy cars. I’ve got models of … My cars are very nice. I know much information about these cars. I keep them on the shelf.
- My hobby is collecting stamps. I began collecting 3 years ago. I have 2 thematic collections: sport and famous people. I keep my stamps in the boxes on the shelves. My hobby gives much new information about people, countries, life.
- My hobby is drawing. I like to draw animals, cars, trees, people. My pictures are very nice. They are on the walls in my room.
- Thank you for your stories.
- What is Kostya’s hobby?
- What is Ilia fond of?
- Do you draw characters from cartoons?
- Have you got pictures of cartoon characters?
- Do you like cartoons? - Do you like American cartoons?
- What famous American cartoon maker do you know?
5. Работа по тексту “Walt Disney’s World”.
- Last lesson we read the text “Walt Disney’s World”. Now we are going to discuss it.
- Finish the sentences
1. The name of Walt Disney is (very famous in the world).
- He created a lot of (short cartoons and many longer films).
- He was born in (Chicago on December 5, 1901).
- He made a mouse (the main character of the cartoon).
- In 1928 Mickey Mouse was (on the screen for the 1st time).
- Disney’s stories end (happily).
- His films are (easy and nice to watch).
- Walt Disney built (Disneyland in California near Los Angeles).
- Disneyland is a place …
2. Correct false statements
(ученики получают карточки и исправляют предложения)
False Statements
- What 2 parts can we see in the text? (Walt Disney and his cartoons; Disneyland)
- Look at the blackboard. You can see the key words of the story. Make up the stories using the words.
3. Составление рассказов на основе текста
1 2
A lot of cartoons a special place
Was born in to have fun
Draw pictures in California
To make a mouse children of all ages
In 1928 …on screen to return to the world…
Bright, clever, kind have a voyage
End happily travel to the…
(ученики пересказывают текст по опорным словам)
- Работа с грамматическим материалом (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect)
- What tense is used in the text about Disney? (Past Simple)
- What tense do you use in the stories about your hobbies? (Present Simple)
- What tense is between Present and Past? (Present Perfect)
- Let’s work with grammar. Take cards and do grammar exercises.
Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple?
1. My friend (to collect) stamps. He (to begin) collecting 3 years ago.
2. I never (to see) performances on the stage.
3. I (to buy) 2 tickets for the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” yesterday.
4. We (to be) fond of travelling.
5. Our friend Ilia (to specialize) in Maths.
6. We (to study) English since the 1st form.
- Рефлексия, итоги урока
- Thank you, your grammar is good. Today at the lesson we have discussed the topic “Hobbies”, we have listened to your stories about hobbies and have done many exercises.
- Did you like the tasks?
- What was the most interesting exercise?
- Did you like the stories about your hobbies?
- Have you learnt about your friends’ hobbies?
- Did you like our lesson?
- Your marks for the lesson are…
- Домашнее задание
At home you’ll continue working with the topic “Hobbies”. Your homework is …
- Thank you for your work. Good-bye.